diff --git a/packages/backend/src/core/chart/charts/users.ts b/packages/backend/src/core/chart/charts/users.ts
index d148fc629b..840522ae9b 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/core/chart/charts/users.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/core/chart/charts/users.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 import { Injectable, Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
-import { Not, IsNull, DataSource } from 'typeorm';
+import { Not, IsNull, Like, DataSource } from 'typeorm';
 import type { MiUser } from '@/models/User.js';
 import { AppLockService } from '@/core/AppLockService.js';
 import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ export default class UsersChart extends Chart<typeof schema> { // eslint-disable
 	protected async tickMajor(): Promise<Partial<KVs<typeof schema>>> {
 		const [localCount, remoteCount] = await Promise.all([
-			this.usersRepository.countBy({ host: IsNull() }),
+			// that Not(Like()) is ugly, but it matches the logic in
+			// packages/backend/src/models/User.ts to not count "system"
+			// accounts
+			this.usersRepository.countBy({ host: IsNull(), username: Not(Like('%.%')) }),
 			this.usersRepository.countBy({ host: Not(IsNull()) }),