diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ar-SA.yml b/sharkey-locales/ar-SA.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcd5143c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ar-SA.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+introMisskey: "اهلا بك! ميسكي هو منصة تدوين مصغر لا مركزية ومفتوحة المصدر.\nيمكنك مشاركة \"ملاحظات\" عن ما يجري حولك، وإخبار الجميع عن نفسك 📡\nتسمح لك \"الانفعالات\" بتعبير عن شعورك حول ملاحظات الآخرين 👍\nاكتشف عالمًا جديدًا 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} هو إحدى الخِدمات التي تستخدم المنصة مفتوحة المصدر ميسكي (يشار إليه كمثيل ميسكي)"
+renotedBy: "أعاد نشرها {user}"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "أمتأكد من حذف الملاحظة؟ ستفقد كل مشاركاتها، والتفاعلات، والردود عليها."
+renote: "أعد النشر"
+unrenote: "إلغاء مشاركة الملاحظة"
+renoted: "أُعيد نشره"
+cantRenote: "لا يمكن إعادة نشر الملاحظة"
+cantReRenote: "لا يمكنك إعادة نشر ملاحظة معاد نشرها"
+inChannelRenote: "إعادة نشر في قناة"
+renoteMute: "اكتم إعادة النشر"
+renoteUnmute: "ارفع الكتم عن إعادة النشر"
+flagAsBotDescription: "فعّل هذا الخيار إذا كان هذا الحساب يُدار عبر برمجية. إذا فُعل فسيكون بمثابة علامة للمطورين الآخرين لتجنب سلاسل لا متناهية من التفاعل بين حسابات الآلية وضبط أنظمة ميسكي للتعامل مع هذا الحساب كآلي."
+intro: "لقد انتهت عملية تنصيب Misskey. الرجاء إنشاء حساب إداري."
+antennaUsersDescription: "اكتب اسم مستخدم لكل سطر"
+aboutMisskey: "عن Misskey"
+forwardReport: "وجّه البلاغ إلى المثيل البعيد"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "في المثيل البعيد سيظهر المبلّغ كحساب مجهول."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "علّم البلاغ كمحلول"
+i18nInfo: "يترجم متطوعون ميسكي إلى عدة لغات، يمكنك المساعدة عبر {link}"
+renotesCount: "عدد الملاحظات المعاد نشرها (المرسلة)"
+renotedCount: "عدد الملاحظات المعاد نشرها (المتلقاة)"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "إذا فعّلته ستساعد في تحسين ميسكي وذلك عبر مشاركة معلومات تفصيلية عن الخطأ.\nومما تحتويه التقارير: نسخة نظام التشغيل ونوع المتصفح وسجل نشاطك إلخ."
+misskeyUpdated: "حُدث ميسكي!"
+usernameInfo: "الاسم الذي يميزك عن بافي مستخدمي هذا الخادم، يمكنك استخدام الحروف اللاتينية (a~z, A~Z) والأرقام (0~9) والشرطة السفلية (_). لا يمكنك تغييره بعد تسجيله."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "هل أعجبك ميسكي؟"
+pleaseDonate: "يستخدم {host} البرمجية الحرة ميسكي. نتمنى أن تتبرعوا للمشروع مما سيسمح لنا متابعة تطويره!"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "تصغير حجم التفاعلات"
+renotesList: "إعادات النشر"
+goToMisskey: "لميسكي"
+replies: "رد"
+renotes: "أعد النشر"
+ stop: "مُعلّق"
+ title: "يتابعك"
+ _types:
+ renote: "أعاد النشر"
+ renote: "أعاد النشر"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "أعد النشر"
+ _events:
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ title: "غير متصل - يتعذر الاتصال بالخادم"
+ title: "غير متصل - يتعذر الاتصال بالخادم"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/bn-BD.yml b/sharkey-locales/bn-BD.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f05a72ceee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/bn-BD.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+introMisskey: "স্বাগতম! মিসকি একটি ওপেন সোর্স, ডিসেন্ট্রালাইজড মাইক্রোব্লগিং পরিষেবা। \n\"নোট\" তৈরির মাধ্যমে যা ঘটছে তা সবার সাথে শেয়ার করুন 📡\n\"রিঅ্যাকশন\" গুলির মাধ্যমে যেকোনো নোট সম্পর্কে আপনার অনুভূতি ব্যাক্ত করতে পারেন 👍\nএকটি নতুন দুনিয়া ঘুরে দেখুন 🚀\n"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} হল ওপেন সোর্স প্ল্যাটফর্ম Misskey-এর সার্ভারগুলির একটি৷"
+renotedBy: "{user} রিনোট করেছেন"
+copyLinkRenote: "রিনোট লিঙ্ক কপি করুন"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "আপনি কি এই নোটটি মুছে এটি সম্পাদনা করার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? আপনি এটির সমস্ত রিঅ্যাকশন, রিনোট এবং জবাব হারাবেন।"
+renote: "রিনোট"
+unrenote: "রিনোট সরান "
+renoted: "রিনোট করা হয়েছে"
+cantRenote: "এই নোটটি রিনোট করা যাবে না।"
+cantReRenote: "রিনোটকে রিনোট করা যাবে না।"
+inChannelRenote: "চ্যানেলে রিনোট"
+flagAsBotDescription: "এই অ্যাকাউন্টটি যদি একটি প্রোগ্রাম দ্বারা পরিচালিত হয়, তাহলে এই অপশনটি চালু করুন। ইন্টারঅ্যাকশান চেইনিং রোধ করতে, মিস্কির সিস্টেম পরিচালনাকে বট-বান্ধব করতে এবং অন্যান্য ডেভেলপারদের সাহায্য করতে আপনার বট এ এই অপশনটি চালু করুন৷"
+intro: "Misskey এর ইন্সটলেশন সম্পন্ন হয়েছে!দয়া করে অ্যাডমিন ইউজার তৈরি করুন।"
+antennaUsersDescription: "প্রত্যেক লাইনে একজন ব্যবহারকারীর নাম লিখুন"
+aboutMisskey: "Misskey সম্পর্কে"
+disableDrawer: "ড্রয়ার মেনু প্রদর্শন করবেন না"
+scratchpadDescription: "স্ক্র্যাচপ্যাড AiScript-এর জন্য একটি পরীক্ষামূলক পরিবেশ প্রদান করে। আপনি মিস্কির সাথে ইন্টারঅ্যাক্ট করে এমন কোড লিখতে, চালাতে এবং তার ফলাফল দেখতে পারেন।"
+forwardReport: "রিমোট ইন্সত্যান্সে অভিযোগটি পাঠান"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "আপনার তথ্য রিমোট ইন্সত্যান্সে পাঠানো হবে না এবং একটি বেনামী সিস্টেম অ্যাকাউন্ট হিসাবে প্রদর্শিত হবে।"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "অভিযোগটিকে সমাধাকৃত হিসাবে চিহ্নিত করুন"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey স্বেচ্ছাসেবকদের দ্বারা বিভিন্ন ভাষায় অনুবাদ করা হচ্ছে। আপনি {link} এ গিয়ে অনুবাদে সহযোগিতা করতে পারেন।"
+renotesCount: "রিনোটের সংখ্যা"
+renotedCount: "রিনোট পেয়েছেন"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "চালু থাকলে, বিস্তারিত ত্রুটির তথ্য Misskey-এর সাথে শেয়ার করা হয়। যা সফ্টওয়্যারটির গুণমান উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে। ত্রুটির তথ্যের মধ্যে রয়েছে OS সংস্করণ, ব্রাউজারের ধরন, কর্মের ইতিহাস ইত্যাদি।"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey আপডেট করা হয়েছে!"
+usernameInfo: "একটি নাম যা সার্ভারে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টটিকে অনন্যভাবে সনাক্ত করে। আপনি বর্ণমালা (a ~ z, A ~ Z), সংখ্যা (0 ~ 9), এবং আন্ডারস্কোর (_) ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। ব্যবহারকারীর নাম পরে পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।"
+replies: "জবাব"
+renotes: "রিনোট"
+ stop: "স্থগিত করা হয়েছে"
+ title: "আপনাকে অনুসরণ করছে"
+ _types:
+ renote: "রিনোট"
+ renote: "রিনোট"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "রিনোট"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ca-ES.yml b/sharkey-locales/ca-ES.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf7da08c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ca-ES.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+introMisskey: "Benvingut! Misskey és un servei de microblogging descentralitzat de codi obert.\nCrea \"notes\" per compartir els teus pensaments amb tots els que t'envolten. 📡\nAmb \"reaccions\", també pots expressar ràpidament els teus sentiments sobre les notes de tothom. 👍\nExplorem un món nou! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} És un del serveis (anomenats instàncies de Misskey) que utilitzen la plataforma de codi obert Misskey."
+renotedBy: "Impulsat per {usuari}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copiar l'enllaç de la renota"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Segur que vols eliminar aquesta publicació i editar-la? Perdràs totes les reaccions, impulsos i respostes."
+renote: "Impulsa"
+unrenote: "Anul·la l'impuls"
+renoted: "S'ha impulsat"
+cantRenote: "No es pot impulsar aquesta publicació"
+cantReRenote: "No es pot impulsar l'impuls."
+inChannelRenote: "Renotar només al Canal"
+renoteMute: "Silenciar Renotes"
+renoteUnmute: "Treure el silenci de les renotes"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Marca aquest compte com a bot"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Llista els enllaços d'amfitrió de les instàncies que vols silenciar. Tots els comptes de les instàncies llistades s'establiran com silenciades i només podran fer sol·licitacions de seguiment, i no podran mencionar als comptes locals si no els segueixen. Això no afectarà les instàncies bloquejades."
+intro: "La instal·lació de Misskey ha acabat! Crea un usuari d'administrador."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Llistar un nom d'usuari per línia"
+aboutMisskey: "Quant a Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "No mostrar els menús en calaixos"
+showReactionsCount: "Mostra el nombre de reaccions a les publicacions"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Reproduir sons només quan Misskey estigui actiu"
+scratchpadDescription: "El bloc de proves proporciona un entorn experimental per AiScript. Pot escriure i verificar els resultats que interactuen amb Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Denuncia una renota"
+forwardReport: "Transferir la denúncia a una instància remota"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "En lloc del teu compte, es farà servir un compte anònim com a denunciant al servidor remot."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marca la denúncia com a resolta"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey està sent traduït a diferents idiomes per voluntaris. Pots ajudar aquí {link}."
+renotesCount: "Impulsos fets"
+renotedCount: "Impulsos rebuts"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Quan s'activa, es compartirà amb Misskey informació detallada de l'error quan es trobi un problema això farà pujar la qualitat de Misskey.\nAixò inclourà informació com la versió del SO que fas servir, el navegador web que fas servir, la teva activitat a Misskey, etc."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey s'ha actualitzat "
+usernameInfo: "Un nom que identifiqui el teu compte d'altres en aquest servidor. Pots fer servir lletres (a~z, A~Z), números (0~9) i guions baixos (_). Els noms d'usuari no es poden canviar després."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "T'està agradant Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "A {host} fem servir el software lliure Misskey. Considera fer un donatiu a Misskey perquè pugui continuar el seu desenvolupament!"
+collapseRenotes: "Col·lapsar les renotes que ja has vist"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limitar l'amplada màxima de la reacció i mostrar-les en una mida reduïda "
+renotesList: "Impulsos"
+goToMisskey: "Ves a Misskey"
+replies: "Respostes"
+renotes: "Impulsa"
+showRenotes: "Mostrar impulsos"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Efectes de pantalla segons les estacions"
+ stop: "Suspés"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Pots continuar amb un tutorial per aprendre a Fer servir {name} (MissKey) o tu pots estalviar i començar a fer-lo servir ja."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Aquí aprendràs el bàsic per poder fer servir Misskey i les seves característiques."
+ _note:
+ description: "Les publicacions a Misskey es diuen 'Notes'. Les Notes s'ordenen cronològicament a la línia de temps i s'actualitzen de forma automàtica."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Es poden afegir reaccions fent clic al botó '{reaction}'. Prova reaccionant a aquesta nota!"
+ reactDone: "Pots desfer una reacció fent clic al botó '{undo}'."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey mostra diferents línies de temps basades en l'ús (algunes poden no estar disponibles depenent de la política del servidor)"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Quan públiques una nota a Misskey hi ha diferents opcions disponibles. El formulari de publicació es veu així"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Publicar només a línia de temps d'Inici. La gent que visiti el teu perfil o mitjançant les remotes també la podran veure."
+ followers: "Només visible per a seguidors. Només els teus seguidors la podran veure i ningú més. Ningú més podrà fer renotes."
+ _done:
+ title: "Has completat el tutorial 🎉"
+ description: "Les funcions explicades aquí és una petita mostra. Per una explicació més detallada de com fer servir MissKey consulta {link}."
+ moveAccountDescription: "Això migrarà la teva compte a un altre diferent.\n ・Els seguidors d'aquest compte és passaran al compte nou de forma automàtica\n ・Es deixaran de seguir a tots els usuaris que es segueixen actualment en aquest compte\n ・No es poden crear notes noves, etc. en aquest compte\n\nSi bé la migració de seguidors es automàtica, has de preparar alguns pasos manualment per migrar la llista d'usuaris que segueixes. Per fer això has d'exportar els seguidors que després importaraes al compte nou mitjançant el menú de configuració. El mateix procediment s'ha de seguir per less teves llistes i els teus usuaris silenciats i bloquejats.\n\n(Aquesta explicació s'aplica a Misskey v13.12.0 i posteriors. Altres aplicacions, com Mastodon, poden funcionar diferent.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Aquí, configurant el meu msky"
+ flavor: "Passa-t'ho bé fent servir Miskey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Gràcies per fer servir MissKey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "Estimo Misskey"
+ description: "Publica \"I ❤ #Misskey\""
+ flavor: "L'equip de desenvolupament de Misskey agraeix el vostre suport!"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Mantingues obert Misskey per 30 minuts"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "A totes amb Misskey"
+ description: "Mantingues Misskey obert per 60 minuts"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Diploma del Curs Elemental de Misskey"
+ _options:
+ _condition:
+ banned: "No pots registrar-te amb aquesta adreça de correu electrònic "
+ about: "Misskey és un programa de codi obert desenvolupar per syuilo des de 2014"
+ translation: "Tradueix Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Permet la citació i l'impuls fora del canal"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Silencia tots els impulsos dels servidors seleccionats, també els usuaris que responen a altres d'un servidor silenciat."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Els àudios molt llargs pot interrompre l'ús de Misskey. Vols continuar?"
+ blocks:
+ youRenoted: "Impulsat per {name}"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "L'han impulsat {n} usuaris"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Instal·lar des d'un lloc extern"
+ title: "Instal·lar des d'un lloc extern"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/cs-CZ.yml b/sharkey-locales/cs-CZ.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61c8d79ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/cs-CZ.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+introMisskey: "Vítejte! Misskey je otevřený a decentralizovaný microblogový servis.\n\"Poznámkami\" můžete sdílet co se zrovna děje se všemi ve Vašem okolí. 📡\nPomocí \"reakcí\" můžete sdílet své názory a pocity na ostatní poznámky. 👍\nPojďte objevovat nový svět! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} je jeden ze serverů využívající open source platformu Misskey (nazývaná \"Misskey instance\")."
+renotedBy: "{user} přeposla/a"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Jste si jistí že chcete smazat tuto poznámku a editovat ji? Ztratíte tím všechny reakce, sdílení a odpovědi na ni."
+renote: "Přeposlat"
+unrenote: "Zrušit přeposlání"
+renoted: "Přeposláno"
+cantRenote: "Tento příspěvek nelze přeposlat."
+cantReRenote: "Odpověď nemůže být odstraněna."
+inChannelRenote: "Přeposlání v kanálu"
+renoteMute: "Ztlumit poznámky"
+renoteUnmute: "Zrušit ztlumení poznámek"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Pokud je tento účet kontrolován programem zaškrtněte tuto možnost. To označí tento účet jako bot pro ostatní vývojáře a zabrání tak nekonečným interakcím s ostatními boty a upraví Misskey systém aby se choval k tomuhle účtu jako bot."
+intro: "Instalace Misskey byla dokončena! Prosím vytvořte admina."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Vypsat jednoho uživatele na řádek"
+aboutMisskey: "O Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Nepoužívat šuplíkové menu"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad poskytuje rozhraní pro AiScript experimenty. Můžete psát, spustit či zkontrolovat výsledky jeho interakce s Misskey."
+forwardReport: "Přeposlat nahlášení do vzdálené instance"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Místo vašeho účtu se ve vzdálené instanci zobrazí anonymní systémový účet jako nahlašovač."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Označit nahlášení jako vyřešené"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey je překládán do jiných jazyků dobrovolníkama. Můžete pomoci na {link}."
+renotesCount: "Počet přeposlaných poznámek"
+renotedCount: "Počet přijatých přeposlaných poznámek"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Pokud je tato funkce zapnutá, budou se při výskytu problému sdílet podrobné informace o chybách se službou Misskey, což pomůže zlepšit kvalitu služby Misskey. Tyto informace budou zahrnovat například verzi operačního systému, jaký prohlížeč používáte, vaši aktivitu v Misskey atd."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey byl aktualizován!"
+usernameInfo: "Jméno které identifikuje váš účet od jiných na tomhle serveru. Můžete použít abecedu (a~z, A~Z), čísla (0~9) nebo podtržítka (_). Uživatelské jména nemůžou být změněna později."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Oblíbili jste si Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "{host} používá bezplatný software Misskey. Velmi bychom ocenili vaše dary, aby mohl vývoj Misskey pokračovat!"
+collapseRenotes: "Sbalit poznámky, které jste již viděli"
+renotesList: "Poznámky"
+goToMisskey: "Jít na Misskey"
+replies: "Odpovědi"
+renotes: "Přeposlat"
+ stop: "Suspendováno"
+ title: "Máte nového následovníka"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Přeposlat"
+ renote: "Přeposlat"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Přeposlat"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Při renotaci poznámky"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/da-DK.yml b/sharkey-locales/da-DK.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fef35d0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/da-DK.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+introMisskey: "ようこそ!Misskeyは、オープンソースの分散型マイクロブログサービスです。\n「ノート」を作成して、いま起こっていることを共有したり、あなたについて皆に発信しよう📡\n「リアクション」機能で、皆のノートに素早く反応を追加することもできます👍\n新しい世界を探検しよう🚀"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/de-DE.yml b/sharkey-locales/de-DE.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40450de12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/de-DE.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+introMisskey: "Willkommen! Sharkey ist eine dezentralisierte Open-Source Microblogging-Platform.\nVerfasse „Notizen“ um mitzuteilen, was gerade passiert oder um Ereignisse mit anderen zu teilen. 📡\nMit „Reaktionen“ kannst du außerdem schnell deine Gefühle über Notizen anderer Benutzer zum Ausdruck bringen. 👍\nEine neue Welt wartet auf dich! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} ist einer der durch die Open-Source-Plattform Sharkey betriebenen Dienste die auf Misskey basiert ist (meist als \"Misskey-Instanz\" bezeichnet)."
+renotedBy: "Geboostet von {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Renote-Link kopieren"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Möchtest du diese Notiz wirklich löschen und bearbeiten? Alle Reaktionen, Renotes und Antworten dieser Notiz werden verloren gehen."
+renote: "Boost"
+unrenote: "Boost zurücknehmen"
+renoted: "Boost getätigt."
+cantRenote: "Boosten dieses Beitrags nicht möglich."
+cantReRenote: "Boosten von einen Boost nicht möglich."
+inChannelRenote: "Kanal-interner Boost"
+renoteMute: "Renotes stummschalten"
+renoteUnmute: "Renote-Stummschaltung aufheben"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Aktiviere diese Option, falls dieses Benutzerkonto durch ein Programm gesteuert wird. Falls aktiviert, agiert es als Flag für andere Entwickler zur Verhinderung von endlosen Kettenreaktionen mit anderen Bots und lässt Sharkeys interne Systeme dieses Benutzerkonto als Bot behandeln."
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Gib die Hostnamen der Instanzen, welche stummgeschaltet werden sollen, durch Zeilenumbrüche getrennt an. Alle Konten dieser Instanzen werden als stummgeschaltet behandelt, können nur noch Follow-Anfragen stellen und wenn nicht gefolgt keine lokalen Konten erwähnen. Blockierte Instanzen sind davon nicht betroffen."
+intro: "Sharkey ist installiert! Lass uns nun ein Administratorkonto einrichten."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Benutzernamen getrennt durch Zeilenumbrüche angeben"
+aboutMisskey: "Über Sharkey"
+disableDrawer: "Keine ausfahrbaren Menüs verwenden"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Gebe nur Ton aus, wenn Misskey aktiv ist"
+scratchpadDescription: "Die Testumgebung bietet einen Bereich für AiScript-Experimente. Dort kannst du AiScript schreiben, ausführen sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf Sharkey überprüfen."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Renote melden"
+forwardReport: "Meldung an fremde Instanz weiterleiten"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Anstatt deines Benutzerkontos wird bei der fremden Instanz ein anonymes Systemkonto als Melder angezeigt."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Meldung als gelöst markieren"
+i18nInfo: "Sharkey wird durch freiwillige Helfer in viele verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt. Auf {link} kannst du mithelfen."
+renotesCount: "Anzahl getätigter Renotes"
+renotedCount: "Anzahl erhaltener Boosts"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, so werden beim Auftreten von Fehlern detaillierte Fehlerinformationen an Sharkey weitergegeben, was zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Sharkey beiträgt.\nEnthalten in diesen Informationen sind u.a. die Version deines Betriebssystems, welchen Browser du verwendest und ein Verlauf deiner Aktivitäten innerhalb Sharkey."
+misskeyUpdated: "Sharkey wurde aktualisiert!"
+usernameInfo: "Ein Name, durch den dein Benutzerkonto auf diesem Server identifiziert werden kann. Du kannst das Alphabet (a~z, A~Z), Ziffern (0~9) oder Unterstriche (_) verwenden. Benutzernamen können später nicht geändert werden."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Gefällt dir Sharkey?"
+pleaseDonate: "Sharkey ist die kostenlose Software, die von {host} verwendet wird. Wir würden uns über Spenden freuen, damit dessen Entwicklung weitergeführt werden kann!"
+pleaseDonateInstance: "Du kannst {host} auch direkt unterstützen, indem du an deine Instanz Administration spendest."
+collapseRenotes: "Bereits gesehene Renotes verkürzt anzeigen"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Begrenze die Breite der Reaktion und zeige sie verkleinert an"
+renotesList: "Renotes"
+goToMisskey: "Zu Sharkey"
+replies: "Antworten"
+renotes: "Renotes"
+showRenotes: "Renotes anzeigen"
+donation: "Spenden"
+donationUrl: "Spenden-URL"
+ stop: "Gesperrt"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Du kannst mit dem Tutorial von {name}(Misskey) fortfahren, oder auch abbrechen und gleich anfangen Misskey zu benutzen."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Hier kannst du sehen, wie Misskey funktioniert"
+ _note:
+ description: "Beiträge auf Misskey heißen \"Notizen\". Notizen werden chronologisch in der Chronik angeordnet und in Echtzeit aktualisiert."
+ _reaction:
+ _postNote:
+ _visibility:
+ _done:
+ title: "Du hast das Tutorial abgeschlossen! 🎉"
+ moveAccountDescription: "Hierdurch wird dein Konto zu einem anderen migriert.\n ・Follower von diesem Konto werden automatisch auf das neue Konto migriert\n ・Dieses Konto wird allen Nutzern, denen es derzeit folgt, nicht mehr folgen\n ・Mit diesem Konto können keine neuen Notizen usw. erstellt werden\n\nWährend die Migration der Follower automatisch erfolgt, muss die Migration der Konten, denen du folgst, manuell vorbereitet werden. Exportiere hierzu die Liste der gefolgten Nutzer über das Einstellungsmenu, und importiere diese Liste im neuen Konto. Das gleiche Verfahren gilt für erstellte Listen und stummgeschaltete oder blockierte Nutzer.\n\n(Diese Erklärung gilt für Sharkey v13.12.0 oder später. Die Funktionsweise andere ActivityPub-Software, beispielsweise Mastodon, kann hiervon abweichen.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Hallo Sharkey!"
+ flavor: "Hab eine schöne Zeit mit Sharkey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Danke, dass du Sharkey nutzt!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Sharkey"
+ description: "Sende \"I ❤ #Sharkey\""
+ flavor: "Danke, dass du Sharkey verwendest! - vom Entwicklerteam"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Habe Sharkey für mindestens 30 Minuten geöffnet"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Munter mit Sharkey"
+ description: "Habe Sharkey für mindestens 60 Minuten geöffnet"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Sharkey-Sharkey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Ungültige Parameter"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/el-GR.yml b/sharkey-locales/el-GR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78400948bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/el-GR.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+renotedBy: "Κοινοποιήθηκε από {user}"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Σίγουρα θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το σημείωμα και να το επεξεργαστείτε; Θα χάσετε όλες τις αντιδράσεις, κοινοποιήσεις και απαντήσεις σε αυτό."
+renote: "Κοινοποίηση σημειώματος"
+unrenote: "Ακύρωση κοινοποίησης"
+renoted: "Κοινοποιήθηκε."
+cantRenote: "Αυτή η δημοσίευση δεν μπορεί να κοινοποιηθεί."
+cantReRenote: "Μία κοινοποίηση δεν μπορεί να κοινοποιηθεί."
+replies: "Απάντηση"
+renotes: "Κοινοποίηση σημειώματος"
+ title: "Έχετε ένα νέο ακόλουθο"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Κοινοποίηση σημειώματος"
+ renote: "Κοινοποίηση σημειώματος"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Κοινοποίηση σημειώματος"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/en-US.yml b/sharkey-locales/en-US.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c79e2a9bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/en-US.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+introMisskey: "Welcome! Sharkey is an open source, decentralized microblogging service.\nCreate \"notes\" to share your thoughts with everyone around you. 📡\nWith \"reactions\", you can also quickly express your feelings about everyone's notes. 👍\nLet's explore a new world! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} is one of the services powered by the open source platform Sharkey which is based on Misskey (referred to as a \"Misskey instance\")."
+renotedBy: "Boosted by {user}"
+approvals: "Approvals"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copy boost link"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to redraft this note? This means you will lose all reactions, boosts, and replies to it."
+openRemoteProfile: "Open remote profile"
+trustedLinkUrlPatterns: "Link to external site warning exclusion list"
+trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition. Using surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression. If you write only the domain name, it will be a backward match."
+mutuals: "Mutuals"
+renote: "Boost"
+unrenote: "Remove boost"
+renoted: "Boosted."
+quoted: "Quoted."
+rmboost: "Unboosted."
+renotedToX: "Boosted to {name}"
+cantRenote: "This post can't be boosted."
+cantReRenote: "A boost can't be boosted."
+inChannelRenote: "Channel-only Boost"
+muted: "Muted"
+renoteMute: "Mute Boosts"
+renoteMuted: "Boosts muted"
+renoteUnmute: "Unmute Boosts"
+markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from user as NSFW"
+markInstanceAsNSFW: "Mark as NSFW"
+nsfwConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to mark all media from this account as NSFW?"
+unNsfwConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unmark all media from this account as NSFW?"
+approveConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to approve this account?"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Enable this option if this account is controlled by a program. If enabled, it will act as a flag for other developers to prevent endless interaction chains with other bots and adjust Sharkey's internal systems to treat this account as a bot."
+flagSpeakAsCat: "Speak as a cat"
+flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "Your posts will get nyanified when in cat mode. If this isn't working, then please check that you dont have 'Disable cat speak' on under General/Note Display"
+continueOnRemote: "Continue on remote instance"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Choose a instance from Misskey Hub"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "Silence media from this instance"
+rejectReports: "Reject reports from this instance"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "List the host names of the instances that you want to silence, separated by a new line. All accounts belonging to the listed instances will be treated as silenced, and can only make follow requests, and cannot mention local accounts if not followed. This will not affect the blocked instances."
+mediaSilencedInstances: "Media-silenced instances"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "List the host names of the instances that you want to media-silence, separated by a new line. All accounts belonging to the listed instances will be treated as sensitive, and can't use custom emojis. This will not affect the blocked instances."
+intro: "Installation of Sharkey has been finished! Please create an admin user."
+blockedByBase: "This host is blocked implicitly because a base domain is blocked. To unblock this host, first unblock the base domain(s)."
+silencedByBase: "This host is silenced implicitly because a base domain is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
+mediaSilencedByBase: "This host's media is silenced implicitly because a base domain's media is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
+driveSearchbarPlaceholder: "Search drive"
+fileNotSelected: "No file selected"
+background: "Background"
+antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line. Use \"*@instance.com\" to specify all users of an instance"
+aboutMisskey: "About Sharkey"
+expandAllCws: "Show content for all replies"
+collapseAllCws: "Hide content for all replies"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "The text in clipboard is long. Would you like to attach it as a text file?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "To continue, you need to go to your instance to perform this action or sign up / log in to the instance you are trying to interact with."
+disableDrawer: "Don't use drawer-style menus"
+showReactionsCount: "Show the number of reactions in notes"
+cornerRadius: "Corner roundness"
+warnForMissingAltText: "Warn you when you forget to put alt text"
+deeplFreeMode: "Use DeepLX-JS (No Auth Key)"
+deeplFreeModeDescription: "Need Help? Check our documentation to know how to setup DeepLX-JS."
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Output sounds only if Sharkey is active."
+scratchpadDescription: "The Scratchpad provides an environment for AiScript experiments. You can write, execute, and check the results of it interacting with Sharkey in it."
+deleteAllFilesQueued: "Deletion of all files queued"
+systemAccountTitle: "This is a system account"
+systemAccountDescription: "This account is created and managed automatically by the system, and cannot be logged into."
+postFiltered: "post is hidden by a filter"
+enableFaviconNotificationDot: "Enable favicon notification dot"
+verifyNotificationDotWorkingButton: "Check if the notification dot works on your instance"
+notificationDotNotWorking: "Unfortunately, this instance does not support the notification dot feature at this time."
+notificationDotWorking: "The notification dot is functioning properly on this instance."
+notificationDotNotWorkingAdvice: "If the notification dot doesn't work, ask an admin to check our documentation {link}"
+reportAbuseRenote: "Report boost"
+forwardReport: "Forward report to remote instance"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Instead of your account, an anonymous system account will be displayed as reporter at the remote instance."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Mark report as resolved"
+i18nInfo: "Sharkey is being translated into various languages by volunteers. You can help at {link}."
+renotesCount: "Number of boosts sent"
+renotedCount: "Number of boosts received"
+showTickerOnReplies: "Show instance ticker on replies"
+disableCatSpeak: "Disable cat speak"
+searchEngine: "Search Engine For Search MFM"
+searchEngineOther: "Other"
+searchEngineCustomURIDescription: "The custom URI must be input in the format like \"https://www.google.com/search?q=\\{query}\" or \"https://www.google.com/search?q=%s\"."
+searchEngineCusomURI: "Custom URI"
+makeIndexable: "Make public notes not indexable"
+makeIndexableDescription: "Stop note search from indexing your public notes."
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Sharkey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Sharkey.\nThis will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using, your activity in Sharkey, etc."
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "Contact URL is not set."
+misskeyUpdated: "Sharkey has been updated!"
+usernameInfo: "A name that identifies your account from others on this server. You can use the alphabet (a~z, A~Z), digits (0~9) or underscores (_). Usernames cannot be changed later."
+approvalRequiredForSignup: "Require approval for new users"
+voteConfirmMulti: "Confirm your vote for \"{choice}\"?\n You can choose more options after confirmation."
+pendingUserApprovals: "There are users awaiting approval."
+approveAccount: "Approve"
+denyAccount: "Deny & Delete"
+approved: "Approved"
+notApproved: "Not Approved"
+approvalStatus: "Approval Status"
+numberOfReplies: "Number of replies in a thread"
+numberOfRepliesDescription: "Increasing this number will display more replies. Setting this too high can cause replies to be cramped and unreadable."
+boostSettings: "Boost Settings"
+showVisibilitySelectorOnBoost: "Show Visibility Selector"
+showVisibilitySelectorOnBoostDescription: "Shows the visiblity selector if enabled when clicking boost, if disabled it will use the default visiblity defined below and the selector will not show up."
+visibilityOnBoost: "Default boost visibility"
+defaultLike: "Default like emoji"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Have you taken a liking to Sharkey?"
+pleaseDonate: "{host} uses the free software, Sharkey. We would highly appreciate your donations so development of Sharkey can continue!"
+pleaseDonateInstance: "You can also support {host} directly by donating to your instance administration."
+thisPostIsMissingAltTextCancel: "Cancel"
+thisPostIsMissingAltTextIgnore: "Post anyway"
+thisPostIsMissingAltText: "One of the files attached to this post is missing alt text. Please ensure all the attachments have alt text."
+collapseRenotes: "Collapse boosts you've already seen"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "Collapse boosts that you have boosted or reacted to"
+collapseNotesRepliedTo: "Collapse notes replied to"
+collapseFiles: "Collapse files"
+uncollapseCW: "Uncollapse CWs on notes"
+expandLongNote: "Always expand long notes"
+autoloadConversation: "Load conversation on replies"
+approvalRequiredToRegister: "This instance is only accepting users who specify a reason for registration."
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limits the maximum width of reactions and display them in reduced size."
+oneko: "Cat friend :3"
+renotesList: "Boosts"
+lookupConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to look this up?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "Are you sure you want to open this hashtags page?"
+specifyHost: "Specify a host"
+goToMisskey: "To Sharkey"
+enableAchievements: "Enable Achievements"
+turnOffAchievements: "Turning this off will disable the achievement system"
+enableBotTrending: "Populate Hashtags with Bots"
+turnOffBotTrending: "Turning this off will stop Bots from populating Hashtags"
+replies: "Replies"
+renotes: "Boosts"
+clickToOpen: "Click to open notes"
+showBots: "Show bots in timeline"
+showRenotes: "Show boosts"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "The source code is not yet available. Please contact your administrator to fix this problem."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "If there is a repository where the source code is publicly available, enter its URL. If you are using Sharkey as-is (without any changes to the source code), enter https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/Sharkey/."
+donation: "Donate"
+donationUrl: "Donation URL"
+showBelowAvatar: "Show Below Avatar"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Seasonal screen effects"
+noDescription: "No description"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "This media might be sensitive. Are you sure you want to reveal it?"
+severAllFollowRelations: "Break following relationships"
+severAllFollowRelationsConfirm: "Really break all follow relationships? This is irreversible! This will break {followingCount} following and {followersCount} follower relations on {instanceName}!"
+severAllFollowRelationsQueued: "Severing all follow relations with {host} queued."
+ stop: "Suspend delivery"
+ resume: "Resume delivery"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "You can proceed to a tutorial on how to use {name} (Sharkey) or you can exit the setup here and start using it immediately."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Here, you can learn the basics of using Sharkey and its features."
+ _note:
+ description: "Posts on Sharkey are called 'Notes.' Notes are arranged chronologically on the timeline and are updated in real-time."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Reactions can be added by clicking the '{reaction}' button on the note. Try reacting to this sample note!"
+ reactDone: "You can undo a reaction by pressing the '{undo}' button."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Sharkey provides multiple timelines based on usage (some may not be available depending on the server's policies)."
+ bubble: "You can view notes from connected servers picked by your admins."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "When posting a note on Sharkey, various options are available. The posting form looks like this."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Public only on the Home timeline. People visiting your profile, via followers, and through boosts can see it."
+ followers: "Visible to followers only. Only followers can see it and no one else, and it cannot be boosted by others."
+ _done:
+ title: "The tutorial is complete! 🎉"
+ description: "The functions introduced here are just a small part. For a more detailed understanding of using Sharkey, please refer to {link}."
+ bubble: "In the Bubble timeline, you can see notes from connected servers picked by your admins."
+ sidebarLogoUrl: "Logo URL"
+ sidebarLogoDescription: "Specifies the logo to use instead of the regular icon in high definition, dynamic-width scenarios."
+ sidebarLogoUsageExample: "E.g. In the sidebar, to visitors and in the \"About\" page."
+ inquiryUrl: "Contact URL"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "Specify the URL of a web page that contains a contact form or the instance operators' contact information."
+ moveAccountDescription: "This will migrate your account to a different one.\n ・Followers from this account will automatically be migrated to the new account\n ・This account will unfollow all users it is currently following\n ・You will be unable to create new notes etc. on this account\n\nWhile migration of followers is automatic, you must manually prepare some steps to migrate the list of users you are following. To do so, carry out a follows export that you will later import on the new account in the settings menu. The same procedure applies to your lists as well as your muted and blocked users.\n\n(This explanation applies to Sharkey v13.12.0 and later. Other ActivityPub software, such as Mastodon, might function differently.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "just setting up my shonk"
+ flavor: "Have a good time with Sharkey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Thank you for using Sharkey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Sharkey"
+ description: "Post \"I ❤ #Sharkey\""
+ flavor: "Sharkey's development team greatly appreciates your support!"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Keep Sharkey opened for at least 30 minutes"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "No \"Miss\" in Sharkey"
+ description: "Keep Sharkey opened for at least 60 minutes"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Sharkey-Sharkey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Sharkey Elementary Course Diploma"
+ _options:
+ btlAvailable: "Can view the bubble timeline"
+ canImportNotes: "Can import notes"
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "Allow users to edit their avatar or banner"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "Private account"
+ isExplorable: "Account is discoverable"
+ banned: "This email address is banned"
+ approvalPending: "Your account has been created and is awaiting approval."
+ reasonInfo: "Please enter a reason as to why you want to join the instance."
+ about: "Sharkey is open-source software based on Misskey which has been in development by syuilo since 2014."
+ original: "Misskey original"
+ original_sharkey: "Sharkey original"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} uses a modified version of the original Sharkey."
+ translation: "Translate Sharkey"
+ donate_sharkey: "Donate to Sharkey"
+ testers: "Testers"
+ disabled: "Disable warning"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Allow boosts and quote outside the channel"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any notes/boosts from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Boost"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Long audio may disrupt using Sharkey. Still continue?"
+ driveFileError: "The audio couldn't be loaded. Please make sure you selected an audio file."
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "Click here for a detailed guide"
+ search: "Search"
+ multiple: "Multiple choices"
+ updateBanner: "Update banner"
+ removeBanner: "Remove banner"
+ changeBackground: "Change background"
+ updateBackground: "Update background"
+ removeBackground: "Remove background"
+ bubble: "Bubble"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "This block type has been removed. Please use {play} from now on."
+ youRenoted: "Boost from {name}"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "Boosted by {n} users"
+ edited: "Note got edited"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Boosts"
+ edited: "Edits"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Boost"
+ _events:
+ renote: "When boosted"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "When resolved abuse reports"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "Send an email to the moderators when an abuse report is received."
+ webhook: "Send a notification to the SystemWebhook when an abuse report is received or resolved."
+ approve: "Approved"
+ setRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
+ unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
+ rejectRemoteInstanceReports: "Rejected reports from remote instance"
+ acceptRemoteInstanceReports: "Accepted reports from remote instance"
+ uncommonFeature: "This is not a widespread feature, it may not display properly on most other fedi software, including other Misskey forks"
+ intro: "MFM is a markup language used on Misskey, Sharkey, Firefish, Akkoma, and more that can be used in many places. Here you can view a list of all available MFM syntax."
+ dummy: "Sharkey expands the world of the Fediverse"
+ mention: "Mention"
+ mentionDescription: "You can specify a user by using an At-Symbol and a username."
+ hashtag: "Hashtag"
+ hashtagDescription: "You can specify a hashtag using a number sign and text."
+ url: "URL"
+ urlDescription: "URLs can be displayed."
+ link: "Link"
+ linkDescription: "Specific parts of text can be displayed as a URL."
+ bold: "Bold"
+ boldDescription: "Highlights letters by making them thicker."
+ small: "Small"
+ smallDescription: "Displays content small and thin."
+ center: "Center"
+ centerDescription: "Displays content centered."
+ inlineCode: "Code (Inline)"
+ inlineCodeDescription: "Displays inline syntax highlighting for (program) code."
+ blockCode: "Code (Block)"
+ blockCodeDescription: "Displays syntax highlighting for multi-line (program) code in a block."
+ inlineMath: "Math (Inline)"
+ inlineMathDescription: "Display math formulas (KaTeX) in-line"
+ blockMath: "Math (Block)"
+ blockMathDescription: "Display math formulas (KaTeX) in a block"
+ quote: "Quote"
+ quoteDescription: "Displays content as a quote."
+ emoji: "Custom Emoji"
+ emojiDescription: "By surrounding a custom emoji name with colons, custom emoji can be displayed."
+ search: "Search"
+ searchDescription: "Displays a search box with pre-entered text."
+ flip: "Flip"
+ flipDescription: "Flips content horizontally or vertically."
+ jelly: "Animation (Jelly)"
+ jellyDescription: "Gives content a jelly-like animation."
+ tada: "Animation (Tada)"
+ tadaDescription: "Gives content a \"Tada!\"-like animation."
+ jump: "Animation (Jump)"
+ jumpDescription: "Gives content a jumping animation."
+ bounce: "Animation (Bounce)"
+ bounceDescription: "Gives content a bouncy animation."
+ shake: "Animation (Shake)"
+ shakeDescription: "Gives content a shaking animation."
+ twitch: "Animation (Twitch)"
+ twitchDescription: "Gives content a strongly twitching animation."
+ spin: "Animation (Spin)"
+ spinDescription: "Gives content a spinning animation."
+ x2: "Big"
+ x2Description: "Displays content bigger."
+ x3: "Very big"
+ x3Description: "Displays content even bigger."
+ x4: "Unbelievably big"
+ x4Description: "Displays content even bigger than bigger than big."
+ blur: "Blur"
+ blurDescription: "Blurs content. It will be displayed clearly when hovered over."
+ font: "Font"
+ fontDescription: "Sets the font to display content in."
+ rainbow: "Rainbow"
+ rainbowDescription: "Makes the content appear in rainbow colors."
+ sparkle: "Sparkle"
+ sparkleDescription: "Gives content a sparkling particle effect."
+ rotate: "Rotate"
+ rotateDescription: "Turns content by a specified angle."
+ position: "Position"
+ positionDescription: "Move content by a specified amount."
+ crop: "Crop"
+ cropDescription: "Crop content."
+ followMouse: "Follow Mouse"
+ followMouseDescription: "Content will follow the mouse. On mobile it will follow wherever the user taps."
+ scale: "Scale"
+ scaleDescription: "Scale content by a specified amount."
+ foreground: "Foreground color"
+ foregroundDescription: "Change the foreground color of text."
+ fade: 'Fade'
+ fadeDescription: 'Fade text in and out.'
+ background: "Background color"
+ backgroundDescription: "Change the background color of text."
+ plain: "Plain"
+ plainDescription: "Deactivates the effects of all MFM contained within this MFM effect."
+ play: "Play MFM Animation"
+ stop: "Stop MFM Animation"
+ _alert:
+ text: "Animated MFMs could include flashing lights and fast moving text/emojis."
+ confirm: "Animate"
+ title: "Request Data"
+ warn: "Data requests are only possible every 3 days."
+ text: "Once the data is ready to download, an email will be sent to the email address registered to this account."
+ button: "Request"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Stop avatar image animation. Animated images can be larger in file size than normal images, potentially leading to further reductions in data traffic."
+ timeoutDescription: "If it takes longer than this value to get the preview, the preview won't be generated."
+ requireContentLength: "Generate the preview only if we can get Content-Length"
+ summaryProxy: "Endpoint for proxy to generate previews"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Generate previews using Summaly Proxy, instead of Sharkey itself."
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "The following parameters are sent to the proxy as a query string. If the proxy does not support them, the values are ignored."
+ title: "Navigate to an external site"
+ description: "Leave {host} and go to an external site"
+ trustThisDomain: "Trust this domain on this device in the future"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/es-ES.yml b/sharkey-locales/es-ES.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a43ee0b437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/es-ES.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+introMisskey: "¡Bienvenido/a! Misskey es un servicio de microblogging descentralizado de código abierto.\nEscribe \"notas\" para compartir lo que te ocurre ahora o para contar sobre ti a todos 📡\nCon la función de \"reacciones\", puedes también añadir una reacción rápida a las notas de todos 👍\n¡Exploremos juntos un nuevo mundo! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} es uno de los servicios (también llamado instancia) que usa la plataforma de código abierto Misskey"
+renotedBy: "Renotado por {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copiar enlace de renota"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta nota y editarla? Perderás todas las reacciones, renotas y respuestas."
+renote: "Renotar"
+unrenote: "Quitar renota"
+renoted: "Renotado"
+cantRenote: "No se puede renotar este post"
+cantReRenote: "No se puede renotar una renota"
+inChannelRenote: "Renota sólo del canal"
+renoteMute: "Silenciar renota"
+renoteUnmute: "Desilenciar renota"
+flagAsBotDescription: "En caso de que esta cuenta fuera usada por un programa, active esta opción. Al hacerlo, esta opción servirá para otros desarrolladores para evitar cadenas infinitas de reacciones, y ajustará los sistemas internos de Misskey para que trate a esta cuenta como un bot."
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Listar los hostname de las instancias que quieres silenciar. Todas las cuentas de las instancias listadas serán tratadas como silenciadas, solo podrán hacer peticiones de seguimiento, y no podrán mencionar cuentas locales si no las siguen. Esto no afecta a las instancias bloqueadas."
+intro: "¡La instalación de Misskey ha terminado! Crea el usuario administrador."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Elegir nombres de usuarios separados por una linea nueva. Utilice \"*@instance.com\" para especificar todos los usuarios de una instancia."
+aboutMisskey: "Sobre Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "No mostrar los menús en cajones"
+showReactionsCount: "Mostrar el número de reacciones en las notas"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Sonar solo cuando Misskey esté activo"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad proporciona un entorno experimental para AiScript. Puede escribir, ejecutar y verificar los resultados que interactúan con Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Reportar renota"
+forwardReport: "Transferir un informe a una instancia remota"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "No puede ver su información de la instancia remota y aparecerá como una cuenta anónima del sistema"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marcar reporte como resuelto"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey está siendo traducido a varios idiomas gracias a voluntarios. Se puede colaborar traduciendo en {link}"
+renotesCount: "Cantidad de renotas hechas"
+renotedCount: "Cantidad de renotas recibidas"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Si habilita esta opción, ayudará a mejorar la calidad de Misskey compartiendo información detallada sobre los errores cuando se produzca un problema.\nEsto incluye información como la versión de su sistema operativo, el tipo de navegador que utiliza, su historial de actividad, etc."
+misskeyUpdated: "¡Misskey ha sido actualizado!"
+usernameInfo: "Un nombre que identifique su cuenta de otras en este servidor. Puede utilizar el alfabeto (a~z, A~Z), dígitos (0~9) o guiones bajos (_). Los nombres de usuario no se pueden cambiar posteriormente."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "¿Te gusta Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "{host} usa el software gratuito Misskey. Por favor ¡Considera donar al proyecto principal para que podamos continuar!"
+collapseRenotes: "Colapsar renotas que ya hayas visto"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limitar ancho de las reacciones"
+renotesList: "Renotas"
+goToMisskey: "ir a Misskey"
+replies: "Respuestas"
+renotes: "Renotas"
+showRenotes: "Mostrar renotas"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "El código fuente aún no está disponible. Contacta con el administrador para solucionarlo."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "Si estás usando Misskey tal cual (sin cambios en el código fuente), entra en https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Efectos de pantalla asociados a estaciones"
+noDescription: "No hay descripción"
+ stop: "Suspendido"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Puedes proceder a un tutorial sobre cómo usar {name} (Misskey) o puedes terminar la instalación aquí y empezar a usarlo ya mismo."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Aquí podrás aprender las nociones básicas sobre cómo usar Misskey y sus funciones."
+ _note:
+ description: "Las publicaciones en Misskey se llaman 'Notas'. Las notas se ordenan de forma cronológica en la línea de tiempo y se actualizan en tiempo real."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Puedes añadir reacciones pulsando en el botón '{reaction}' de la nota. ¡Intenta reaccionar a esta nota de ejemplo!"
+ reactDone: "Puedes deshacer una reacción pulsando en el botón '{undo}'."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey proporciona múltiples líneas de tiempo basadas en su uso (algunas pueden no estar disponibles dependiendo de las políticas de la instancia)."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Cuando publicas una nota en Misskey, hay varias opciones disponibles. El formulario tiene este aspecto."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Publicar solo en la línea de tiempo de Inicio. La nota se verá en tu perfil, la verán tus seguidores y también cuando sea renotada."
+ followers: "Visible solo para seguidores. Sólo tus seguidores podrán ver la nota, y no podrá ser renotada por otras personas."
+ _done:
+ title: "¡Has completado el tutorial! 🎉"
+ description: "Las funciones que mostramos aquí son sólo una pequeña parte. Para más detalles sobre el funcionamiento de Misskey, pulsa en este enlace: {link}"
+ moveAccountDescription: "Esta operación no puede deshacerse. En primer lugar, asegúrese de haber creado un alias para esta cuenta en la cuenta a la que se va a trasladar. Después de crear el alias, introduzca la cuenta a la que se está trasladando de la siguiente manera: @person@instance.com"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "¡Hola Misskey!"
+ flavor: "¡Pasándola bien con Misskey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "¡Gracias por usar Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "¡AMO Misskey!"
+ description: "\"I ❤ #Misskey\" Publicado"
+ flavor: "El equipo de desarrollo de Misskey, en verdad, ¡aprecia tu apoyo!"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "30 minutos dedicados a Misskey"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Viendo mucho Misskey."
+ description: "Dejar abierto Misskey por al menos 60 minutos"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Diploma del Curso Básico de Misskey"
+ _options:
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "Cuentas privadas"
+ banned: "Email no disponible"
+ about: "Misskey es un software de código abierto, desarrollado por syuilo desde el 2014"
+ original: "Original"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} usa una versión modificada de Misskey."
+ translation: "Traducir Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Permitir renotas y menciones fuera del canal"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Silencia todas las notas y reposts de la instancias seleccionadas, incluyendo respuestas a los usuarios de las mismas"
+ keys:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Usar un audio de larga duración puede llegar a molestar mientras usas Misskey. ¿Quieres continuar?"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "Guía detallada"
+ multiple: "Opciones múltiples"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "Los bloques dinámicos están obsoletos. A partir de ahora, utiliza {play} por favor."
+ youRenoted: "Renotado por {name}"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} usuarios han renotado"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renotar"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Cuando reciba un \"re-note\""
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Instalar desde sitio externo"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Desactiva la animación de los avatares. Las imágenes animadas pueden llegar a ser de mayor tamaño que las normales, por lo que al desactivarlas puedes reducir el consumo de datos."
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/fr-FR.yml b/sharkey-locales/fr-FR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e78e1c3d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/fr-FR.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+introMisskey: "Bienvenue ! Misskey est un service de microblogage décentralisé, libre et ouvert.\nÉcrivez des « notes » et partagez ce qui se passe à l’instant présent, autour de vous avec les autres 📡\nLa fonction « réactions », vous permet également d’ajouter une réaction rapide aux notes des autres utilisateur·rice·s 👍\nExplorons un nouveau monde 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} est l'un des services propulsés par la plateforme ouverte Misskey (appelée \"instance Misskey\")."
+renotedBy: "Renoté par {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copier le lien de la renote"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer cette note et la modifier ? Vous perdrez toutes les réactions, renotes et réponses."
+renote: "Renoter"
+unrenote: "Annuler la Renote"
+renoted: "Renoté !"
+cantRenote: "Ce message ne peut pas être renoté."
+cantReRenote: "Impossible de renoter une Renote."
+inChannelRenote: "Renoter dans le canal"
+renoteMute: "Masquer les renotes"
+renoteUnmute: "Ne plus masquer les renotes"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Si ce compte est géré de manière automatisée, choisissez cette option. Si elle est activée, elle agira comme un marqueur pour les autres développeurs afin d'éviter des chaînes d'interaction sans fin avec d'autres robots et d'ajuster les systèmes internes de Misskey pour traiter ce compte comme un robot."
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Énumérer les noms d'hôte des instances à mettre en sourdine. Tous les comptes des instances énumérées seront traités comme mis en sourdine, ne peuvent faire que des demandes de suivi et ne peuvent pas mentionner les comptes locaux s'ils ne sont pas suivis. Cela n'affectera pas les instances bloquées."
+intro: "L’installation de Misskey est terminée ! Veuillez créer un compte administrateur."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Saisissez un seul nom d’utilisateur·rice par ligne"
+aboutMisskey: "À propos de Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Les menus ne s'affichent pas dans le tiroir"
+showReactionsCount: "Afficher le nombre de réactions des notes"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Émettre des sons uniquement quand Misskey est active"
+scratchpadDescription: "ScratchPad fournit un environnement expérimental pour AiScript. Vous pouvez vérifier la rédaction de votre code, sa bonne exécution et le résultat de son interaction avec Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Signaler la renote"
+forwardReport: "Transférer le signalement à l’instance distante"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "L'instance distante ne sera pas en mesure de voir vos informations et apparaîtra comme un compte anonyme du système."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marquer le signalement comme résolu"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey est traduit dans différentes langues par des bénévoles. Vous pouvez contribuer à {link}."
+renotesCount: "Nombre de notes que vous avez renotées"
+renotedCount: "Nombre de vos notes renotées"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Si vous activez l'envoi des rapports d'erreur, vous contribuerez à améliorer la qualité de Misskey grâce au partage d'informations détaillées sur les erreurs lorsqu'un problème survient.\nCela inclut des informations telles que la version de votre système d'exploitation, le type de navigateur que vous utilisez, votre historique d'activité, etc."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey a été mis à jour !"
+usernameInfo: "C'est un nom qui identifie votre compte sur l'instance de manière unique. Vous pouvez utiliser des lettres de l'alphabet (minuscules et majuscules), des chiffres (de 0 à 9), ou bien le tiret « _ ». Vous ne pourrez pas modifier votre nom d'utilisateur·rice par la suite."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Avez-vous aimé Misskey ?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey est le logiciel libre utilisé par {host}. Merci de faire un don pour que nous puissions continuer à le développer !"
+collapseRenotes: "Réduire les renotes déjà vues"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limiter la largeur maximale des réactions et les afficher en taille réduite"
+renotesList: "Liste de renotes"
+goToMisskey: "Retour vers Misskey"
+replies: "Réponses"
+renotes: "Renotes"
+showRenotes: "Afficher les renotes"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "Le code source n'est pas encore disponible. Veuillez signaler ce problème aux administrateurs."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "Entrez l'URL du dépôt où se trouve le code source ici. Si vous utilisez Misskey tel quel (sans changer le code source), entrez https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Effet d'écran saisonnier"
+ stop: "Suspendu·e"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Vous pouvez procéder au tutoriel sur l'utilisation de {name}(Misskey) ou vous arrêter ici et commencer à l'utiliser immédiatement."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Ici, vous pouvez apprendre l'utilisation de base de Misskey et ses fonctionnalités."
+ _note:
+ description: "Les messages sur Misskey sont appelés des « notes » . Les notes sont classées par ordre chronologique sur le fil et sont mises à jour en temps réel."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Des réactions peuvent être ajoutées en cliquant sur le bouton « {reaction} » de la note. Essayez d'ajouter une réaction à cet exemple de note !"
+ reactDone: "Vous pouvez annuler la réaction en cliquant sur le bouton « {undo} » ."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey offre plusieurs fils selon l'usage (certains peuvent être désactivés par le serveur)."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Lorsque vous publiez des notes sur Misskey, diverses options sont disponibles. Voici le formulaire de publication."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Uniquement visible sur le fil principal. Les utilisateurs pourront la voir en visitant ton profil, en s'abonnant à vous et par les renotes."
+ followers: "Uniquement visible à vos abonnés. Elle ne pourra être renotée que par vous-même."
+ _done:
+ title: "Le tutoriel est terminé ! 🎉"
+ description: "Les fonctionnalités introduites ici ne sont que quelques-unes. Pour savoir plus sur l'utilisation de Misskey, veuillez consulter {link}."
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Je viens tout juste de configurer mon shonk"
+ flavor: "Passez un bon moment avec Misskey !"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Merci d'utiliser Misskey !"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "J’adore Misskey"
+ description: "Publication « J’❤ #Misskey »"
+ flavor: "L'équipe de développement de Misskey apprécie vraiment votre aide !"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Publication d’une note à 00:00"
+ title: "Analyste"
+ description: "Vous avez spécifié « syuilo » comme nom"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Diplôme de la course élémentaire de Misskey"
+ _options:
+ about: "Misskey est un logiciel libre et ouvert, développé par syuilo depuis 2014."
+ translation: "Traduire Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Permettre la renote et la citation hors du canal"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Met en sourdine toutes les notes et renotes de l'instance configurée, y compris les réponses aux utilisateurs de l'instance muette."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Renoter"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Utiliser un effet sonore long peut affecter l'utilisation de Misskey. Voulez-vous encore continuer ?"
+ blocks:
+ youRenoted: "{name} vous a Renoté"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} utilisateur·rice·s ont renoté"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renotes"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renoter"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Installer depuis un site externe"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Arrête l'animation d'avatars. Comme les images animées peuvent être plus volumineuses que les images normales, cela permet de réduire davantage le trafic de données."
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/hr-HR.yml b/sharkey-locales/hr-HR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ht-HT.yml b/sharkey-locales/ht-HT.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3dfe05792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ht-HT.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/hu-HU.yml b/sharkey-locales/hu-HU.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..197f118f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/hu-HU.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+renotedBy: "{user} Renotolta"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Biztosan törlöd ezt a jegyzetet és újrafogalmazza? Így eveszíted az összes reakciót, renote-ot és választ."
+renote: "Renote"
+unrenote: "Renote visszavonása"
+renoted: "Renotolva"
+cantRenote: "Nem lehet Renotolni"
+cantReRenote: "A Renote nem renotálható"
+inChannelRenote: "Csak csatornán bellüli Renote"
+renotes: "Renote"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ renote: "Renote"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/id-ID.yml b/sharkey-locales/id-ID.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2899ffa8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/id-ID.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+introMisskey: "Selamat datang! Misskey adalah perangkat mikroblog tercatu bersifat sumber terbuka.\nMulailah menuliskan catatan, bagikan peristiwa terkini, serta ceritakan segala tentangmu.📡\nTunjukkan juga reaksimu pada catatan pengguna lain.👍\nMari jelajahi dunia baru🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} adalah sebuah layanan (instance) yang menggunakan platform sumber terbuka Misskey."
+renotedBy: "direnote oleh {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Salin tautan renote"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus note ini dan menyuntingnya? Kamu akan kehilangan semua reaksi, renote dan balasan di note ini."
+renote: "Renote"
+unrenote: "Hapus renote"
+renoted: "Telah direnote"
+renotedToX: "{name} telah merenote"
+cantRenote: "Postingan ini tidak dapat direnote"
+cantReRenote: "Renote tidak dapat direnote"
+inChannelRenote: "Hanya renote dalam kanal"
+renoteMute: "Matikan renote"
+renoteUnmute: "Batal mematikan renote"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Jika akun ini dikendalikan oleh program, tetapkanlah opsi ini. Jika diaktifkan, ini akan berfungsi sebagai tanda bagi pengembang lain untuk mencegah interaksi berantai dengan bot lain dan menyesuaikan sistem internal Misskey untuk memperlakukan akun ini sebagai bot."
+continueOnRemote: "Lihat di peladen asal"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Pilih peladen dari Misskey Hub"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Daftar nama host dari instansi yang ingin kamu senyapkan. Semua akun dari instansi yang terdaftar akan diperlakukan sebagai disenyapkan. Hal ini membuat akun hanya dapat membuat permintaan mengikuti, dan tidak dapat menyebutkan akun lokal apabila tidak mengikuti. Hal ini tidak akan mempengaruhi instansi yang diblokir."
+intro: "Instalasi Misskey telah selesai! Mohon untuk membuat pengguna admin."
+fileNotSelected: "Tidak ada file yang dipilih"
+antennaUsersDescription: "Tuliskan satu nama pengguna per baris"
+aboutMisskey: "Tentang Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "Teks dalam papan klip terlalu panjang. Apakah kamu ingin melampirkannya sebagai berkas teks?"
+disableDrawer: "Jangan gunakan menu bergaya laci"
+showReactionsCount: "Lihat jumlah reaksi dalam catatan"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Hanya keluarkan suara jika Misskey sedang aktif"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad menyediakan lingkungan eksperimen untuk AiScript. Kamu bisa menulis, mengeksuksi, serta mengecek hasil yang berinteraksi dengan Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Laporkan renote"
+forwardReport: "Teruskan laporan ke instansi luar"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Untuk melindungi privasi akun kamu, akun anonim dari sistem akan digunakan sebagai pelapor pada instansi luar."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Tandai laporan sebagai selesai"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey diterjemahkan ke dalam banyak bahasa oleh sukarelawan. Kamu juga dapat ikut membantu menerjemahkannya di {link}."
+renotesCount: "Jumlah renote terkirim"
+renotedCount: "Jumlah renote diterima"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Ketika dinyalakan, informasi kesalahan rinci akan dibagikan dengan Misskey ketika masalah terjadi, hal ini untuk membantu kualitas Misskey. Fitur ini memungkinkan memuat informasi seperti sistem operasi yang kamu gunakan dan versinya, aplikasi peramban yang kamu gunakan, riwayat aktivitas kamu, dll."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey telah dimutakhirkan!"
+usernameInfo: "Nama yang mengidentifikasikan akun kamu dari yang lain pada peladen ini. Kamu dapat menggunakan alfabet (a~z, A~Z), digit (0~9) atau garis bawah (_). Username tidak dapat diubah setelahnya."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Apakah kamu mulai menyukai Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "{host} menggunakan perangkat lunak bebas yaitu Misskey. Kami sangat mengapresiasi sekali donasi dari kamu agar pengembangan Misskey tetap dapat berlanjut!"
+collapseRenotes: "Tutup renote yang sudah kamu lihat"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Batasi lebar maksimum reaksi dan tampilkan dalam ukuran terbatasi."
+renotesList: "Renote"
+goToMisskey: "Ke Misskey"
+replies: "Balasan"
+renotes: "Renote"
+showRenotes: "Tampilkan renote"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "Sumber kode belum tersedia. Hubungi admin untuk memperbaiki masalah ini."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "Jika kamu menggunakan Misskey begitu saja (tanpa ada perubahan dalam kode sumber), masukkan https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Efek layar musiman"
+noDescription: "Tidak ada deskripsi"
+ stop: "Ditangguhkan"
+ resume: "Lanjutkan pengiriman"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Kamu dapat menjutkan ke tutorial dalam bagaimana menggunakan {name} (Misskey) atau kamu dapat keluar dari pemasangan ini dan langsung menggunakannya segera."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Di sini kamu dapat mempelajari dasar-dasar dari penggunaan Misskey dan fitur-fiturnya."
+ _note:
+ description: "Postingan di Misskey disebut sebagai 'Catatan'. Catatan ditampilkan secara kronologis pada lini masa dan dimutakhirkan secara real-time."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Reaksi dapat ditambahkan dengan mengklik tombol '{reaction}' pada catatan. Coba lakukan mereaksi contoh catatan ini!"
+ reactDone: "Kamu dapat mengurungkan reaksi dengan menekan tombol '{undo}'."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey menyediakan berbagai lini masa sesuai dengan penggunaan (beberapa mungkin tidak tersedia karena bergantung dengan kebijakan peladen)."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Ketika memposting catatan ke Misskey, terdapat beberapa opsi yang tersedia. Form posting terlihat seperti ini."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Hanya publik ke lini masa Beranda. Pengguna yang mengunjungi profilmu melalui pengikut dan renote dapat melihatnya."
+ followers: "Perlihatkan ke pengikut saja. Hanya pengikut yang dapat melihat postinganmu dan tidak dapat direnote oleh siapapun."
+ _done:
+ title: "Kamu telah menyelesaikan tutorial! 🎉"
+ description: "Fungsi yang diperkenalkan di sini merupakan sebagian kecil dari fitur yang ada. Untuk pemahaman lebih detil dalam menggunakan Misskey, kamu dapat merujuk ke {link}."
+ moveAccountDescription: "Hal ini akan memindahkan akun kamu ke akun lain.\n ・Pengikut dari akun ini akan secara otomatis dipindahkan ke akun baru\n ・Akun ini akan berhenti mengikuti dari semua pengguna yang sedang kamu ikuti\n ・Kamu akan tidak dapat membuat catatan baru dan lain-lain pada akun ini\n\nMeskipun pemindahan pengikut dilakukan secara otomatis, kamu harus mempersiapkan beberapa langkah secara manual untuk memindahkan daftar pengguna yang sedang kamu ikuti. Untuk melakukan tersebut, lakukan ekspor daftar ikuti yang nantinya dapat kamu impor pada menu pengaturan di akun baru kamu. Prosedur yang sama juga dapat diterapkan pada daftar seperti pengguna yang kamu bisukan atau blokir.\n\n(Penjelasan ini hanya berlaku pada Misskey versi 13.12.0 dan setelahnya. Perangkat lunak ActivityPub lainnya seperti Mastodon berkemungkinan befungsi berbeda.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Cus, baru gabung Misskey nih!"
+ flavor: "Selamat bersenang-senang dengan Misskey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Misskey"
+ description: "Catat \"I ❤ #Misskey\""
+ flavor: "Tim pengembang misskey sangat mengapresiasi dukungan kamu!"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Habiskan waktu 30 menit di Misskey"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Tidak ada \"Miss\" dalam Misskey"
+ description: "Biarkan Misskey tetap terbuka setidaknya selama 60 menit"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Ijazah Sekolah Dasar Misskey"
+ _options:
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "Akun privat"
+ isExplorable: "Pengguna efektif yang akunnya dapat dicari"
+ banned: "Kamu tidak dapat mendaftar dengan alamat surel ini"
+ about: "Misskey adalah perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang sedang dikembangkan oleh syuilo sejak 2014."
+ original: "Asli"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} menggunakan versi modifikasi dari Misskey yang asli."
+ translation: "Terjemahkan Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Perbolehkan catat ulang dan kutipan di luar dari kanal"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Pengaturan ini akan membisukan note/renote apa saja dari instansi yang terdaftar, termasuk pengguna yang membalas pengguna lain dalam instansi yang dibisukan."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Audio panjang dapat mengganggu penggunaan Misskey. Masih ingin melanjutkan?"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "Berikut panduan detilnya"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "Blok ini telah dihapus. Mohon gunakan {play} dari sekarang."
+ youRenoted: "{name} me-renote kamu"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} orang telah merenote"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Ketika direnote"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Pasang dari situs eksternal"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Hentikan animasi gambar avatar. Gambar animasi dapat berukuran lebih besar dari gambar biasa, berpotensi pada pengurangan lalu lintas data lebih jauh."
+ timeoutDescription: "Apabila ini memakan waktu lama dari nilai yang ditentukan untuk mendapatkan pratinjau, pratinjau tidak akan dibuat."
+ requireContentLength: "Buat pratinjau hanya ketika Content-Length dapat didapatkan"
+ summaryProxy: "Titik akhir proksi yang membuat pratinjau"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Bukan untuk Misskey, namun untuk menghasilkan pratinjau menggunakan Summaly Proxy."
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "Parameter berikut tertautkan dengan proksi sebagai string kueri. Apabila proksi tidak mendukung tersebut, nilai di dalamnya diabaikan."
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/it-IT.yml b/sharkey-locales/it-IT.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb1dce01e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/it-IT.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+introMisskey: "Eccoci! Misskey è un servizio di microblogging decentralizzato, libero e aperto. \n\n📡 Puoi pubblicare «Note» per condividere ciò che sta succedendo o per dire a tutti qualcosa su di te. \n\n👍 Puoi reagire inviando emoji rapidi alle «Note» provenienti da altri profili nel Fediverso.\n\n🚀 Esplora un nuovo mondo insieme a noi!"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} è uno dei servizi (chiamati istanze) che utilizzano la piattaforma open source Misskey."
+renotedBy: "Rinotata da {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copia collegamento alla Rinota"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Vuoi davvero cancellare questa nota e scriverla di nuovo? Verranno eliminate anche tutte le reazioni, rinote e risposte collegate."
+openRemoteProfile: "Apri profilo remoto"
+renote: "Rinota"
+unrenote: "Elimina la Rinota"
+renoted: "Rinotata!"
+renotedToX: "Rinota da {name}."
+cantRenote: "È impossibile rinotare questa nota."
+cantReRenote: "È impossibile rinotare una Rinota."
+inChannelRenote: "Rinota nel canale"
+renoteMute: "Silenziare le Rinota"
+renoteUnmute: "Non silenziare le Rinota"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Attiva questo campo se il profilo esegue principalmente operazioni automatiche. L'attivazione segnala agli altri sviluppatori come comportarsi per evitare catene d’interazione infinite con altri bot. I sistemi interni di Misskey si adegueranno al fine di trattare questo profilo come bot."
+continueOnRemote: "Continua da remoto"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Scegli l'istanza sul sito Misskey Hub"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Elenca i nomi host delle istanze che vuoi silenziare. Tutti i profili nelle istanze silenziate vengono trattati come tali. Possono solo inviare richieste di follow e menzionare soltanto i profili locali che seguono. Le istanze bloccate non sono interessate."
+intro: "L'installazione di Misskey è terminata! Si prega di creare il profilo amministratore."
+fileNotSelected: "Nessun file selezionato"
+antennaUsersDescription: "Elenca un nome utente per riga"
+aboutMisskey: "Informazioni di Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "Il testo copiato eccede le dimensioni, vuoi allegarlo?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "Per continuare, devi accedere alla tua istanza o registrarti su questa e poi accedere"
+disableDrawer: "Non mostrare il menù sul drawer"
+showReactionsCount: "Visualizza il numero di reazioni su una nota"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Emetti suoni solo quando Misskey è in attività"
+scratchpadDescription: "Lo Scratchpad offre un ambiente per esperimenti di AiScript. È possibile scrivere, eseguire e confermare i risultati dell'interazione del codice con Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Segnalare la Rinota"
+forwardReport: "Inoltro di un report a un'istanza remota."
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "L'istanza remota non vedrà le tue informazioni, apparirai come profilo di sistema, anonimo."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Risolvi segnalazione"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey è tradotto in diverse lingue da volontari. Anche tu puoi contribuire su {link}."
+renotesCount: "Numero di note che hai ricondiviso"
+renotedCount: "Numero delle tue note ricondivise"
+makeIndexable: "Non indicizzare le note pubbliche"
+makeIndexableDescription: "Le tue note pubbliche non saranno cercabili"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Quando abilitato, se si verifica un problema, informazioni dettagliate sugli errori verranno condivise con Misskey in modo da aiutare a migliorare la qualità del software.\nCiò include informazioni come la versione del sistema operativo, il tipo di navigatore web che usi, la cronologia delle attività, ecc."
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "Non è stata impostata la URL di contatto"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey è stato aggiornato!"
+usernameInfo: "Un nome per identificare univocamente il tuo profilo sull'istanza. Puoi utilizzare caratteri alfanumerici maiuscoli, minuscoli e il trattino basso (_). Non potrai cambiare nome utente in seguito."
+defaultLike: "Emoji predefinita per \"mi piace\""
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Ti piace Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey è il software libero utilizzato su {host}. Offrendo una donazione è più facile continuare a svilupparlo!"
+collapseRenotes: "Comprimi le Rinota già viste"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "Comprimi le Note con cui hai già interagito."
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limita la larghezza delle reazioni e ridimensionale"
+renotesList: "Chi ha Rinotato?"
+goToMisskey: "Vai a Misskey"
+replies: "Risposte"
+renotes: "Rinota"
+showRenotes: "Includi le Rinota"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: ""
+repositoryUrlDescription: "Se esiste un repository il cui il codice sorgente è disponibile pubblicamente, inserisci il suo URL. Se stai utilizzando Misskey così com'è (senza alcuna modifica al codice sorgente), inserisci https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey."
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Schermate in base alla stagione"
+noDescription: "Manca la descrizione"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "Questo allegato è esplicito, vuoi vederlo?"
+ stop: "Sospendi la distribuzione di attività"
+ resume: "Riprendi la distribuzione di attività"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Puoi continuare con l'esercitazione su come usare {name} (Misskey), oppure interrompere, iniziando subito a usarlo."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Qui puoi verificare l'uso delle funzionalità base di Misskey."
+ _note:
+ description: "Gli status su Misskey sono chiamati \"Note\". Le Note sono elencate in ordine cronologico nelle timeline e vengono aggiornate in tempo reale."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Puoi aggiungere una Reazione cliccando il bottone \"{reaction}\" della relativa Nota. Prova ad aggiungerne una a questa Nota di esempio!"
+ reactDone: "Annulla la tua Reazione premendo il bottone \"{undo}\""
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey fornisce alcune Timeline (sequenze cronologiche di Note). Una di queste potrebbe essere stata disattivata dagli amministratori."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Quando scrivi una Nota su Misskey, hai a disposizione varie opzioni. Il modulo di invio è simile a questo."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Pubblicato solo sulla Timeline Home (personale). Visibile anche da profili remoti follower, visitatori del tuo profilo e tramite i Rinota dei follower."
+ followers: "Visibile solo ai profili tuoi follower (locali o remoti). Nessun altro oltre a te può \"Rinotare\"."
+ _done:
+ title: "Il tutorial è finito! 🎉"
+ description: "Queste sono solamente alcune delle funzionalità principali di Misskey. Per ulteriori informazioni, {link}."
+ inquiryUrl: "URL di contatto"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "Specificare l'URL al modulo di contatto, oppure le informazioni con i dati di contatto dell'amministrazione."
+ moveAccountDescription: "Questa attività è irreversibile! Innanzitutto, assicurati di aver creato, nella istanza di destinazione, un alias con l'indirizzo di questo profilo. Successivamente, indica qui il profilo di destinazione in questo modo: @persona@istanza.it"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Hai iniziato a usare Misskey"
+ flavor: "Goditi la vita su Misskey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Grazie per aver usato Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I LOVE Misskey"
+ description: "Pubblica «I ♥ #Misskey»"
+ flavor: "Grazie per aver utilizzato Misskey! Dal team di sviluppo"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Hai passato più di 30 minuti su Misskey"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Misskey negli occhi"
+ description: "Hai letto Misskey almeno per un'ora"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Sulle note di Brain Diver"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Attestato di partecipazione al corso per principianti di Misskey"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "Può aggiornare foto profilo e di testata"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "È in stato privato"
+ isExplorable: "Autorizza la pubblicazione nei cataloghi"
+ banned: "Non puoi registrarti con questo indirizzo email"
+ about: "Misskey è un software libero e open source, sviluppato da syuilo dal 2014."
+ original: "Originale"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} sta usando una versione modificata diversa da Misskey originale."
+ translation: "Tradurre Misskey"
+ disabled: "Non visualizzare l'avviso"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Consenti i Rinota e le citazioni all'esterno del canale"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Disattiva tutte le note, le note di rinvio (condivisione) dell'istanza configurata, comprese le risposte agli utenti dell'istanza."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Rinota"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Scegliere un audio lungo potrebbe interferire con l'uso di Misskey. Vuoi continuare lo stesso?"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "Informazioni dettagliate sull'autenticazione multi fattore (2FA/MFA)"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "Questo riquadro è obsoleto. Utilizza {play} da ora in poi."
+ youRenoted: "{name} ha rinotato"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} Rinota"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Rinota"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Rinota"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Quando la Nota è Rinotata"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "Quando una segnalazione è risolta"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "Quando ricevi un abuso, notifica l'amministrazione via email"
+ webhook: "Spedire una notifica al SystemWebhook specificato (sia quando si riceve una segnalazione, che quando viene risolta)"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Installa da sito esterno"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Impedire l'animazione per l'immagine del profilo. Le immagini animate possono avere dimensioni file maggiori rispetto a quelle normali, puoi ridurre ulteriormente l'utilizzo dei dati."
+ timeoutDescription: "Impegna al massimo il tempo indicato, altrimenti ignora l'anteprima"
+ requireContentLength: "Genenerare l'anteprima solo quando è definito Content-Length"
+ summaryProxy: "Endpoint proxy che genera l'anteprima"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Genera anteprime utilizzando un proxy Summaly anziché Misskey."
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "I parametri sono collegano al proxy come stringa query. Se il proxy non li supporta, verranno ignorati."
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ja-JP.yml b/sharkey-locales/ja-JP.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..188a656082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ja-JP.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+introMisskey: "ようこそ!Sharkeyは、オープンソースの分散型マイクロブログサービスです。\n「ノート」を作成して、いま起こっていることを共有したり、あなたについて皆に発信しよう📡\n「リアクション」機能で、皆のノートに素早く反応を追加することもできます👍\n新しい世界を探検しよう🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name}は、オープンソースのプラットフォームSharkeyのサーバーのひとつです。"
+renotedBy: "{user}がブースト"
+approvals: "承認"
+copyLinkRenote: "ブーストのリンクをコピー"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "このノートを削除してもう一度編集しますか?このノートへのリアクション、ブースト、返信も全て削除されます。"
+openRemoteProfile: "リモートプロフィールを開く"
+trustedLinkUrlPatterns: "外部サイトへのリンク警告 除外リスト"
+trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、改行で区切るとOR指定になります。スラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。ドメイン名だけ書くと後方一致になります。"
+mutuals: "Mutuals"
+renote: "ブースト"
+unrenote: "ブースト解除"
+renoted: "ブーストしました。"
+quoted: "引用。"
+rmboost: "ブースト解除しました。"
+cantRenote: "この投稿はブーストできません。"
+cantReRenote: "ブーストをブーストすることはできません。"
+inChannelRenote: "チャンネル内ブースト"
+muted: "Muted"
+renoteMute: "ブーストをミュート"
+renoteMuted: "Boosts muted"
+renoteUnmute: "ブーストのミュートを解除"
+markAsNSFW: "ユーザーのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークする"
+markInstanceAsNSFW: "Mark as NSFW"
+nsfwConfirm: "このアカウントからのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークしてもよろしいですか?"
+unNsfwConfirm: "このアカウントのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマーク解除してもよろしいですか?"
+approveConfirm: "このアカウントを承認してもよろしいですか?"
+flagAsBotDescription: "このアカウントがプログラムによって運用される場合は、このフラグをオンにします。オンにすると、反応の連鎖を防ぐためのフラグとして他の開発者に役立ったり、Sharkeyのシステム上での扱いがBotに合ったものになります。"
+flagSpeakAsCat: "猫語で話す"
+flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "有効にすると、あなたの投稿の 「な」を「にゃ」にします。"
+continueOnRemote: "リモートで続行"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Misskey Hubからサーバーを選択"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "サーバーをメディアサイレンス"
+rejectReports: "Reject reports from this instance"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "サイレンスしたいサーバーのホストを改行で区切って設定します。サイレンスされたサーバーに所属するアカウントはすべて「サイレンス」として扱われ、フォローがすべてリクエストになります。ブロックしたインスタンスには影響しません。"
+mediaSilencedInstances: "メディアサイレンスしたサーバー"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "メディアサイレンスしたいサーバーのホストを改行で区切って設定します。メディアサイレンスされたサーバーに所属するアカウントによるファイルはすべてセンシティブとして扱われ、カスタム絵文字が使用できないようになります。ブロックしたインスタンスには影響しません。"
+intro: "Sharkeyのインストールが完了しました!管理者アカウントを作成しましょう。"
+blockedByBase: "This host is blocked implicitly because a base domain is blocked. To unblock this host, first unblock the base domain(s)."
+silencedByBase: "This host is silenced implicitly because a base domain is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
+mediaSilencedByBase: "This host's media is silenced implicitly because a base domain's media is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
+driveSearchbarPlaceholder: "検索ドライブ"
+fileNotSelected: "ファイルが選択されていません"
+background: "背景"
+antennaUsersDescription: "ユーザー名を改行で区切って指定します"
+aboutMisskey: "Sharkeyについて"
+expandAllCws: "すべての返信の内容を表示する"
+collapseAllCws: "すべての返信の内容を隠す"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "クリップボードのテキストが長いです。テキストファイルとして添付しますか?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "続行するには、お使いのサーバーに移動するか、このサーバーに登録・ログインする必要があります"
+disableDrawer: "メニューをドロワーで表示しない"
+showReactionsCount: "ノートのリアクション数を表示する"
+cornerRadius: "コーナーの丸み"
+warnForMissingAltText: "代替テキストを入れ忘れたときに警告する"
+deeplFreeMode: "DeepLX-JS を使用する (認証キー不要)"
+deeplFreeModeDescription: "DeepLX-JSの設定方法については、ドキュメントを参照してください。"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Sharkeyがアクティブな時のみサウンドを出力する"
+scratchpadDescription: "スクラッチパッドは、AiScriptの実験環境を提供します。Sharkeyと対話するコードの記述、実行、結果の確認ができます。"
+deleteAllFilesQueued: "キューに入れられたすべてのファイルの削除"
+systemAccountTitle: "This is a system account"
+systemAccountDescription: "This account is created and managed automatically by the system, and cannot be logged into."
+postFiltered: "post is hidden by a filter"
+enableFaviconNotificationDot: "未読の通知があるときにタブのアイコンを目立たせる"
+verifyNotificationDotWorkingButton: "タブアイコン強調機能の動作確認"
+notificationDotNotWorking: "このサーバーは現時点ではタブアイコン強調機能をサポートしていません。"
+notificationDotWorking: "タブアイコン強調機能は、このサーバーで正しく機能しています。"
+notificationDotNotWorkingAdvice: "タブアイコン強調機能が機能しない場合は、管理者にドキュメントを確認するように依頼してください {link}"
+reportAbuseRenote: "ブーストを通報"
+forwardReport: "リモートサーバーに通報を転送する"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "リモートサーバーからはあなたの情報は見れず、匿名のシステムアカウントとして表示されます。"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "対応済みにする"
+i18nInfo: "Sharkeyは有志によって様々な言語に翻訳されています。{link}で翻訳に協力できます。"
+renotesCount: "ブーストした数"
+renotedCount: "ブーストされた数"
+showTickerOnReplies: "返信にサーバー情報を表示する"
+disableCatSpeak: "猫の話し方を無効にする"
+searchEngine: "検索MFMの検索エンジン"
+searchEngineOther: "カスタム"
+searchEngineCustomURIDescription: "カスタム検索エンジンのURIは、\"https://www.google.com/search?q=\\{query}\" や \"https://www.google.com/search?q=%s\" のような形式で入力する必要があります。"
+searchEngineCusomURI: "カスタム検索エンジン URI"
+makeIndexable: "公開ノートをインデックス不可にする"
+makeIndexableDescription: "ノート検索があなたの公開ノートをインデックス化しないようにします。"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "オンにすると、問題が発生したときにエラーの詳細情報がSharkeyに共有され、ソフトウェアの品質向上に役立てることができます。エラー情報には、OSのバージョン、ブラウザの種類、行動履歴などが含まれます。"
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "問い合わせ先URLが設定されていません。"
+misskeyUpdated: "Sharkeyが更新されました!"
+usernameInfo: "サーバー上であなたのアカウントを一意に識別するための名前。アルファベット(a~z, A~Z)、数字(0~9)、およびアンダーバー(_)が使用できます。ユーザー名は後から変更することは出来ません。"
+approvalRequiredForSignup: "アカウント登録を承認制にする"
+voteConfirmMulti: "「{choice}」に投票しますか?\n 確認後、選択肢を増やすことができます。"
+pendingUserApprovals: "承認待ちのユーザーがいます。"
+approveAccount: "承認する"
+denyAccount: "拒否と削除"
+approved: "承認済み"
+notApproved: "承認されていない"
+approvalStatus: "承認状況"
+numberOfReplies: "スレッド内の返信数"
+numberOfRepliesDescription: "この数値を大きくすると、より多くの返信が表示されます。この値を大きくしすぎると、UIが窮屈になって読みにくくなることがあります。"
+boostSettings: "ブースト設定"
+showVisibilitySelectorOnBoost: "公開範囲セレクターを表示"
+showVisibilitySelectorOnBoostDescription: "無効の場合、以下で設定したデフォルトの公開範囲が使用され、セレクターは表示されません。"
+visibilityOnBoost: "デフォルトのブースト公開範囲"
+defaultLike: "絵文字のようなデフォルト"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Sharkeyを気に入っていただけましたか?"
+pleaseDonate: "Sharkeyは{host}が使用している無料のソフトウェアです。これからも開発を続けられるように、ぜひ寄付をお願いします!"
+pleaseDonateInstance: "インスタンス管理者への寄付によって{host}を直接サポートすることもできます。"
+thisPostIsMissingAltTextCancel: "やめる"
+thisPostIsMissingAltTextIgnore: "このまま投稿"
+thisPostIsMissingAltText: "代替テキストがないファイルが添付されています。すべての添付ファイルに代替テキストを含むようにしてください。"
+collapseRenotes: "ブーストのスマート省略"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "リアクションやブーストをしたことがあるノートをたたんで表示します。"
+collapseNotesRepliedTo: "返信元のノートを折りたたむ"
+collapseFiles: "ファイルを折りたたむ"
+uncollapseCW: "CWを展開する"
+expandLongNote: "長い投稿を常に展開する"
+autoloadConversation: "会話スレッドを自動で読み込む"
+approvalRequiredToRegister: "現在このサーバーは承認制です。参加したい理由を記入し、承認された方のみ登録できます。"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "リアクションの最大横幅を制限し、縮小して表示する"
+oneko: "にゃんこフレンド :3"
+renotesList: "ブースト一覧"
+lookupConfirm: "照会しますか?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "ハッシュタグのページを開きますか?"
+specifyHost: "ホスト指定"
+goToMisskey: "Sharkeyへ"
+enableAchievements: "実績を有効にする"
+turnOffAchievements: "オフにすると実績システムは無効になります。"
+enableBotTrending: "botのハッシュタグ追加を許可する"
+turnOffBotTrending: "オフにするとボットがハッシュタグを入力しなくなります。"
+replies: "返信"
+renotes: "ブースト"
+clickToOpen: "クリックしてノートを開く"
+showBots: "ボットをタイムラインに表示"
+showRenotes: "ブーストを表示"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "ソースコードはまだ提供されていません。この問題の修正について管理者に問い合わせてください。"
+repositoryUrlDescription: "ソースコードが公開されているリポジトリがある場合、そのURLを記入します。Sharkeyを現状のまま(ソースコードにいかなる変更も加えずに)使用している場合は https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/Sharkey/ と記入します。"
+donation: "寄付する"
+donationUrl: "寄付URL"
+showBelowAvatar: "アイコンの後ろに表示"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "季節に応じた画面の演出"
+noDescription: "説明文はありません"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "センシティブなメディアです。表示しますか?"
+severAllFollowRelations: "以下の関係をすべて断ち切る"
+severAllFollowRelationsConfirm: "すべての人間関係を壊す?これは不可逆です!これは{instanceName}の{followingCount}フォローと{followersCount}フォロワーの関係を壊す!"
+severAllFollowRelationsQueued: "キューに入れられた{host}とのすべてのフォロー関係を切断する。"
+ stop: "配信停止"
+ resume: "配信再開"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "このまま{name}(Sharkey)の使い方についてのチュートリアルに進むこともできますが、ここで中断してすぐに使い始めることもできます。"
+ _landing:
+ description: "ここでは、Sharkeyの基本的な使い方や機能を確認できます。"
+ _note:
+ description: "Sharkeyでの投稿は「ノート」と呼びます。ノートはタイムラインに時系列で並んでいて、リアルタイムで更新されていきます。"
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "リアクションは、ノートの「{reaction}」ボタンをクリックするとつけられます。試しにこのサンプルのノートにリアクションをつけてみてください!"
+ reactDone: "「{undo}」ボタンを押すとリアクションを取り消すことができます。"
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Sharkeyには、使い方に応じて複数のタイムラインが用意されています(サーバーによってはいずれかが無効になっていることがあります)。"
+ bubble: "管理者が選択した他の接続サーバーの投稿を見ることができます。"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Sharkeyにノートを投稿する際には、様々なオプションの設定が可能です。投稿フォームはこのようになっています。"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "ホームタイムラインのみに公開。フォロワー・プロフィールを見に来た人・ブーストから、他のユーザーも見ることができます。"
+ followers: "フォロワーにのみ公開。本人以外がブーストすることはできず、またフォロワー以外は閲覧できません。"
+ _done:
+ title: "チュートリアルは終了です🎉"
+ description: "ここで紹介した機能はほんの一部にすぎません。Sharkeyの使い方をより詳しく知るには、{link}をご覧ください。"
+ bubble: "バブルタイムラインでは、管理者が選択した接続サーバーからの投稿を表示できます。"
+ sidebarLogoUrl: "ロゴURL"
+ sidebarLogoDescription: "高精細、ダイナミック幅のシナリオで通常のアイコンの代わりに使用するロゴを指定します。"
+ sidebarLogoUsageExample: "例:サイドバー、訪問者用、「情報」ページ"
+ inquiryUrl: "問い合わせ先URL"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "サーバー運営者へのお問い合わせフォームのURLや、運営者の連絡先等が記載されたWebページのURLを指定します。"
+ moveAccountDescription: "新しいアカウントへ移行します。\n ・フォロワーが新しいアカウントを自動でフォローします\n ・このアカウントからのフォローは全て解除されます\n ・このアカウントではノートの作成などができなくなります\n\nフォロワーの移行は自動ですが、フォローの移行は手動で行う必要があります。移行前にこのアカウントでフォローエクスポートし、移行後すぐに移行先アカウントでインポートを行なってください。\nリスト・ミュート・ブロックについても同様ですので、手動で移行する必要があります。\n\n(この説明はこのサーバー(Sharkey v13.12.0以降)の仕様です。Mastodonなどの他のActivityPubソフトウェアでは挙動が異なる場合があります。)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "just setting up my shonk"
+ flavor: "良いSharkeyライフを!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Sharkeyを使ってくれてありがとう!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Sharkey"
+ description: "\"I ❤ #Sharkey\"を投稿した"
+ flavor: "Sharkeyを使ってくださりありがとうございます! by 開発チーム"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "クライアントを起動してから30分以上経過した"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Sharkeyの見すぎ"
+ description: "クライアントを起動してから60分以上経過した"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Sharkey初心者講座 修了証"
+ _options:
+ btlAvailable: "バブルタイムラインの閲覧"
+ canImportNotes: "ノートのインポートが可能"
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "アイコンとバナーの更新を許可"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "鍵アカウントユーザー"
+ isExplorable: "「アカウントを見つけやすくする」が有効なユーザー"
+ banned: "このメールアドレスでは登録できません"
+ approvalPending: "アカウントが作成され、承認待ちの状態です。"
+ reasonInfo: "インスタンスに参加したい理由を入力してください。"
+ about: "Sharkeyは、Misskeyをベースにしたオープンソースのソフトウェアです。"
+ original: "Misskey オリジナル"
+ original_sharkey: "Sharkey オリジナル"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name}はオリジナルのSharkeyを改変したバージョンを使用しています。"
+ translation: "Sharkeyを翻訳"
+ donate_sharkey: "Sharkeyに寄付"
+ testers: "テスター"
+ disabled: "警告を無効にする"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "チャンネル外へのブーストと引用ブーストを許可する"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "ミュートしたサーバーのユーザーへの返信を含めて、設定したサーバーの全てのノートとブーストをミュートします。"
+ keys:
+ renote: "Boost"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "長い音声を使用するとSharkeyの使用に支障をきたす可能性があります。それでも続行しますか?"
+ driveFileError: "音声が読み込めませんでした。設定を変更してください"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "詳細なガイドはこちら"
+ search: "検索"
+ multiple: "複数の選択肢"
+ updateBanner: "更新バナー"
+ removeBanner: "バナーを削除"
+ changeBackground: "背景を変更する"
+ updateBackground: "背景を更新する"
+ removeBackground: "背景を削除する"
+ bubble: "バブル"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "このブロックは廃止されています。今後は{play}を利用してください。"
+ youRenoted: "{name}がBoostしました"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n}人がリノートしました"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Boost"
+ edited: "編集済み"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "ブースト"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Boostされたとき"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "ユーザーからの通報を処理したとき"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "モデレーター権限を持つユーザーのメールアドレスに通知を送ります(通報を受けた時のみ)"
+ webhook: "指定したSystemWebhookに通知を送ります(通報を受けた時と通報を解決した時にそれぞれ発信)"
+ approve: "承認済み"
+ setRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
+ unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
+ rejectRemoteInstanceReports: "Rejected reports from remote instance"
+ acceptRemoteInstanceReports: "Accepted reports from remote instance"
+ uncommonFeature: "この機能は一般的に普及していないため、他のMisskeyフォークを含めた多くのFediverseソフトウェアで表示できないことがあります。"
+ intro: "MFM はMisskey, Sharkey, Firefish, Akkomaなど、多くの場所で使用できるマークアップ言語です。ここでは、利用できるMFM構文の一覧をご覧いただけます。"
+ dummy: "SharkeyでFediverseの世界が広がります"
+ mention: "メンション"
+ mentionDescription: "アットマーク + ユーザー名で、特定のユーザーを示すことができます。"
+ hashtag: "ハッシュタグ"
+ hashtagDescription: "ナンバーサイン + タグで、ハッシュタグを示すことができます。"
+ url: "URL"
+ urlDescription: "URLを示すことができます。"
+ link: "リンク"
+ linkDescription: "文章の特定の範囲を、URLに紐づけることができます。"
+ bold: "太字"
+ boldDescription: "文字を太く表示して強調することができます。"
+ small: "小文字"
+ smallDescription: "内容を小さく・薄く表示させることができます。"
+ center: "中央寄せ"
+ centerDescription: "内容を中央寄せで表示させることができます。"
+ inlineCode: "コード(インライン)"
+ inlineCodeDescription: "プログラムなどのコードをインラインでシンタックスハイライトします。"
+ blockCode: "コード(ブロック)"
+ blockCodeDescription: "複数行のプログラムなどのコードをブロックでシンタックスハイライトします。"
+ inlineMath: "数式(インライン)"
+ inlineMathDescription: "数式 (KaTeX形式)をインラインで表示します。"
+ blockMath: "数式(ブロック)"
+ blockMathDescription: "数式 (KaTeX形式)をブロックで表示します。"
+ quote: "引用"
+ quoteDescription: "内容が引用であることを示すことができます。"
+ emoji: "カスタム絵文字"
+ emojiDescription: "コロンでカスタム絵文字名を囲むと、カスタム絵文字を表示させることができます。"
+ search: "検索"
+ searchDescription: "検索ボックスを表示できます。"
+ flip: "反転"
+ flipDescription: "内容を上下または左右に反転させます。"
+ jelly: "アニメーション(びよんびよん)"
+ jellyDescription: "ゼリーが揺れるような感じのアニメーションをさせます。"
+ tada: "アニメーション(じゃーん)"
+ tadaDescription: "「じゃーん!」と強調するような感じのアニメーションをさせます。"
+ jump: "アニメーション(ジャンプ)"
+ jumpDescription: "跳ねるアニメーションをさせます。"
+ bounce: "アニメーション(バウンド)"
+ bounceDescription: "跳ねて着地するようなアニメーションをさせます。"
+ shake: "アニメーション(ぶるぶる)"
+ shakeDescription: "震えるアニメーションをさせます。"
+ twitch: "アニメーション(ガタガタ)"
+ twitchDescription: "より激しく震えるアニメーションをさせます。"
+ spin: "アニメーション(回転)"
+ spinDescription: "内容を回転させます。"
+ x2: "大"
+ x2Description: "内容を大きく表示させます。"
+ x3: "特大"
+ x3Description: "内容をより大きく表示させます。"
+ x4: "超特大"
+ x4Description: "内容をさらに大きく表示させます。"
+ blur: "ぼかし"
+ blurDescription: "内容をぼかすことができます。ポインターを上に乗せるとはっきり見えるようになります。"
+ font: "フォント"
+ fontDescription: "内容のフォントを指定することができます。"
+ rainbow: "レインボー"
+ rainbowDescription: "内容を虹色で表示させます。"
+ sparkle: "キラキラ"
+ sparkleDescription: "キラキラと星型のパーティクルを表示させます。"
+ rotate: "角度変更"
+ rotateDescription: "指定した角度で回転させます。"
+ position: "位置変更"
+ positionDescription: "位置をずらすことができます。"
+ crop: "切り取り"
+ cropDescription: "内容を切り抜きます。"
+ followMouse: "マウス追従"
+ followMouseDescription: "内容がマウスに追従します。スマホの場合はタップした場所に追従します。"
+ scale: "拡大"
+ scaleDescription: "内容を引き伸ばして表示します。"
+ foreground: "文字色"
+ foregroundDescription: "文字色を変更します。"
+ fade: 'フェード'
+ fadeDescription: '内容をフェードイン・フェードアウトさせます。'
+ background: "背景色"
+ backgroundDescription: "背景色を変更します。"
+ plain: "Plain"
+ plainDescription: "内側の構文を全て無効にします。"
+ play: "MFMアニメーションを再生"
+ stop: "MFMアニメーション停止"
+ _alert:
+ text: "MFMアニメーションには、高速で点滅したり動いたりするテキスト・絵文字を含む場合があります。"
+ confirm: "再生する"
+ title: "データリクエスト"
+ warn: "データリクエストは3日ごとに可能です。"
+ text: "データの保存が完了すると、このアカウントに登録されているメールアドレスにメールが送信されます。"
+ button: "データリクエスト実行"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "アイコン画像のアニメーションが停止します。アニメーション画像は通常の画像よりファイルサイズが大きいことがあるので、データ通信量をさらに削減できます。"
+ timeoutDescription: "プレビュー取得の所要時間がこの値を超えた場合、プレビューは生成されません。"
+ requireContentLength: "Content-Lengthが取得できた場合のみプレビューを生成"
+ summaryProxy: "プレビューを生成するプロキシのエンドポイント"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Misskey本体ではなく、サマリープロキシを使用してプレビューを生成します。"
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "プロキシには下記パラメータがクエリ文字列として連携されます。プロキシ側がこれらをサポートしない場合、設定値は無視されます。"
+ title: "外部サイトに移動します"
+ description: "{host}を離れて外部サイトに移動します"
+ trustThisDomain: "このデバイスで今後このドメインを信頼する"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ja-KS.yml b/sharkey-locales/ja-KS.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..732539a0b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ja-KS.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+introMisskey: "ようお越し!Sharkeyは、オープンソースの分散型マイクロブログサービスやねん。\n「ノート」を作って、いま起こっとることを共有したり、あんたについて皆に発信しよう📡\n「ツッコミ」機能で、皆のノートに素早く反応を追加したりもできるで✌\nほな、新しい世界を探検しよか🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name}は、オープンソースのプラットフォームSharkeyのサーバーのひとつなんやで。"
+renotedBy: "{user}がブーストしたで"
+copyLinkRenote: "ブーストのリンクをコピーするで?"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "このノートをほかしてもっかい直す?このノートへのツッコミ、ブースト、返信も全部消えるんやけどそれでもええん?"
+renote: "リノート"
+unrenote: "リノートやめる"
+renoted: "リノートしたで。"
+renotedToX: "{name}にリノートしたで"
+cantRenote: "この投稿はリノートできへんっぽい。"
+cantReRenote: "リノート自体はリノートできへんで。"
+inChannelRenote: "チャンネルの中でブースト"
+renoteMute: "ブーストは見いひん"
+renoteUnmute: "ブーストもやっぱ見るわ"
+flagAsBotDescription: "もしこのアカウントをプログラム使うて運用するんやったら、このフラグをオンにしてや。オンにすれば、反応がバーッて連鎖せんように開発者が使うたり、Sharkeyのシステム上での扱いがBotに合ったもんになるからな。"
+flagSpeakAsCat: "猫語で話すで"
+flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "有効にすると、あなたの投稿の 「な」を「にゃ」にするでー。"
+continueOnRemote: "リモートで続行"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Misskey Hubからサーバーを選択"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "サーバーをメディアサイレンス"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "サイレンスしたいサーバーのホストを改行で区切って設定すんで。サイレンスされたサーバーに所属するアカウントはすべて「サイレンス」として扱われ、フォローがすべてリクエストになり、フォロワーでないローカルアカウントにはメンションできなくなんねん。ブロックしたインスタンスには影響せーへんで。"
+mediaSilencedInstances: "メディアサイレンスしたサーバー"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "メディアサイレンスしたいサーバーのホストを改行で区切って設定するで。メディアサイレンスされたサーバーに所属するアカウントによるファイルはすべてセンシティブとして扱われてな、カスタム絵文字が使えへんようになるで。ブロックしたインスタンスには影響せえへんで。"
+intro: "Sharkeyのインストールが完了したで!管理者アカウントを作ってや。"
+fileNotSelected: "ファイルが選択されてへんで"
+antennaUsersDescription: "ユーザー名を改行で区切ったってな"
+aboutMisskey: "Sharkeyってなんや?"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "クリップボードのテキストが長すぎるからテキストファイルとして添付してもええか?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "続行するには、お使いのサーバーに移動するか、このサーバーに登録・ログインする必要があるで"
+disableDrawer: "メニューをドロワーで表示せえへん"
+showReactionsCount: "ノートのリアクション数を表示する"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Sharkeyがアクティブなときだけ音出す"
+scratchpadDescription: "スクラッチパッドではAiScriptを色々試すことができるんや。Sharkeyに対して色々できるコードを書いて動かしてみたり、結果を見たりできるで。"
+reportAbuseRenote: "ブースト苦情だすで?"
+forwardReport: "リモートサーバーに通報を転送するで"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "リモートサーバーからはあんたの情報は見えんなって、匿名のシステムアカウントとして表示されるで。"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "対応したで"
+i18nInfo: "Sharkeyは有志がいろんな言語に訳しとるで。{link}で翻訳に協力したってやー。"
+renotesCount: "ブーストした数やで"
+renotedCount: "ブーストされた数やで"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "オンにしたら、なんか変なことが起きたとき、詳しいのが全部Sharkeyに送られて、ソフトウェアをもっと良うするで。エラー情報には、OSのバージョン、ブラウザの種類、行動履歴なんかが含まれるな。"
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "問い合わせ先URLが設定されてへんで。"
+misskeyUpdated: "Sharkeyが更新されたで!\nモデレーターの人らに感謝せなあかんで"
+usernameInfo: "サーバー上であんたのアカウントをあんたやと分かるようにするための名前やで。アルファベット(a~z, A~Z)、数字(0~9)、それとアンダーバー(_)が使って考えてな。この名前は後から変更することはできへんからちゃんと考えるんやで。"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Sharkey気に入ってくれた?"
+pleaseDonate: "Sharkeyは{host}が使うとる無料のソフトウェアやで。これからも開発を続けれるように、寄付したってな~。"
+collapseRenotes: "見たことあるブーストは飛ばして表示するで"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "リアクションやブーストをしたことがあるノートをたたんで表示するで。"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "ツッコミの最大横幅を制限して、ちっさく表示するで"
+renotesList: "ブースト一覧"
+lookupConfirm: "照会するけどええか?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "ハッシュタグのページを開くんか?"
+specifyHost: "ホスト指定"
+goToMisskey: "Sharkeyへ"
+replies: "返事"
+renotes: "ブースト"
+showRenotes: "ブースト出す"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "ソースコードはまだ提供されてへんで。問題の修正について管理者に問い合わせてみ。"
+repositoryUrlDescription: "ソースコードが公開されているリポジトリがある場合、そのURLを記入するで。Misskeyをそのまんま(ソースコードにいかなる変更も加えずに)使っとる場合は https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey と記入するで。"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "季節にあった画面の動き"
+noDescription: "説明文はあらへんで"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "センシティブなメディアやで。表示するんか?"
+ stop: "配信せぇへん"
+ resume: "配信再開"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "こんまま{name}(Sharkey)の使い方のチュートリアルにも行けるけど、ここでやめてすぐに使い始めてもええで。"
+ _landing:
+ description: "ここでは、Sharkeyのカンタンな使い方とか機能を確かめれんで。"
+ _note:
+ description: "Sharkeyでの投稿は「ノート」って呼ばれてんで。ノートは順々にタイムラインに載ってて、リアルタイムで新しくなってってんで。"
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "ノートの「{reaction}」ボタンでツッコめるわ。試しに下のノートにツッコんでみ。"
+ reactDone: "「{undo}」ボタンでツッコミやめれるで。"
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Sharkeyには、いろいろタイムラインがあんで(ただ、サーバーによっては無効化されてるところもあるな)。"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Sharkeyにノートを投稿するとき、いろんなオプションが付けれるで。投稿画面はこんな感じや。"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "ホームタイムラインにだけ見せるで。フォロワーとか、プロフィールを見に来た人、ブーストからも見れるから、実質は全員見れるけどな。あんまし広がりにくいってことや。"
+ followers: "フォロワーにだけ見せるで。自分以外はブーストできへんし、フォロワー以外は絶対に見れへん。"
+ _done:
+ title: "チュートリアル終わり!おつかれさん🎉"
+ description: "ここで紹介したのは全部の中のちょび~っとだけや。もっと使い方知りたいんやったら、{link}を見ときや。"
+ inquiryUrl: "問い合わせ先URL"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "サーバー運営者へのお問い合わせフォームのURLや、運営者の連絡先等が記載されたWebページのURLを指定するで。"
+ moveAccountDescription: "おニューのアカウントに移行すんで。\n ・フォロワーがおニューの方を勝手にフォローすんで。\n ・このアカウントからのフォローはまるまる全部解除されんで。\n ・このアカウントでノート作れへんようになるで。\n\nフォロワーの移行は勝手にこっちでやっとくけど、フォローの移行は自分でしてや。移行前にこのアカウントでフォローエクスポートして、移行したあとすぐにおニューのところでインポートしてくれな。\nリストとかミュート、あとブロックもおんなじや。自分で移行してな。\n\n(この説明はこのサーバー、つまりMisskey v13.12.0から後の仕様や。Mastodonとか他のActivityPubソフトやとちょっと挙動が違うこともあんで。)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "まいど!"
+ flavor: "Sharkeyを楽しんでな~"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Sharkeyようさん使てもろておおきにな!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "Sharkey好きやねん"
+ description: "\"I ❤ #Sharkey\"を投稿した"
+ flavor: "Sharkeyを使ってくれておおきにな~ by 開発チーム"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "クライアントを起動してから30分以上経過した"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Sharkeyの見過ぎや!"
+ description: "クライアント付けてから1時間経ってもうたで。"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Sharkeyひよっこ講座 修了証"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "アイコンとバナーの更新を許可"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "鍵アカウントユーザー"
+ isExplorable: "「アカウントを見つけやすくする」が有効なユーザー"
+ banned: "このメールアドレスはあかん"
+ about: "Sharkeyは、Misskeyをベースにしたオープンソースなソフトウェアや。"
+ original: "オリジナル"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name}はオリジナルのSharkeyをいじったバージョンをつこうてるで。"
+ translation: "Sharkeyを翻訳"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "チャンネルの外にブーストできるようにする"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "ミュートしたサーバーのユーザーへの返信を含めて、設定したインスタンスの全てのノートとRenoteをミュートにするで。"
+ keys:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "長い音使うたらSharkey使うのに良うないかもしれへんで。それでもええか?"
+ driveFileError: "音声が読み込めへんかったで。設定を変更せえや"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "詳細なガイドはこちら"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "このブロックは廃止されとるで。今後は{play}を利用してや。"
+ youRenoted: "{name}がブーストしたみたいやで"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n}人がブーストしたで"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _events:
+ renote: "ブーストされるとき~!"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "ユーザーからの通報を処理したとき"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "モデレーター権限を持つユーザーのメアドに通知を送るで(通報を受けた時のみ)"
+ webhook: "指定したSystemWebhookに通知を送るで(通報を受けた時と通報を解決した時にそれぞれ発信)"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "ほかのサイトからインストール"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "アイコン画像のアニメが止まるで。普通の画像よりもデータ量がでかいから、もっと通信量を節約できるねん。"
+ timeoutDescription: "プレビュー取得の所要時間がこの値を超えた場合、プレビューは生成されへんで。"
+ requireContentLength: "Content-Lengthが取得できた場合のみプレビューを生成"
+ summaryProxy: "プレビューを生成するプロキシのエンドポイント"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Misskey本体やなく、サマリープロキシを使用してプレビューを生成するで。"
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "プロキシには下記パラメータがクエリ文字列として連携されるで。プロキシ側がこれらをサポートせえへんときは、設定値は無視されるで。"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/jbo-EN.yml b/sharkey-locales/jbo-EN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/kab-KAB.yml b/sharkey-locales/kab-KAB.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b12166486f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/kab-KAB.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+replies: "Err"
+ title: "Yeṭṭafaṛ-ik·em-id"
+ _types:
+ _types:
+ _actions:
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/kn-IN.yml b/sharkey-locales/kn-IN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c3669cf62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/kn-IN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+introMisskey: "ಸ್ವಾಗತ! Misskey ಓಪನ್ ಸೋರ್ಸ್ ಒಕ್ಕೂಟ ಮೈಕ್ರೋಬ್ಲಾಗಿಂಗ್ ಸೇವೆಯಾಗಿದೆ.\n ಏನಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಅಥವಾ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಹೇಳಲು \"ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ\"ಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ📡\n \"ಸ್ಪಂದನೆ\" ಕ್ರಿಯೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ, ನೀವು ಎಲ್ಲರ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಗಳಿಗೆ ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ಸ್ಪಂದನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕೂಡ ಸೇರಿಸಬಹುದು.👍\n ಹೊಸ ಜಗತ್ತನ್ನು ಅನ್ವೇಷಿಸಿ🚀"
+renotedBy: "{user} ಪುನರಾವರ್ತಿಸಿದರು"
+replies: "ಉತ್ತರಿಸು"
+ title: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು"
+ _actions:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ko-GS.yml b/sharkey-locales/ko-GS.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..def31f0c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ko-GS.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+introMisskey: "어서 오이소! Misskey넌 오픈소스 분산헹 마이크로 블로그 서비스입니다.\n‘노트’럴 맨걸어서 지검 일나넌 일얼 노누던가 내 이바구럴 남한데 서 보이소.📡\n‘리액션’ 기넝서 남으 노트에 억수로 빠리게 답할 수 잇십니다.👍\n새롭운 세게럴 탐험해 보입시다.🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} 서버넌 오픈소스 플랫폼 Misskey으 서버 가운데 하나입니다."
+renotedBy: "{user}님이 리노트햇어예"
+copyLinkRenote: "리노트 링크 복사"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "요 노트럴 뭉캐고 새로 적십니꺼? 요 노트서 리액션하고 리노트, 답하기도 말캉 뭉캐집니다."
+renote: "리노트"
+unrenote: "리노트 무루기"
+renoted: "리노트럴 햇십니다."
+cantRenote: "요 걸언 리노트럴 몬 합니다."
+cantReRenote: "리노트넌 지럴 리노트 몬 합니다."
+inChannelRenote: "채널 안 리노트"
+renoteMute: "리노트 수ᇚ후기"
+renoteUnmute: "리노트 수ᇚ훈 거 무루기"
+flagAsBotDescription: "요 게정얼 프로그램서 설라먼 키야 합니다. 키모 다런 개발자가 반엉얼 끋어ᇝ이 데풀이하지 몬 하게 도아 줄 수 잇고 Misskey으 시스템서 자동 게정이 뎁니다."
+silencedInstancesDescription: "수ᇚ훌라넌 서버으 호스트럴 줄 바꿈해서로 비이 줍니다. 수ᇚ훈 서버으 게정언 말캉 ‘수ᇚ후기’가 데서 팔로잉 요청만 데고 팔로워가 아인 로컬 게정서 멘션얼 몬 합니다. 차단한 서버넌 상간 어ᇝ십니다."
+intro: "Misskey럴 다 깔앗십니다! 간리자 게정얼 맨걸어 보입시다."
+antennaUsersDescription: "사용자 이럼얼 줄 바꿈해서로 섭니다"
+aboutMisskey: "Misskey넌예"
+disableDrawer: "드로어 메뉴 쓰지 않기"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Misskey가 활성화되어 있을 때만 소리 내기"
+scratchpadDescription: "스크래치 패드는 AiScript를 끼적거리는 창입니더. Misskey랑 갖다 이리저리 상호작용하는 코드를 서가 굴리멘은 그 결과도 바로 확인할 수 있십니다."
+reportAbuseRenote: "리노트 신고하기"
+forwardReport: "웬겍 서버에 신고 보내기"
+renotesCount: "리노트한 수"
+renotedCount: "리노트덴 수"
+replies: "답하기"
+renotes: "리노트"
+ stop: "고만 보내예"
+ _landing:
+ _done:
+ title: "길라잡이가 껕낫십니다!🎉"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ description: "“I ❤ #Misskey”럴 섰어예"
+ description: "“I ❤ #Misskey”럴 섰어예"
+ description: "“I ❤ #Misskey”럴 섰어예"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ keys:
+ blocks:
+ _types:
+ _actions:
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ko-KR.yml b/sharkey-locales/ko-KR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4da4abb593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ko-KR.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+introMisskey: "환영합니다! Misskey는 오픈 소스 분산형 마이크로 블로그 서비스입니다.\n'노트'를 작성해서 지금 일어나고 있는 일을 공유하거나, 당신만의 이야기를 모두에게 발신하세요📡\n'리액션' 기능으로 친구의 노트에 총알같이 반응을 추가할 수도 있습니다👍\n새로운 세계를 탐험해 보세요🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} 서버는 오픈소스 플랫폼 Misskey의 서버 가운데 하나입니다."
+renotedBy: "{user}님이 리노트"
+copyLinkRenote: "리노트 링크 복사"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "이 노트를 삭제한 뒤 다시 편집하시겠습니까? 이 노트에 대한 리액션, 리노트, 답글 또한 모두 삭제됩니다."
+renote: "리노트"
+unrenote: "리노트 취소"
+renoted: "리노트했습니다"
+renotedToX: "{name}명이 리노트했습니다."
+cantRenote: "이 게시물은 리노트 할 수 없습니다."
+cantReRenote: "리노트를 리노트 할 수 없습니다."
+inChannelRenote: "채널 내 리노트"
+renoteMute: "리노트 뮤트"
+renoteUnmute: "리노트 뮤트 해제"
+flagAsBotDescription: "이 계정을 자동화된 수단으로 운용할 경우에 활성화해 주세요. 이 플래그를 활성화하면, 다른 봇이 이를 참고하여 봇 끼리의 무한 연쇄 반응을 회피하거나, 이 계정의 시스템 상에서의 취급이 Bot 운영에 최적화되는 등의 변화가 생깁니다."
+continueOnRemote: "리모트에서 계속"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Misskey Hub에서 서버 찾아보기"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "사일런스하려는 서버의 호스트명을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력합니다. 사일런스된 서버에 소속된 유저는 모두 '사일런스'된 상태로 취급되며, 이 서버로부터의 팔로우가 프로필 설정과 무관하게 승인제로 변경되고, 팔로워가 아닌 로컬 유저에게는 멘션할 수 없게 됩니다. 정지된 서버에는 적용되지 않습니다."
+intro: "Misskey의 설치가 완료되었습니다! 관리자 계정을 생성해주세요."
+fileNotSelected: "파일을 선택하지 않았습니다"
+antennaUsersDescription: "유저명을 한 줄에 한 명씩 적습니다"
+aboutMisskey: "Misskey에 대하여"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "붙여넣으려는 글이 너무 깁니다. 텍스트 파일로 첨부하시겠습니까?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "계속하려면 사용하는 서버로 이동하거나 이 서버에 로그인해야 합니다."
+disableDrawer: "드로어 메뉴를 사용하지 않기"
+showReactionsCount: "노트의 반응 수를 표시하기"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Misskey를 활성화한 때에만 소리를 출력하기"
+scratchpadDescription: "스크래치 패드는 AiScript 의 테스트 환경을 제공합니다. Misskey 와 상호 작용하는 코드를 작성, 실행 및 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다."
+reportAbuseRenote: "리노트 신고하기"
+forwardReport: "리모트 서버에도 신고 내용 보내기"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "리모트 서버에서는 나의 정보를 볼 수 없으며, 익명의 시스템 계정으로 표시됩니다."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "해결됨으로 표시"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey는 자원봉사자들에 의해 다양한 언어로 번역되고 있습니다. {link}에서 번역에 참가할 수 있습니다."
+renotesCount: "리노트 수"
+renotedCount: "받은 리노트 수"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "이 설정을 활성화하면, 문제가 발생했을 때 오류에 대한 상세 정보를 Misskey에 보내어 더 나은 소프트웨어를 만드는 데에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다."
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "문의처 주소를 설정하지 않았습니다."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey가 업데이트 되었습니다!"
+usernameInfo: "서버상에서 계정을 식별하기 위한 이름. 알파벳(a~z, A~Z), 숫자(0~9) 및 언더바(_)를 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용자명은 나중에 변경할 수 없습니다."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Misskey가 마음에 드시나요?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey는 {host} 서버의 무료 소프트웨어입니다. 앞으로도 개발을 이어 나가려면 후원이 절실히 필요합니다!"
+collapseRenotes: "이미 본 리노트를 간략화하기"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "반응이나 리노트를 한 노트를 접어서 표시합니다."
+limitWidthOfReaction: "리액션의 최대 폭을 제한하고 작게 표시하기"
+renotesList: "리노트 목록"
+goToMisskey: "Misskey로"
+replies: "답글"
+renotes: "리노트"
+showRenotes: "리노트 보기"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "소스 코드를 아직 제공하지 않습니다. 이 문제를 해결하려면 관리자에게 문의해 주세요."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "소스 코드를 공개한 저장소가 있는 경우, 그 URL을 적습니다. Misskey를 원본 그대로 (소스 코드를 어떤 식으로도 변경하지 않고) 쓰고 있는 경우 https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey 라고 적습니다."
+seasonalScreenEffect: "계절에 따른 효과 보이기"
+noDescription: "설명문이 없습니다"
+ stop: "정지됨"
+ resume: "전송 다시 시작"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "이대로 {name}(Misskey)의 사용법에 대해 튜토리얼을 진행할 수도 있지만, 여기서 중단하고 바로 시작할 수도 있습니다."
+ _landing:
+ description: "여기서는 미스키의 기본적인 사용법이나 기능을 확인할 수 있습니다."
+ _note:
+ description: "미스키에서는 게시물을 '노트'라고 합니다. 노트는 타임라인에 시간순으로 정렬되어 있고, 실시간으로 갱신됩니다."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "리액션은 노트의 '{reaction}' 버튼을 클릭하여 붙일 수 있습니다. 지금 표시되는 샘플 노트에 리액션을 달아 보세요!"
+ reactDone: "'{undo}' 버튼을 눌러서 리액션을 취소할 수 있습니다."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey에는 종류에 따라 여러 가지의 타임라인으로 구성되어 있습니다.(서버에 따라서는 일부 타임라인을 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다)"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Misskey에 노트를 쓸 때에는 다양한 옵션을 설정할 수 있습니다. 노트를 작성하는 화면은 이렇게 생겼습니다."
+ _visibility:
+ home: "홈 타임라인에만 공개합니다. 팔로워, 프로필 화면, 리노트를 통해서 다른 유저가 볼 수 있습니다."
+ followers: "팔로워에게만 공개. 자기 자신을 제외하고는 리노트가 불가능하며, 팔로워 외에는 열람할 수 없습니다."
+ _done:
+ title: "튜토리얼이 끝났습니다! 🎉"
+ description: "여기에서 소개한 기능은 극히 일부에 지나지 않습니다. Misskey의 사용 방법을 더 자세히 알아보려면 {link}를 확인해 주세요!"
+ inquiryUrl: "문의처 URL"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "서버 운영자에게 보내는 문의 양식의 URL이나 운영자의 연락처 등이 적힌 웹 페이지의 URL을 설정합니다."
+ moveAccountDescription: "새 계정으로 이전합니다.\n ・팔로워가 새 계정을 자동으로 팔로우 합니다\n ・이 계정에서 팔로우는 모두 해제됩니다\n ・이 계정으로는 노트 작성 등을 할 수 없게 됩니다\n\n팔로워는 자동으로 이전되지만, 팔로우는 수동으로 진행해야 합니다. 이전하기 전에 이 계정에서 팔로우를 내보내고, 이전 후에는 즉시 이전한 계정에서 가져오기를 진행하십시오.\n리스트・뮤트・차단에 대해서도 마찬가지이므로 수동으로 이전해야 합니다.\n\n(이 설명은 이 서버(Misskey v13.12.0 이후)의 사양입니다. Mastodon 등의 다른 ActivityPub 소프트웨어에서는 작동이 다를 수 있습니다.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "미스키 계정 만들었어요"
+ flavor: "Misskey에 어서 오세요!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Misskey를 사용해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Misskey"
+ description: "\"I ❤ #Misskey\"를 포스트했습니다"
+ flavor: "Misskey를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다! ― 개발 팀"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "클라이언트를 시작하고 30분이 경과하였습니다"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "No \"Miss\" in Misskey"
+ description: "클라이언트를 시작하고 60분이 경과하였습니다"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Misskey 입문자 과정 수료증"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "아바타 및 배너 이미지 변경 허용"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "잠금 계정 사용자"
+ isExplorable: "‘계정을 쉽게 발견하도록 하기’를 활성화한 사용자"
+ banned: "이 메일 주소는 사용할 수 없습니다"
+ about: "Misskey는 syuilo가 2014년부터 개발한 오픈소스 소프트웨어입니다."
+ original: "원본"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name}에서는 원본 미스키를 수정한 버전을 사용하고 있습니다."
+ translation: "Misskey를 번역하기"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "채널 외부로의 리노트와 인용 리노트를 허가"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "뮤트한 서버에서 오는 답글을 포함한 모든 노트와 Renote를 뮤트합니다."
+ keys:
+ renote: "리노트"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "긴 오디오로 설정할 경우 미스키 사용에 지장이 갈 수도 있습니다. 그래도 괜찮습니까?"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "여기에 자세한 설명이 있습니다"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "이 블록은 폐지되었습니다. 이제부터 {play}에서 이용해 주세요."
+ youRenoted: "{name}님이 리노트했습니다"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n}명이 리노트했습니다"
+ _types:
+ renote: "리노트"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "리노트"
+ _events:
+ renote: "누군가 내 글을 리노트했을 때"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "받은 신고를 처리했을 때"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "모더레이터 권한을 가진 사용자의 이메일 주소에 알림을 보냅니다 (신고를 받은 때에만)"
+ webhook: "지정한 SystemWebhook에 알림을 보냅니다 (신고를 받은 때와 해결했을 때에 송신)"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "외부 사이트로부터 설치"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "아이콘 이미지의 애니메이션을 멈춥니다. 애니메이션 이미지는 일반 이미지보다 파일 크기가 클 수 있으므로 데이터 사용량을 더 줄일 수 있습니다."
+ timeoutDescription: "미리보기를 로딩하는데 걸리는 시간이 정한 시간보다 오래 걸리는 경우, 미리보기를 생성하지 않습니다."
+ requireContentLength: "Content-Length를 얻었을 때만 미리보기 만들기"
+ summaryProxy: "미리보기를 만든 프록시의 엔드포인트"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Misskey 본체를 사용하지 않고 서머리 프록시로 미리보기를 만듭니다."
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "프록시는 아래의 파라미터를 쿼리 문자열로 연동합니다. 프록시 측이 이를 지원하지 않으면 설정값을 무시합니다."
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/lo-LA.yml b/sharkey-locales/lo-LA.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef03de80f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/lo-LA.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+introMisskey: "ຍິນດີຕ້ອນຮັບ! Misskey ເປັນຊອຟແວopensource, ສຳລັບບໍລິການ microblogging ແບບ decentralized\nສ້າງ “note” ເພື່ອແບ່ງປັນຄວາມຄິດຂອງທ່ານກັບທຸກໆ ຄົນທີ່ຢູ່ອ້ອມຮອບທ່ານ 📡\nຢ່າລືມ “reaction” ໂນຕຂອງລາວເພື່ອສະແດງຄວາມຮູ້ສຶກ 👍\nມາສຳຫຼວດໂລກໃໝ່ແນ! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} ແມ່ນສ່ວນໜຶ່ງຂອງການບໍລິການທີ່ຂັບເຄື່ອນໂດຍແພລດຟອມ open source. Misskey (ເອີ້ນວ່າ \"Misskey instance\")"
+renotedBy: "Renoted ໂດຍ {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "ຄັດລອກລິ້ງຂອງ renote"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "ຕ້ອງການລຶບ note ນີ້ແລະແກ້ໄຂໃໝ່ແມ່ນບໍ່? reaction, renote ແລະການຕອບກັບຕໍ່ note ນີ້ ທັງເບິດຈະຖືກລຶບອອກ"
+renote: "Renote"
+unrenote: "ເລີກ Renote"
+renoted: "renote ແລ້ວ"
+cantRenote: "ໂພສນີ້ບໍ່ສາມາດ renote ໃໝ່ໄດ້"
+cantReRenote: "ບໍ່ສາມາດບັນທຶກຄືນໃໝ່ໄດ້"
+inChannelRenote: "Renote ໃນ channel ເທົ່ານັ້ນ"
+aboutMisskey: "ກ່ຽວກັບ Misskey"
+replies: "ຕອບກັບ"
+renotes: "Renote"
+ stop: "ໂຈະ"
+ title: "ໄດ້ຕິດຕາມທ່ານ"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/nl-NL.yml b/sharkey-locales/nl-NL.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..786a9fbd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/nl-NL.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+introMisskey: "Welkom! Misskey is een open source, gedecentraliseerde microblogdienst.\nMaak \"notities\" om je gedachten te delen met iedereen om je heen. 📡\nMet \"reacties\" kun je ook snel je mening geven over berichten van anderen. 👍\nLaten we een nieuwe wereld verkennen! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} is één van de services die door het open source platform Misskey wordt geleverd (het wordt ook wel een \"Misskey server genmoemd\")."
+renotedBy: "Hergedeeld door {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: ""
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Weet je zeker dat je deze notitie wilt verwijderen en dan bewerken? Je verliest alle reacties, herdelingen en antwoorden erop."
+renote: "Herdelen"
+unrenote: "Stop herdelen"
+renoted: "Herdeeld"
+cantRenote: "Dit bericht kan niet worden herdeeld"
+cantReRenote: "Een herdeling kan niet worden herdeeld"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Als dit account van een programma wordt beheerd, zet deze vlag aan. Het aanzetten helpt andere ontwikkelaars om bijvoorbeeld onbedoelde feedback loops te doorbreken of om Misskey meer geschikt te maken."
+intro: "Installatie van Misskey geëindigd! Maak nu een beheerder aan."
+aboutMisskey: "Over Misskey"
+replies: "Antwoorden"
+renotes: "Herdelen"
+ stop: "Opgeschort"
+ title: "volgde jou"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Herdelen"
+ renote: "Herdelen"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Herdelen"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/no-NO.yml b/sharkey-locales/no-NO.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f241eb124e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/no-NO.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+introMisskey: "Velkommen! Misskey er en desentralisert mikrobloggtjeneste med åpen kildekode.\nOpprett \"Notes\" for å dele tankene dine med alle rundt deg. 📡\nMed \"reaksjoner\" kan du også raskt gi uttrykk for hva du synes om alles Notes. 👍\nLa oss utforske en ny verden! 🚀"
+renotedBy: "Renotes av {user}"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne Noten og redigere den? Du vil miste alle reaksjoner, Renotes og svar på den."
+renote: "Renote"
+renoted: "Renotet."
+cantRenote: "Dette innlegget kan ikke renotes."
+cantReRenote: "En Renote kan ikke renotes."
+inChannelRenote: "Renote kun for kanal"
+renoteMute: "Skjul Renotes"
+renoteUnmute: "Vis Renotes"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Aktiver dette alternativet hvis denne kontoen styres av et program. Hvis det er aktivert, vil det fungere som et flagg for andre utviklere for å forhindre endeløse interaksjonskjeder med andre roboter og justere Misskeys interne systemer til å behandle denne kontoen som en bot."
+intro: "Installasjonen av Misskey er ferdig! Vennligst opprett en administratorkonto."
+aboutMisskey: "Om Misskey"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey oversettes til flere språk av frivillige. Du kan hjelpe til på {link}."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey har blitt oppdatert!"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Likte du Misskey?"
+replies: "Svar"
+renotes: "Renote"
+ stop: "Suspendert"
+ title: "fulgte deg"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Renotes"
+ renote: "Renotes"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Renote"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/pl-PL.yml b/sharkey-locales/pl-PL.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7abe7c1475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/pl-PL.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+introMisskey: "Misskey jest serwisem mikroblogowym typu open source.\nMisskey to opensource'owy serwis mikroblogowy, w którym możesz tworzyć \"notatki\", aby dzielić się tym, co się dzieje i opowiadać wszystkim o sobie.\nMożesz również użyć funkcji \"Reakcje\", aby szybko dodać własne reakcje do notatek innych użytkowników👍.\nOdkrywaj nowy świat🚀!"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} jest jedną z usług działającą na otwartoźródłowej platformie Misskey (określana jako \"instancja Misskey\")."
+renotedBy: "Udostępniono przez {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Skopiuj link renote'a"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten wpis i zedytować go? Utracisz wszystkie reakcje, udostępnienia i odpowiedzi do tego wpisu."
+renote: "Udostępnij"
+unrenote: "Cofnij udostępnienie"
+renoted: "Udostępniono."
+cantRenote: "Ten wpis nie może zostać udostępniony."
+cantReRenote: "Udostępnienie nie może zostać udostępnione."
+inChannelRenote: "Renote tylko na kanale"
+renoteMute: "Wycisz renote'y"
+renoteUnmute: "Wyłącz wyciszenie renote'ów"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Jeżeli ten kanał jest kontrolowany przez jakiś program, ustaw tę opcję. Jeżeli włączona, będzie działać jako flaga informująca innych programistów, aby zapobiegać nieskończonej interakcji z różnymi botami i dostosowywać wewnętrzne systemy Misskey, traktując konto jako bota."
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Wypisz nazwy hostów instancji, które chcesz wyciszyć. Wszystkie konta wymienionych instancji będą traktowane jako wyciszone, będą mogły jedynie wysyłać prośby o obserwację i nie będą mogły wspominać kont lokalnych, jeśli nie będą obserwowane. Nie będzie to miało wpływu na zablokowane instancje."
+intro: "Zakończono instalację Misskey! Utwórz konto administratora."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Wypisz po jednej nazwie użytkownika w linii"
+aboutMisskey: "O Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Nie używaj menu w stylu szuflady"
+showReactionsCount: "Wyświetl liczbę reakcji na notatkę"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Puszczaj dźwięki tylko, gdy Misskey jest aktywne."
+scratchpadDescription: "Brudnopis zawiera eksperymentalne środowisko dla AiScript. Możesz pisać, wykonywać i sprawdzać wyniki w interakcji z Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Zgłoś renote"
+forwardReport: "Przekaż zgłoszenie do innej instancji"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Zamiast twojego konta, anonimowe konto systemowe będzie wyświetlone jako zgłaszający na instancji zdalnej."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Oznacz zgłoszenie jako rozwiązane"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey jest tłumaczone na wiele języków przez wolontariuszy. Możesz pomóc na {link}."
+renotesCount: "Liczba wysłanych udostępnień"
+renotedCount: "Liczba otrzymanych udostępnień"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Gdy włączone, jeśli wystąpi problem, szczegółowe informacje o błędach będą udostępniane Misskey, pomagając ulepszyć jakość Misskey.\nBędzie to zawierało informacje takie jak wersja twojego systemu operacyjnego, jakiej przeglądarki używasz, twoja aktywność w Misskey, itd."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey zostało zaktualizowane!"
+usernameInfo: "Nazwa, która identyfikuje Twoje konto spośród innych na tym serwerze. Możesz użyć alfabetu (a~z, A~Z), cyfr (0~9) lub podkreślników (_). Nazwy użytkownika nie mogą być później zmieniane."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Czy Misskey się tobie spodobało?"
+pleaseDonate: "{host} używa darmowego oprogramowania — Misskey. Bylibyśmy bardzo wdzięczni za datki, które pozwolą na kontynuację rozwoju Misskey!"
+replies: "Odpowiedzi"
+renotes: "Udostępnień"
+ stop: "Zawieszono"
+ title: "Zaobserwował(a) Cię"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Udostępnij"
+ renote: "Udostępnij"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Udostępnij"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Po udostępnieniu wpisu"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/pt-PT.yml b/sharkey-locales/pt-PT.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab1606af2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/pt-PT.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+introMisskey: "Bem-vindo! O Misskey é um serviço de microblog descentralizado de código aberto.\nCrie \"notas\" para compartilhar o que está acontecendo agora ou para se expressar com todos à sua volta 📡\nVocê também pode adicionar rapidamente reações às notas de outras pessoas usando a função \"Reações\" 👍\nVamos explorar um novo mundo 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} é uma instância da plataforma de código aberto Misskey."
+renotedBy: "Repostado por {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copiar o link da repostagem"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Deseja excluir esta nota e editá-la novamente? Todas as reações, compartilhamentos e respostas a esta nota também serão excluídas."
+renote: "Repostar"
+unrenote: "Remover repostagem"
+renoted: "Repostado"
+renotedToX: "Repostar em {name}."
+cantRenote: "Não é possível repostar esta postagem"
+cantReRenote: "Não pode repostar este repost"
+inChannelRenote: "Repostar no canal"
+renoteMute: "Mutar repostagens"
+renoteUnmute: "Reativar repostagens"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Se esta conta for operada por uma aplicação, ative esta opção. Ao ativá-la, ela servirá como um sinalizador para evitar reações em cadeia e ajudar outros desenvolvedores. Além disso, ajustará o tratamento da conta no sistema do Misskey para que se adeque a um Bot."
+continueOnRemote: ""
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "Escolher um servidor da Misskey Hub"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "Silenciar a mídia dessa instância"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "Liste o nome de hospedagem dos servidores que você deseja silenciar, separados por linha. Todas as contas desses servidores serão silenciada e poderão enviar solicitações para seguir, mas não poderão mencionar usuários locais sem segui-los. Isso não afetará servidores bloqueados."
+mediaSilencedInstances: "Instâncias com mídia silenciadas"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "Liste o nome de hospedagem dos servidores cuja mídia você deseja silenciar, separados por linha. Todas as contas desses servidores serão consideradas sensíveis e não poderão utilizar emojis personalizados. Isso não afetará servidores bloqueados."
+intro: "A instalação do Misskey está completa! Crie uma conta de administrador."
+fileNotSelected: "Nenhuma pasta selecionada"
+antennaUsersDescription: "Especificar nomes de utilizador separados por quebras de linha"
+aboutMisskey: "Sobre Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "O texto na área de transferência é muito longo. Você gostaria de anexá-lo como um arquivo de texto?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "Para continuar, você precisa mover o seu servidor ou entrar/cadastrar-se nesse servidor."
+disableDrawer: "Não mostrar o menu em formato de gaveta"
+showReactionsCount: "Ver o número de reações nas notas"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Apenas reproduzir sons quando Misskey estiver aberto."
+scratchpadDescription: "O Bloco de rascunho fornece um ambiente experimental para AiScript. Permite escrever, executar e verificar os resultados do código para interagir com o Misskey."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Reportar repostagem"
+forwardReport: "Encaminhar a denúncia para o servidor remoto"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "No servidor remoto, suas informações não serão visíveis, e você será apresentado como uma conta do sistema anônima."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marcar denúncia como resolvida"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey é traduzido para várias línguas por voluntários. Você pode ajudar com as traduções em {link}."
+renotesCount: "Número de repostagens feitas"
+renotedCount: "Números de repostagens recebidas"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Ao ativar essa opção, informações detalhadas de erro serão compartilhadas com o Misskey em caso de problemas, o que pode ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do software. As informações de erro podem incluir a versão do sistema operacional, o tipo de navegador e o sua atividade no Misskey."
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "URL de consulta não está definida"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey foi atualizado!"
+usernameInfo: "O nome para identificar exclusivamente a sua conta no servidor. Pode conter letras (az, AZ), números (0~9) e sublinhados (_). O nome de usuário não pode ser alterado posteriormente."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Você gostou do Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "O Misskey é um software gratuito utilizado por {host}. Para que possamos continuar o desenvolvimento, pedimos que considerem fazer doações. A sua contribuição é muito importante!"
+collapseRenotes: "Ocultar repostagens já visualizadas"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "Colapsar notas em que você reagiu ou repostou."
+limitWidthOfReaction: "Limita o comprimento máximo de reações e as exibe em tamanho reduzido"
+renotesList: "Repostagens"
+lookupConfirm: "Deseja buscar?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "Deseja abrir a uma página de hashtag?"
+specifyHost: "Especificar um hospedeiro"
+goToMisskey: "Ao Misskey"
+replies: "Responder"
+renotes: "Repostar"
+showRenotes: "Exibir reposts"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "Código-fonte está indisponível. Contate o administrador para resolver esse problema."
+repositoryUrlDescription: "Se você estiver utilizando Misskey como está (sem mudanças no código-fonte), insira https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "Efeito de Tela Sazonal"
+noDescription: "Não há descrição"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "Essa mídia pode ser sensível. Deseja revelá-la?"
+ stop: "Suspenso"
+ resume: "Continuar entrega"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "Você pode iniciar um tutorial de como utilizar {name} (Misskey) ou pode sair da configuração e começar o uso imediatamente."
+ _landing:
+ description: "Aqui, você pode aprender o básico de como usar o Misskey e as suas funções."
+ _note:
+ description: "Publicações no Misskey chamam-se 'Notas'. Notas são organizadas cronologicamente na linha do tempo e atualizam em tempo real."
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "Reações podem ser adicionadas clicando no botão \"+\". Tente reagir à nota de exemplo."
+ reactDone: "Você pode desfazer uma reação ao selecionar o botão \"-\"."
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey providencia diversas linhas do tempo baseadas na sua utilidade (algumas podem não estar disponíveis a partir das configurações da instância)."
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "Ao postar uma nota no Misskey, diversas opções estão disponíveis. A ficha de publicação parece com isto: "
+ _visibility:
+ home: "Publicar apenas na linha do tempo Início. Pessoas visitando seu perfil, seja seguindo ou por um repost poderão vê-los."
+ followers: "Visível apenas para seguidores. Apenas seguidores podem vê-la e mais ninguém, e ela não pode ser repostada pelos demais."
+ _done:
+ title: "Você completou o tutorial! 🎉"
+ description: "As funções apresentadas aqui são apenas uma pequena parte. Para um conhecimento mais detalhado do uso do Misskey, acesse {link}."
+ inquiryUrl: "URL de inquérito"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "Especifique um URL para um formulário de inquérito para a administração ou uma página web com informações de contato."
+ moveAccountDescription: "Você está migrando para uma nova conta.\n ・Seus seguidores irão automaticamente seguir a nova conta.\n ・Todas as suas conexões de seguidores nesta conta serão removidas.\n ・Você não poderá mais criar novas notas nesta conta.\n\nA migração dos seguidores é automática, mas a migração das pessoas que você segue deve ser feita manualmente. Antes de migrar, exporte quem você está seguindo nesta conta e, assim que migrar, importe essa lista na nova conta.\nO mesmo se aplica para listas, silenciamentos e bloqueios, que também devem ser migrados manualmente.\n\n(Esta descrição se refere ao comportamento do servidor Misskey v13.12.0 ou posterior. Outros softwares ActivityPub, como Mastodon, podem ter comportamentos diferentes.)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "Configurando o meu misskey"
+ flavor: "Divirta-se com o Misskey!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "Obrigado por utilizar o Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "Eu Amo Misskey"
+ description: "Poste \"I ❤ #Misskey\""
+ flavor: "A equipe de desenvolvimento do Misskey aprecia profundamente o seu apoio!"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "Deixe o Misskey aberto por pelo menos 30 minutos"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Sem falta"
+ description: "Deixe o Misskey aberto por pelo menos 60 minutos"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Diploma de Ensino Fundamental Misskey"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "Permitir a edição de ícone ou imagem do banner."
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "Contas privadas"
+ isExplorable: "Encontrável em \"Explorar\""
+ banned: "Você não pode se cadastrar com esse endereço de email"
+ about: "Misskey é um software de código aberto desenvolvido por syulio desde 2014."
+ original: "Original"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} utiliza uma versão modificada do Misskey original."
+ translation: "Traduza o Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Permitir repostagens e citações de fora do canal"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "Todas as notas e repostagens do servidor configurado serão silenciados, incluindo respostas aos usuários do servidor mutado."
+ keys:
+ renote: "Repostar"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Áudios longos podem atrapalhar o funcionamento do Misskey. Deseja continuar?"
+ driveFileError: "Não foi possível carregar o som. Por favor, altere a configuração."
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "Aqui está um guia detalhado"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "Esse bloco foi abolido. Por favor, use {play} de agora em diante."
+ youRenoted: "Repostagens de {name}"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} usuários repostaram a nota"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Repostar"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Repostar"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Quando repostado"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "Quando relatórios de abuso forem resolvidos "
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "Enviar o email aos endereços dos moderadores ao receber relatório de abuso."
+ webhook: "Enviar uma notificação ao SystemWebhook quando você receber um resolver um relatório de abuso."
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "Instalar de site externo"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "Parar animação de avatares. Imagens animadas podem ter um arquivo mais pesado do que imagens normais, potencialmente levando a reduções no tráfego de dados."
+ timeoutDescription: "Se demorar mais que esse valor para obter uma prévia, ela não será gerada."
+ requireContentLength: "Gerar previu apenas se houver cabeçalho Content-Length disponível na solicitação"
+ summaryProxy: "Endpoints do Proxy que geram prévias"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "Fora do Misskey, gerar prévias usando o Sumally Proxy."
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "Os parâmetros a seguir são vinculados ao proxy como um 'query string'. Se o proxy não os suportar, os valores serão ignorados."
+ title: "Menu de contexto"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ro-RO.yml b/sharkey-locales/ro-RO.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06bf2468b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ro-RO.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+introMisskey: "Bine ai venit! Misskey este un serviciu de microblogging open source și decentralizat.\nCreează \"note\" cu care să îți poți împărți gândurile cu oricine din jurul tău. 📡\nCu \"reacții\" îți poți expirma rapid părerea despre notele oricui. 👍\nHai să explorăm o lume nouă! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} este unul dintre serviciile care se folosește de platforma open source Misskey."
+renotedBy: "Re-notat de {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copiază linkul pentru renote"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi această notă și să o editezi? Vei pierde reacțiile, re-notele și răspunsurile acesteia."
+renote: "Re-notează"
+unrenote: "Ia înapoi re-nota"
+renoted: "Re-notat."
+cantRenote: "Această postare nu poate fi re-notată."
+cantReRenote: "O re-notă nu poate fi re-notată."
+inChannelRenote: "Renotează în canal"
+renoteMute: "Renotări pe modul silențios"
+renoteUnmute: "Scoate renotările de pe modul silențios"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Activează această opțiune dacă acest cont este controlat de un program. Daca e activată, aceasta va juca rolul unui indicator pentru dezvoltatori pentru a preveni interacțiunea în lanțuri infinite cu ceilalți boți și ajustează sistemele interne al Misskey pentru a trata acest cont drept un bot."
+intro: "Misskey s-a instalat! Te rog crează un utilizator admin."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Scrie un nume de utilizator per linie"
+aboutMisskey: "Despre Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Nu folosi meniuri în stil sertar"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad-ul oferă un mediu de experimentare în AiScript. Poți scrie, executa și verifica rezultatele acestuia interacționând cu Misskey în el."
+forwardReport: "Redirecționează raportul către instanța externă"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "În locul contului tău, va fi afișat un cont anonim, de sistem, ca raportor către instanța externă."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marchează raportul ca rezolvat"
+replies: "Răspunsuri"
+renotes: "Re-notează"
+ stop: "Suspendat"
+ title: "te-a urmărit"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Re-notează"
+ renote: "Re-notează"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Re-notează"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ru-RU.yml b/sharkey-locales/ru-RU.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c157dc7f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ru-RU.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+introMisskey: "Добро пожаловать! Misskey — это децентрализованный сервис микроблогов с открытым исходным кодом.\nПишите «заметки» — делитесь со всеми происходящим вокруг или рассказывайте о себе 📡\nСтавьте «реакции» — выражайте свои чувства и эмоции от заметок других 👍\nОткройте для себя новый мир 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} – сервис на платформе с открытым исходным кодом Misskey, называемый инстансом Misskey."
+renotedBy: "{user} делится"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Удалить эту заметку и создать отредактированную? Все реакции, ссылки и ответы на существующую будут будут потеряны."
+renote: "Репост"
+unrenote: "Отмена репоста"
+renoted: "Репост совершён."
+cantRenote: "Это нельзя репостить."
+cantReRenote: "Невозможно репостить репост."
+inChannelRenote: "В канале"
+renoteMute: "Скрыть репосты"
+renoteUnmute: "Открыть репосты"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Включите, если этот аккаунт управляется программой. Это позволит системе Misskey учитывать это, а также поможет разработчикам других ботов предотвратить бесконечные циклы взаимодействия."
+intro: "Установка Misskey завершена! А теперь создайте учетную запись администратора."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Пишите каждое название аккаута на отдельной строке"
+aboutMisskey: "О Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Не использовать выдвижные меню"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "Использовать звук, когда Misskey активен."
+scratchpadDescription: "«Когтеточка» — это место для опытов с AiScript. Здесь можно писать программы, взаимодействующие с Misskey, запускать и смотреть что из этого получается."
+reportAbuseRenote: "Пожаловаться на репост"
+forwardReport: "Отправить жалобу на инстанс автора."
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Жалоба на удалённый инстанс будет отправлена анонимно. Вместо ваших данных у получателя будет отображена системная учётная запись."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Отметить жалобу как решённую"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey переводят на разные языки добровольцы со всего света. Ваша помощь тоже пригодится здесь: {link}."
+renotesCount: "Сколько раз пользователь делился заметками"
+renotedCount: "Сколько раз делились заметками пользователя"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Если включено, когда возникнет какая-нибудь техническая проблема, подробные сведения об этом будут отправлены разработчикам Misskey. Это очень помогает делать программу лучше. В отчёты попадают тип и версия ОС, браузера, журнал действий (что привело к сбою) и тому подобное."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey обновился!"
+usernameInfo: "Имя, которое отличает вашу учетную запись от других на этом сервере. Вы можете использовать алфавит (a~z, A~Z), цифры (0~9) или символы подчеркивания (_). Имена пользователей не могут быть изменены позже."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Вам нравится Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "Сайт {host} работает на Misskey. Это бесплатное программное обеспечение, и ваши пожертвования очень бы помогли продолжать его разработку!"
+collapseRenotes: "Свернуть репосты"
+renotesList: "Репосты"
+goToMisskey: "К Misskey"
+replies: "Ответы"
+renotes: "Репост"
+ stop: "Заморожено"
+ description: "Посты в Misskey называются 'Заметками.' Заметки отсортированы в хронологическом порядке в ленте и обновляются в режиме реального времени."
+ description: "Посты в Misskey называются 'Заметками.' Заметки отсортированы в хронологическом порядке в ленте и обновляются в режиме реального времени."
+ title: "Новый подписчик"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Репосты"
+ renote: "Репосты"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Репост"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/si-LK.yml b/sharkey-locales/si-LK.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6307ecc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/si-LK.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/sk-SK.yml b/sharkey-locales/sk-SK.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8969f0ad8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/sk-SK.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+introMisskey: "Vitajte! Misskey je otvorená a decentralizovaná mikroblogovacia služba.\n\"Poznámkami\" môžete zdieľať svoje myšlienky so všetkými okolo. 📡\nPomocou \"reakcií\" môžete rýchlo vyjadri svoje pocity o každého poznámkach. 👍\nPoďte objavovať svet! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} je jedným zo serverov využívajúcich open source platformu Misskey (nazývaných Misskey inštancia)."
+renotedBy: "{user} preposlal/a"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Naozaj chcete odstrániť túto poznámku a upraviť ju? Stratíte tým všetky reakcie a odpovede na ňu."
+renote: "Preposlať"
+unrenote: "Vrátiť preposlanie"
+renoted: "Preposlané."
+cantRenote: "Tento príspevok sa nedá preposlať."
+cantReRenote: "Odpoveď nemôže byť odstránená."
+inChannelRenote: "Preposlania v kanáli"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Ak je tento účet ovládaný programom, zaškrtnite túto voľbu. Ostatní uvidia, že je to bot a zabráni nekonečným interakciám s ďalšími botmi a upraví interné systémy Misskey, aby ho považoval za bota."
+intro: "Inštalácia Misskey je dokončená! Prosím vytvorte administrátora."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Zoznam používateľov jeden na riadok"
+aboutMisskey: "O Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Nepoužívať šuflíkové menu"
+scratchpadDescription: "Zápisník poskytuje prostredia pre experimenty s AiScriptom. Môžete písať, spúšťať a skúšať vysledky pri interakcii s Misskey."
+forwardReport: "Preposlať nahlásenie na server"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Namiesto vášho účtu bude zobrazený anonymný systémový účet na vzdialenom serveri ako autor nahlásenia."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Označiť nahlásenia ako vyriešené"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey je prekladaný do rôznych jazykov dobrovoľníkmi. Pomôcť môžete na {link}."
+renotesCount: "Počet preposlaných poznámok"
+renotedCount: "Počet preposlaní prijatých"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Keď je zapnuté, v prípade problému sa odošlú podrobné informácie o chybe do Misskey. Pomôžete tak zvýšiť kvalitu Misskey.\nTieto informácie zahŕňajú verziu vášho OS, použitý prehliadač, históriu aktivít, atď."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey sa aktualizoval!"
+usernameInfo: "Meno, ktoré odlišuje váš účet od ostatných na tomto serveri. Môžete použiť abecedu (a~z, A~Z), čísla (0~9) alebo podtržník (_). Používateľské mená sa nedajú neskôr zmeniť."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Páči sa vám Misskey?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey je bezplatný softvér, ktorý používa {host}. Prosím, prispejte, aby sme ho mohli ďalej rozvíjať!"
+replies: "Odpovede"
+renotes: "Preposlať"
+ stop: "Zmrazené"
+ title: "Máte nového sledujúceho"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Preposlať"
+ renote: "Preposlať"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Preposlať"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/sv-SE.yml b/sharkey-locales/sv-SE.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e8cecb419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/sv-SE.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+introMisskey: "Välkommen! Misskey är en öppen och decentraliserad mikrobloggningstjänst.\nSkapa en \"not\" och dela dina tankar med alla runtomkring dig. 📡\nMed \"reaktioner\" kan du snabbt uttrycka dina känslor kring andras noter. 👍\nLåt oss utforska en ny värld! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} är en tjänst driven av den öppna källkodsplatformen Misskey (benämns \"Misskey instans\")."
+renotedBy: "Omnoterad av {user}"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Är du säker att du vill radera denna not och ändra den? Du kommer förlora alla reaktioner, omnoteringar och svar till den."
+renote: "Omnotera"
+unrenote: "Ta tillbaka omnotering"
+renoted: "Omnoterad."
+cantRenote: "Inlägget kunde inte bli omnoterat."
+cantReRenote: "En omnotering kan inte bli omnoterad."
+inChannelRenote: "Omnotera inom kanalen"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Aktivera det här alternativet om kontot är kontrollerat av ett program. Om aktiverat kommer den fungera som en flagga för andra utvecklare för att hindra ändlösa kedjor med andra bottar. Det kommer också få Misskeys interna system att hantera kontot som en bot."
+intro: "Misskey har installerats! Vänligen skapa en adminanvändare."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Ange ett användarnamn per linje"
+aboutMisskey: "Om Misskey"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey översätts till många olika språk av volontärer. Du kan hjälpa till med översättningen på {link}."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey har uppdaterats!"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey är en gratis programvara som används på {host}. Donera gärna för att göra utvecklingen ständigt, tack!"
+replies: "Svar"
+renotes: "Omnotera"
+ stop: "Suspenderad"
+ title: "följde dig"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Omnotera"
+ renote: "Omnotera"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Omnotera"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/th-TH.yml b/sharkey-locales/th-TH.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9dea6d387b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/th-TH.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+introMisskey: "ยินดีต้อนรับทุกคนจ้า! Misskey คือ ซอฟต์แวร์โอเพนซอร์สสำหรับบริการไมโครบล็อกกิ้ง (MicroBlogging) แบบกระจายศูนย์อำนาจ (Decentralized) \n\nเขียน “โน้ต (Note)” เพื่อส่งต่อเรื่องราวของคุณให้ทั้งโลกได้รับรู้📡\nและอย่าลืมที่จะ “รีแอคชั่น” กับเรื่องราวของคนอื่น ๆ ด้วยนะ! 👍\n\nท่องสำรวจโลกใบใหม่กันเถอะ🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} เป็นหนึ่งในเซิร์ฟเวอร์ของแพลตฟอร์มโอเพ่นซอร์ส Misskey"
+renotedBy: "รีโน้ตโดย {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "คัดลอกลิงก์รีโน้ต"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "ต้องการลบโน้ตนี้และแก้ไขใหม่ใช่ไหม? รีแอคชั่น รีโน้ต และการตอบกลับต่อโน้ตนี้ทั้งหมดจะถูกลบออกด้วย"
+renote: "รีโน้ต"
+unrenote: "เลิกรีโน้ต"
+renoted: "รีโน้ตแล้ว"
+renotedToX: "รีโน้ตให้ {name} แล้ว"
+cantRenote: "โพสต์นี้ไม่สามารถรีโน้ตใหม่ได้"
+cantReRenote: "รีโน้ตไม่สามารถรีโน้ตซ้ำได้"
+inChannelRenote: "รีโน้ตในช่องเท่านั้น"
+renoteMute: "ปิดเสียงรีโน้ต"
+renoteUnmute: "เปิดเสียง รีโน้ต"
+flagAsBotDescription: "เปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้หากบัญชีนี้ถูกควบคุมโดยโปรแกรม เมื่อเปิดใช้งาน มันจะทำหน้าที่เป็นแฟล็กสำหรับนักพัฒนารายอื่นในการป้องกันการสร้างห่วงโซ่การโต้ตอบแบบอนันต์กับบอตตัวอื่น และปรับระบบภายในของ Misskey เพื่อจัดการบัญชีนี้ในฐานะบอต"
+continueOnRemote: "ดำเนินการต่อบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ฝั่งระยะไกล"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "เลือกเซิร์ฟเวอร์จาก Misskey Hub"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "ปิดปากสื่อของเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "ระบุโฮสต์ของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ต้องการปิดปาก คั่นด้วยการขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่, บัญชีทั้งหมดของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ดังกล่าวจะถือว่าถูกปิดปากเช่นกัน ทำได้เฉพาะคำขอติดตามเท่านั้น และไม่สามารถกล่าวถึงบัญชีในเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้ได้หากไม่ได้ถูกติดตามกลับ | สิ่งนี้ไม่มีผลต่ออินสแตนซ์ที่ถูกบล็อก"
+mediaSilencedInstances: "เซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ถูกปิดปากสื่อ"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "ระบุโฮสต์ของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ต้องการปิดปากสื่อ คั่นด้วยการขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่, ไฟล์ที่ถูกส่งจากบัญชีของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ดังกล่าวจะถือว่าถูกปิดปาก แล้วจะถูกติดเครื่องหมายว่ามีเนื้อหาละเอียดอ่อน และเอโมจิแบบกำหนดเองก็จะใช้ไม่ได้ด้วย | สิ่งนี้ไม่มีผลต่ออินสแตนซ์ที่ถูกบล็อก"
+intro: "การติดตั้ง Misskey เสร็จสิ้นแล้วนะ! โปรดสร้างผู้ใช้งานที่เป็นผู้ดูแลระบบ"
+fileNotSelected: "ยังไม่ได้เลือกไฟล์"
+antennaUsersDescription: "ระบุหนึ่งชื่อผู้ใช้ต่อบรรทัด"
+aboutMisskey: "เกี่ยวกับ Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "ข้อความในคลิปบอร์ดยาวเกินไป คุณต้องการแนบเป็นไฟล์ข้อความหรือไม่?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "เพื่อดำเนินการต่อได้ คุณต้องไปที่เซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่คุณใช้งานอยู่ หรือลงทะเบียน/เข้าสู่ระบบเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้"
+disableDrawer: "ไม่แสดงเมนูในรูปแบบลิ้นชัก"
+showReactionsCount: "แสดงจำนวนรีแอกชั่นในโน้ต"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "มีเสียงออกเฉพาะตอนกำลังใช้ Misskey อยู่เท่านั้น"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad ให้สภาพแวดล้อมสำหรับการทดลอง AiScript คุณสามารถเขียนโค้ด/สั่งดำเนินการ/ตรวจสอบผลลัพธ์ ของการโต้ตอบกับ Misskey ได้"
+reportAbuseRenote: "รายงานรีโน้ต"
+forwardReport: "ส่งต่อรายงานไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ระยะไกล"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "ข้อมูลของคุณจะไม่ปรากฏบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ระยะไกลและปรากฏเป็นบัญชีระบบที่ไม่ระบุชื่อ"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "ทำเครื่องหมายรายงานว่าแก้ไขแล้ว"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey กำลังได้รับการแปลเป็นภาษาต่างๆ โดยอาสาสมัคร คุณสามารถช่วยเหลือได้ที่ {link}"
+renotesCount: "จำนวนรีโน้ตที่ส่ง"
+renotedCount: "จำนวนรีโน้ตที่ได้รับแล้ว"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "เมื่อเปิดใช้งาน การแจ้งข้อผิดพลาดจะถูกแชร์กับ Misskey เมื่อเกิดปัญหา ซึ่งช่วยในการปรับปรุงคุณภาพของซอฟต์แวร์ ข้อมูลข้อผิดพลาดอาจรวมถึงเวอร์ชันของระบบปฏิบัติการ ประเภทของเบราว์เซอร์ และประวัติการใช้งาน ฯลฯ"
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "ยังไม่ได้ตั้งค่า URL สำหรับการติดต่อสอบถาม"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey ได้รับการอัปเดตแล้ว!"
+usernameInfo: "ชื่อที่ระบุบัญชีของคุณจากผู้อื่นในเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้ คุณสามารถใช้ตัวอักษร (a~z, A~Z), ตัวเลข (0~9) หรือขีดล่าง (_) ชื่อผู้ใช้ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ในภายหลัง"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "คุณชอบ Misskey ไหม?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey เป็นซอฟต์แวร์ฟรีที่ใช้งานโดย {host} เราขอขอบคุณการสนับสนุนของคุณอย่างสูงเพื่อให้การพัฒนา Misskey สามารถดำเนินต่อไปได้!"
+collapseRenotes: "ยุบรีโน้ตที่คุณเคยเห็นแล้ว"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "พับย่อโน้ตที่เคยตอบสนองหรือรีโน้ตแล้ว"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "จำกัดความกว้างสูงสุดของรีแอคชั่นและแสดงให้เล็กลง"
+renotesList: "รายการรีโน้ต"
+lookupConfirm: "ต้องการเรียกดูข้อมูลใช่ไหม?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "ต้องการเปิดหน้าแฮชแท็กใช่ไหม?"
+specifyHost: "ระบุโฮสต์"
+goToMisskey: "ถึง Misskey"
+replies: "ตอบกลับ"
+renotes: "รีโน้ต"
+showRenotes: "แสดงรีโน้ต"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "ซอร์สโค้ดยังไม่พร้อมใช้งาน โปรดติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหานี้"
+repositoryUrlDescription: "หากมีที่เก็บซอร์สโค้ดที่เปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะ ให้ป้อน URL ที่เก็บซอร์สโค้ดนั้น แต่หากคุณใช้ Misskey ตามต้นฉบับ (ไม่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงซอร์สโค้ด) ให้ป้อน https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "เอฟเฟกต์หน้าจอตามฤดูกาล"
+noDescription: "ไม่มีข้อความอธิบาย"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "สื่อนี้มีเนื้อหาละเอียดอ่อน, ต้องการแสดงใช่ไหม?"
+ stop: "ระงับการส่ง"
+ resume: "จัดส่งต่อ"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "คุณสามารถดำเนินการต่อด้วยบทช่วยสอนเกี่ยวกับวิธีใช้ {name} (Misskey) หรือออกจากบทช่วยสอนแล้วเริ่มใช้งานได้ทันที"
+ _landing:
+ description: "คุณสามารถตรวจสอบการใช้งานและฟังก์ชั่นพื้นฐานของ Misskey ได้ที่นี่"
+ _note:
+ description: "โพสต์ใน Misskey เรียกว่า “โน้ต” ซึ่งจะจัดเรียงตามลำดับเวลาบนไทม์ไลน์และอัปเดตแบบเรียลไทม์"
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "คุณสามารถเพิ่มรีแอคชั่นได้ด้วยการคลิกปุ่ม “{reaction}” บนโน้ต ลองรีแอคชั่นโน้ตตัวอย่างนี้ดูสิ!"
+ reactDone: "คุณสามารถยกเลิกรีแอคชั่นได้โดยการกดปุ่ม “{undo}”"
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey มีหลายไทม์ไลน์ขึ้นอยู่กับวิธีการใช้งานของคุณ (บางไทม์ไลน์อาจไม่สามารถใช้ได้ขึ้นอยู่กับนโยบายของเซิร์ฟเวอร์)"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "เมื่อโพสต์โน้ตบน Misskey คุณสามารถตั้งค่าตัวเลือกต่างๆ ได้ แบบฟอร์มการส่งมีลักษณะดังนี้"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "เผยแพร่บนไทม์ไลน์หลักเท่านั้น แต่ผู้ติดตาม ผู้ที่เข้ามาดูโปรไฟล์ และผู้ที่เห็นจากรีโน้ตยังสามารถดูโพสต์นี้ได้"
+ followers: "มองเห็นได้เฉพาะผู้ติดตามเท่านั้น ไม่มีใครอื่นนอกจากตัวคุณเองที่สามารถรีโน้ตได้ และมีเพียงผู้ติดตามของคุณเท่านั้นที่สามารถดูได้"
+ _done:
+ title: "บทเรียนจบลงแล้วจ้า เย่เย่เย่ 🎉"
+ description: "คุณสมบัติที่แนะนำในที่นี่เป็นเพียงบางส่วนเท่านั้น หากต้องการเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับวิธีใช้ Misskey โปรดไปที่ {link}"
+ inquiryUrl: "URL สำหรับการติดต่อสอบถาม"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "ระบุ URL ของหน้าเว็บที่มีแบบฟอร์มสำหรับติดต่อผู้ดูแลเซิร์ฟเวอร์ หรือข้อมูลการติดต่อของผู้ดูแลเซิร์ฟเวอร์"
+ moveAccountDescription: "การดำเนินการนี้จะย้ายบัญชีของคุณไปยังบัญชีอื่น\n・ผู้ที่กำลังติดตามคุณจากบัญชีนี้จะถูกย้ายไปยังบัญชีใหม่โดยอัตโนมัติ\n・บัญชีนี้จะเลิกติดตามผู้ใช้ทั้งหมดที่กำลังติดตามอยู่\n・คุณจะไม่สามารถสร้างโน้ต ฯลฯ ในบัญชีนี้ได้\n\nแม้ว่าการย้ายผู้ที่ติดตามคุณจะเป็นไปโดยอัตโนมัติ แต่คุณต้องเตรียมขั้นตอนบางอย่างด้วยตนเอง เพื่อย้ายรายชื่อผู้ใช้ที่คุณกำลังติดตาม โดยดำเนินการส่งออกรายชื่อแล้วค่อยนำเข้ามาภายหลังในเมนูการตั้งค่าของบัญชีใหม่ ใช้ขั้นตอนเดียวกันนี้ใช้รายชื่อผู้ใช้ที่ถูกปิดเสียงและถูกบล็อก\n\n(คำอธิบายนี้ใช้กับ Misskey v13.12.0 ขึ้นไป, ซอฟต์แวร์ ActivityPub อื่นๆ เช่น Mastodon อาจทำงานแตกต่างออกไป)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "just setting up my shonk"
+ flavor: "ขอให้มีช่วงเวลาที่ดีกับ Misskey นะคะ!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "ขอบคุณที่ใช้ Misskey นะ !"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "ฉันรัก Misskey"
+ description: "โพสต์ “I ❤ #Misskey”"
+ flavor: "ขอบคุณพระคุณเป็นอย่างสูงที่ท่านใช้ Misskey นะคะ ! by ทีมผู้พัฒนา"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "ใช้เวลา 30 นาทีบน Misskey"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Misskey ต้องไม่มีสิ่งใด “Miss”"
+ description: "เปิด Misskey ค้างไว้แล้วอย่างน้อย 60 นาที"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "ใบรับรองการสำเร็จหลักสูตร Misskey มือใหม่"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "อนุญาตให้ปรับปรุงไอคอนและแบนเนอร์"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "ผู้ใช้บัญชีไม่เปิดเผยสาธารณะ"
+ isExplorable: "ผู้ใช้ที่เปิดใช้งาน “ทำให้บัญชีของฉันค้นหาได้ง่ายขึ้น”"
+ banned: "คุณไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนด้วยที่อยู่อีเมลนี้ได้"
+ about: "Misskey เป็นซอฟต์แวร์โอเพ่นซอร์สที่ถูกพัฒนาโดย Syuilo ตั้งแต่ปี 2014"
+ original: "ต้นฉบับ"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} ใช้ Misskey เวอร์ชันดัดแปลง"
+ translation: "แปลภาษา Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "อนุญาตให้รีโน้ตและอ้างอิงนอกช่องได้"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "ปิดเสียง “โน้ต/รีโน้ต” ทั้งหมดจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ระบุไว้ รวมถึงโน้ตของผู้ใช้ที่ตอบกลับผู้ใช้จากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ถูกปิดเสียง"
+ keys:
+ renote: "รีโน้ต"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "การใช้เสียงที่ยาว อาจรบกวนการใช้งาน Misskey, ต้องการดำเนินการต่อใช่ไหม?"
+ driveFileError: "ไม่สามารถโหลดไฟล์เสียงได้ กรุณาเปลี่ยนแปลงการตั้งค่า"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "คลิกที่นี่เพื่อดูคำแนะนำโดยละเอียด"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "บล็อกนี้ล้าสมัยแล้ว โปรดใช้ {play} แทน นับจากนี้เป็นต้นไป"
+ youRenoted: "รีโน้ตจาก {name}"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "รีโน้ตจากผู้ใช้ {n} ราย"
+ _types:
+ renote: "รีโน้ต"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "รีโน้ต"
+ _events:
+ renote: "รีโน้ตแล้วเมื่อ"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "เมื่อมีการจัดการกับการรายงานจากผู้ใช้"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "ส่งการแจ้งเตือนไปยังที่อยู่อีเมลของผู้ควบคุม (เฉพาะเมื่อได้รับการรายงาน)"
+ webhook: "ส่งการแจ้งเตือนไปยัง SystemWebhook ที่กำหนด (จะส่งเมื่อได้รับการรายงานและเมื่อการรายงานได้รับการแก้ไข)"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "ติดตั้งจากไซต์ภายนอก"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "ระงับการเคลื่อนไหวของภาพไอคอน ภาพเคลื่อนไหวอาจมีขนาดไฟล์ใหญ่กว่าภาพปกติ ดังนั้นจึงสามารถช่วยในการลดการใช้ข้อมูล"
+ timeoutDescription: "หากเวลาที่ใช้ในการโหลดเกินค่านี้ จะไม่มีการสร้างการแสดงตัวอย่าง"
+ requireContentLength: "สร้างการแสดงตัวอย่างเฉพาะในกรณีที่รับ Content-Length ไหว"
+ summaryProxy: "endpoint ของพร็อกซีที่สร้างการแสดงตัวอย่าง"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "สร้างการแสดงตัวอย่างด้วย summary Proxy แทนที่จะใช้เนื้อหา Misskey"
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "พารามิเตอร์ต่อไปนี้จะถูกใช้เป็นสตริงการสืบค้นเพื่อเชื่อมต่อกับพร็อกซี หากฝั่งพร็อกซีไม่รองรับการตั้งค่าเหล่านี้จะถูกละเว้น"
+ title: "เมนูเนื้อหา"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/tr-TR.yml b/sharkey-locales/tr-TR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e705c7da0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/tr-TR.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+introMisskey: "Açık kaynaklı bir dağıtılmış mikroblog hizmeti olan Misskey'e hoş geldiniz.\nMisskey, neler olup bittiğini paylaşmak ve herkese sizden bahsetmek için \"notlar\" oluşturmanıza olanak tanıyan, açık kaynaklı, dağıtılmış bir mikroblog hizmetidir.\nHerkesin notlarına kendi tepkilerinizi hızlıca eklemek için \"Tepkiler\" özelliğini de kullanabilirsiniz👍.\nYeni bir dünyayı keşfedin🚀."
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "name}Açık kaynak bir platform\nMisskeyDünya'nın en sunucularında biri。"
+renotedBy: "{user} tarafından Renotelandı"
+copyLinkRenote: "Turkish"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Bu notu silip yeniden düzenlemek istiyor musunuz? Bu nota ilişkin tüm Tepkiler, Yeniden Notlar ve Yanıtlar da silinecektir."
+renote: "vazgeçme"
+unrenote: "not alma"
+renoted: "yeniden adlandırılmış"
+cantRenote: "Ayrılamama"
+cantReRenote: "not alabilirmiyim"
+inChannelRenote: "Kanal içi Renote"
+renoteMute: "sesi kapat"
+renoteUnmute: "sesi açmayı iptal et"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Bu seçeneği hesap bir program tarafından kontrol ediliyorsa işaretleyin. Bu, diğer geliştiricilerin sonsuz etkileşim zincirleri oluşturmasını engellemeye yardımcı olur ve Misskey'in iç sisteminin hesaba bir bot gibi davranmasını sağlar."
+silencedInstancesDescription: ""
+intro: "Misskey yüklemesi tamamlandı! Lütfen yönetici hesabını oluşturun."
+replies: "yanıt"
+renotes: "vazgeçme"
+ stop: "Askıya alınmış"
+ title: "seni takip etti"
+ _types:
+ renote: "vazgeçme"
+ renote: "vazgeçme"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "vazgeçme"
+ renote: "vazgeçme"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/ug-CN.yml b/sharkey-locales/ug-CN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3dfe05792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/ug-CN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/uk-UA.yml b/sharkey-locales/uk-UA.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4efef6400f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/uk-UA.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+introMisskey: "Ласкаво просимо! Misskey - децентралізована служба мікроблогів з відкритим кодом.\nСтворюйте \"нотатки\", щоб поділитися тим, що відбувається, і розповісти всім про себе 📡\nЗа допомогою \"реакцій\" ви також можете швидко висловити свої почуття щодо нотаток інших 👍\nДосліджуймо новий світ! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} є одним із сервісів (які називаються інстансами Misskey), що використовують платформу з відкритим вихідним кодом Misskey."
+renotedBy: "Поширено {user}"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цю нотатку та відредагувати її? Ви втратите всі реакції, поширення та відповіді на неї."
+renote: "Поширити"
+unrenote: "Відміна поширення"
+renoted: "Поширити запис."
+cantRenote: "Неможливо поширити."
+cantReRenote: "Поширення не можливо поширити."
+flagAsBotDescription: "Ввімкніть якщо цей обліковий запис використовується ботом. Ця опція позначить обліковий запис як бота. Це потрібно щоб виключити безкінечну інтеракцію між ботами а також відповідного підлаштування Misskey."
+intro: "Встановлення Misskey завершено! Будь ласка, створіть обліковий запис адміністратора."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Список імя користувачів в стопчик"
+aboutMisskey: "Про Misskey"
+disableDrawer: "Не використовувати висувні меню"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad надає середовище для експериментів з AiScript. Ви можете писати, виконувати його і тестувати взаємодію з Misskey."
+forwardReport: "Переслати звіт на віддалений інстанс"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Замість вашого облікового запису анонімний системний обліковий запис буде відображатися як доповідач на віддаленому інстансі"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Позначити скаргу як вирішену"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey перекладається на різні мови волонтерами. Ви можете допомогти: {link}"
+renotesCount: "Кількість поширень"
+renotedCount: "Кількість отриманих поширень"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "При увімкненні детальна інформація про помилки буде надана Misskey у разі виникнення проблем, що дасть можливість покращити Misskey."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey оновлено!"
+replies: "Відповісти"
+renotes: "Поширити"
+ stop: "Призупинено"
+ title: "Новий підписник"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Поширення"
+ renote: "Поширення"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Поширити"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/uz-UZ.yml b/sharkey-locales/uz-UZ.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c6ce19f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/uz-UZ.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+introMisskey: "Xush kelibsiz! Misskey ochiq kodli, markazlashmagan mikroblogging xizmati.\nO'zingizni fikrlaringizni atrofingizdagilar bilan ulashish uchun \"Qaydlar\" yarating. 📡\nUstiga-ustak, \"Reaktsiyalar\" yordamida siz boshqalarning xatlari haqidagi o'zingizni xissiyotlaringizni bildiring. 👍\nQani, yangi dunyoni kashf qilaylik! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} ochiq manbali Misskey(\"Misskey instance\" deb ataladi) platformasi tomonidan qurilgan servislardan biri. "
+renotedBy: "{user} tomonidan qayta qayd etildi"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "O'chirib, tahrirlamoqchiligingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? Siz bu qaydga tegishli barcha reaktsiyalar va javoblarni yo'qotasiz."
+renote: "Qayta qayd etish"
+unrenote: "Qayta qayd etishni bekor qilish"
+renoted: "Qayta qayd etildi"
+cantRenote: "Qayta qayd etish mumkin emas"
+cantReRenote: "Repostni qayta joylashtirish mumkin emas."
+inChannelRenote: "Faqat kanalga qayta qayd etish"
+renoteMute: "Qayta qaydlarni ovozini o'chirish"
+renoteUnmute: "Qayta qaydlarni ovozini yoqish"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Agar bu akkaunt bot tomonidan boshqaralayotgan bo'lsa, bu sozlamani yoqing. Sozlama yoqilganda, boshqa foydalanuvchilar uchun belgi sifatida ishlaydi, va Misskey ichki tizimlari bu akkauntni bot ekanini biladi."
+intro: "Misskeyni o'rnatish tugallandi! Iltimos, administrator foydalanuvchi yarating."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Har bir foydalunvchi nomini alohida qatorga yozing"
+aboutMisskey: "Misskey haqida"
+disableDrawer: "Slayd menyusidan foydalanmang"
+forwardReport: "Xabarni masofadagi serverga yuborish"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Sizning yuborayotgan xabaringiz o'z akkountingiz emas balki anonim tarzda qoladi"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Yuborilgan xabarni hal qilingan deb belgilash"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey bir qancha volontyorlar yordamida bir qancha tillarga tarjima qilingan. Ushbu {link} orqali ularga yordam berishingiz mumkin."
+renotesCount: "Qayta yuborilgan xatlar soni"
+renotedCount: "Qayta yuborilgan xatlar soni"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey yangilandi!"
+replies: "Javoblar"
+renotes: "Qayta qayd etish"
+ stop: "To'xtatilgan"
+ title: "sizga obuna bo'ldi"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Qayta qayd etish"
+ renote: "Qayta qayd etish"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Qayta qayd qilish"
+ _events:
+ renote: "Qayta qayd qilinganda"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/vi-VN.yml b/sharkey-locales/vi-VN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ceac5dd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/vi-VN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+introMisskey: "Xin chào! Misskey là một nền tảng tiểu blog phi tập trung mã nguồn mở.\nViết \"tút\" để chia sẻ những suy nghĩ của bạn 📡\nBằng \"biểu cảm\", bạn có thể bày tỏ nhanh chóng cảm xúc của bạn với các tút 👍\nHãy khám phá một thế giới mới! 🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} là một trong những chủ máy của Misskey là nền tảng mã nguồn mở"
+renotedBy: "Chia sẻ bởi {user}"
+copyLinkRenote: "Sao chép liên kết ghi chú"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Bạn có chắc muốn sửa tút này? Những biểu cảm, lượt trả lời và đăng lại sẽ bị mất."
+renote: "Đăng lại"
+unrenote: "Hủy đăng lại"
+renoted: "Đã đăng lại."
+cantRenote: "Không thể đăng lại tút này."
+cantReRenote: "Không thể đăng lại một tút đăng lại."
+inChannelRenote: "Chia sẻ trong kênh này"
+renoteMute: "Mute Renotes"
+renoteUnmute: "Unmute Renotes"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Bật tùy chọn này nếu tài khoản này được kiểm soát bởi một chương trình. Nếu được bật, nó sẽ được đánh dấu để các nhà phát triển khác ngăn chặn chuỗi tương tác vô tận với các bot khác và điều chỉnh hệ thống nội bộ của Misskey để coi tài khoản này như một bot."
+intro: "Đã cài đặt Misskey! Xin hãy tạo tài khoản admin."
+antennaUsersDescription: "Liệt kê mỗi hàng một tên người dùng"
+aboutMisskey: "Về Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "Văn bản ở trong bộ nhớ tạm rất dài. Bạn có muốn đăng nó dưới dạng một tệp văn bản không?"
+disableDrawer: "Không dùng menu thanh bên"
+scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad cung cấp môi trường cho các thử nghiệm AiScript. Bạn có thể viết, thực thi và kiểm tra kết quả tương tác với Misskey trong đó."
+forwardReport: "Chuyển tiếp báo cáo cho máy chủ từ xa"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Thay vì tài khoản của bạn, một tài khoản hệ thống ẩn danh sẽ được hiển thị dưới dạng người báo cáo ở máy chủ từ xa."
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "Đánh dấu đã xử lý"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey đang được các tình nguyện viên dịch sang nhiều thứ tiếng khác nhau. Bạn có thể hỗ trợ tại {link}."
+renotesCount: "Số lượt đăng lại đã gửi"
+renotedCount: "Lượt chia sẻ"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "Khi được bật, thông tin chi tiết về lỗi sẽ được chia sẻ với Misskey khi xảy ra sự cố, giúp nâng cao chất lượng của Misskey.\nBao gồm thông tin như phiên bản hệ điều hành của bạn, trình duyệt bạn đang sử dụng, hoạt động của bạn trong Misskey, v.v."
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey vừa được cập nhật!"
+usernameInfo: "Bạn có thể sử dụng chữ cái (a ~ z, A ~ Z), chữ số (0 ~ 9) hoặc dấu gạch dưới (_). Tên người dùng không thể thay đổi sau này."
+didYouLikeMisskey: "Bạn có ưa thích Mískey không?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey là phần mềm miễn phí mà {host} đang sử dụng. Xin mong bạn quyên góp cho chúng tôi để chúng tôi có thể tiếp tục phát triển dịch vụ này. Xin cảm ơn!!"
+collapseRenotes: "Không hiển thị bài viết đã từng xem"
+goToMisskey: "Tới Misskey"
+replies: "Trả lời"
+renotes: "Đăng lại"
+ stop: "Đã vô hiệu hóa"
+ title: "đã theo dõi bạn"
+ _types:
+ renote: "Đăng lại"
+ renote: "Đăng lại"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "Đăng lại"
+ _events:
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/zh-CN.yml b/sharkey-locales/zh-CN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b380890799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/zh-CN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+introMisskey: "欢迎!Misskey是一个开源的、去中心化的“微博客”服务。\n通过编写「帖文」来和大家分享你的以及你周围的事情吧!📡\n通过「回应」功能,可以让你快速地对大家的帖文表达反馈👍\n来探索新的世界吧!🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} 是开源平台 Misskey 的服务器之一。"
+renotedBy: "{user} 转发了"
+copyLinkRenote: "复制转帖链接"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "要删除此帖并再次编辑吗?对此帖的所有回应、转发和回复也将被删除。"
+renote: "转发"
+unrenote: "取消转发"
+renoted: "已转发。"
+renotedToX: "转帖给 {name}"
+cantRenote: "该帖无法转发。"
+cantReRenote: "转发无法被再次转发。"
+inChannelRenote: "在频道内转发"
+renoteMute: "屏蔽转帖"
+renoteUnmute: "解除屏蔽转帖"
+flagAsBotDescription: "如果此账户由程序控制,请启用此项。启用后,此标志可以帮助其他开发人员防止机器人之间产生无限互动的行为,并让 Misskey 的内部系统将此账户识别为机器人。"
+continueOnRemote: "转到所在服务器继续"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "从 Misskey Hub 选择服务器"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "隐藏此服务器的媒体文件"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "设置要静音的服务器,以换行分隔。被静音的服务器内所有的账户将默认处于「静音」状态,仅能发送关注请求,并且在未关注状态下无法提及本地账户。被阻止的实例不受影响。"
+mediaSilencedInstances: "已隐藏媒体文件的服务器"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "设置要隐藏媒体文件的服务器,以换行分隔。被设置为隐藏媒体文件服务器内所有账号的文件均按照「敏感内容」处理,且将无法使用自定义表情符号。被阻止的实例不受影响。"
+intro: "Misskey 的部署结束啦!创建管理员账号吧!"
+fileNotSelected: "未选择文件"
+antennaUsersDescription: "指定用户名,一行一个"
+aboutMisskey: "关于 Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "剪贴板内的文字过长。要转换为文本文件并添加吗?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "若要继续,需要转到您所使用的实例,或者在此服务器上注册或登录。"
+disableDrawer: "不显示抽屉菜单"
+showReactionsCount: "显示帖子的回应数"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "仅在 Misskey 活跃时输出声音"
+scratchpadDescription: "AiScript 控制台为 AiScript 提供了实验环境。您可以编写代码与 Misskey 交互,运行并查看结果。"
+reportAbuseRenote: "举报转帖"
+forwardReport: "将该举报信息转发给远程服务器"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "在远程实例上显示的报告者是匿名的系统账号,而不是您的账号。"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "处理完毕"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey 已经被志愿者们翻译成了各种语言。如果你也有兴趣,可以通过 {link} 帮助翻译。"
+renotesCount: "转帖数量"
+renotedCount: "转发数"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "启用后,如果出现问题,可以与 Misskey 共享详细的错误信息,从而帮助提高软件的质量。错误信息包括操作系统版本、浏览器类型、行为历史记录等。"
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "尚未设置联络地址。"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey 更新完成!"
+usernameInfo: "在服务器上唯一标识您的帐户的名称。您可以使用字母 (a ~ z, A ~ Z)、数字 (0 ~ 9) 和下划线 (_)。用户名以后不能更改。"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "您喜欢 Misskey 吗?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey 是 {host} 所使用的免费软件。为了今后也能够维持 Misskey 的开发,请在有余力的情况下进行捐助!"
+collapseRenotes: "省略显示已经看过的转发内容"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "将回应过或转贴过的贴子折叠表示。"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "限制回应的最大宽度,并将其缩小显示"
+renotesList: "转发列表"
+lookupConfirm: "确定查询?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "确定打开话题标签页面?"
+specifyHost: "指定主机名"
+goToMisskey: "去往 Misskey"
+replies: "回复"
+renotes: "转发"
+showRenotes: "显示转帖"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "还未提供源代码。要解决此问题请联系管理员。"
+repositoryUrlDescription: "若源代码所在的仓库是公开的,请填入对应的 URL。若并未追加或者修改 Misskey 的代码,请填入 https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey。"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "符合当前季节的画面效果"
+noDescription: "没有描述"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "这是敏感内容。是否显示?"
+ stop: "停止投递"
+ resume: "继续投递"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "您可以继续了解 {name}(Misskey) 的使用教程,也可以在此停止教程并立即开始使用它。\n"
+ _landing:
+ description: "在这里,您可以查看 Misskey 的基本使用方法和功能。"
+ _note:
+ description: "在 Misskey 上发表的文章称为「帖子」。帖子在时间线上按照时间顺序排列,并实时更新。"
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "回应可以通过点击帖子中的「{reaction}」按钮来添加。试着给这个示例帖子添加一个回应!"
+ reactDone: "通过按下「{undo}」按钮,可以取消已经添加的回应"
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey 根据使用方式提供了多个时间线(根据服务器的设定,可能有一些被禁用)。"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "在 Misskey 发布帖子时,您可以设置各种选项。发帖窗口看起来是这样的。\n"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "仅在首页时间线上发布。 关注者、从个人资料页查看过来的用户、以及通过转帖也能被别的用户看见。"
+ followers: "仅对关注者可见。 除了您自己之外,没有人可以转贴,并且只有您的关注者可以查看它。\n"
+ _done:
+ title: "恭喜您,已经完成了教程🎉\n"
+ description: "这里介绍的只是其中一小部分的功能。 要了解更多有关如何使用 Misskey 的更多信息,请访问 {link}。"
+ inquiryUrl: "联络地址"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "用来指定诸如向服务运营商咨询的论坛地址,或记载了运营商联系方式之类的网页地址。"
+ moveAccountDescription: "\n迁移到新帐户。\n ・现有的关注者自动关注新帐户\n ・此帐户的所有关注者都将被删除\n ・您将无法再使用此帐户发帖。\n关注者迁移是自动的,但关注中迁移必须手动完成。请在迁移前在此帐户上导出关注列表,并在迁移后立即在目标帐户上执行导入。\n屏蔽列表也是如此,因此您必须手动迁移它。\n(此描述适用于该服务器(Misskey v13.12.0 或更高版本)。其他 ActivityPub 软件(例如 Mastodon)的行为可能有所不同。)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "初来乍到"
+ flavor: "祝您在 Misskey 玩的愉快~"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "感谢您使用 Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Misskey"
+ description: "发布 \"I ❤ #Misskey\" 帖子"
+ flavor: "感谢您使用 Misskey ! by 开发团队"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "启动客户端超过 30 分钟"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Misskey 重度依赖"
+ description: "启动客户端超过 60 分钟"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Misskey 初学者课程 结业证书"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "可以更新头像和横幅"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "锁推用户"
+ isExplorable: "启用“使账号可见”的用户"
+ banned: "无法使用此邮件地址注册"
+ about: "Misskey 是由 syuilo 于 2014 年开发的开源软件。"
+ original: "原版"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name}正在使用修改后的 Misskey。"
+ translation: "翻译 Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "允许在频道外转帖及引用"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "屏蔽服务器中的所有帖子和转帖,包括这些服务器上的用户回复。"
+ keys:
+ renote: "转发"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "使用长音频可能会影响 Misskey 的使用。即使这样也要继续吗?"
+ driveFileError: "无法读取声音。请更改设置。"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "此处为详细指南"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "这个区块已经废弃。以后请使用{play}。"
+ youRenoted: "来自{name}的转发"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n} 人转发了"
+ _types:
+ renote: "转发"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "转发"
+ _events:
+ renote: "被转发时"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "当举报被处理时"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "当收到新举报时,向持有监察员权限的用户发送通知邮件"
+ webhook: "当收到新举报及举报被处理时,使用指定的 SystemWebhook 发送通知"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "从外部站点安装"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "停止播放头像的动画。 由于动画图片的文件大小可能比普通图像大,这可以进一步减少数据流量。"
+ timeoutDescription: "如果获取预览所用时间超过这个值,则不生成预览。"
+ requireContentLength: "仅在能取得 Content-Length 时生成预览"
+ summaryProxy: "用来生成预览的代理的 endpoint。"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "不使用 Misskey 本体,而是通过 Summaly Proxy 生成预览。"
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "下面的参数将作为查询字符串发送至代理。代理侧如果不支持此设置,则忽略设定值。"
+ title: "上下文菜单"
diff --git a/sharkey-locales/zh-TW.yml b/sharkey-locales/zh-TW.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0251bdf0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sharkey-locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+introMisskey: "歡迎!Misskey 是一個開放原始碼且去中心化的社群網路服務。\n發布「貼文」向身邊的人分享您的想法!📡\n利用「反應」表達您對貼文的感覺!👍\n讓我們一起探索新的世界吧!🚀"
+poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name}是開放原始碼平臺 Misskey 的伺服器之一。"
+renotedBy: "{user} 轉發了"
+copyLinkRenote: "複製轉發的連結"
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "要刪除並再次編輯嗎?此貼文的所有反應、轉發和回覆也將會消失。"
+renote: "轉發"
+unrenote: "取消轉發"
+renoted: "轉發成功。"
+renotedToX: "轉發給 {name} 了。"
+cantRenote: "無法轉發此貼文。"
+cantReRenote: "無法轉發之前已經轉發過的內容。"
+inChannelRenote: "在頻道內轉發"
+renoteMute: "將轉發貼文靜音"
+renoteUnmute: "解除轉發貼文的靜音"
+flagAsBotDescription: "如果本帳戶是由程式控制,請啟用此選項。啟用後,會作為標示幫助其他開發者防止機器人之間產生無限互動的行為,並會調整 Misskey 內部系統將本帳戶識別為機器人。"
+continueOnRemote: "在遠端伺服器繼續"
+chooseServerOnMisskeyHub: "從 Misskey Hub 選擇伺服器"
+mediaSilenceThisInstance: "將這個伺服器的媒體設為禁言"
+silencedInstancesDescription: "設定要禁言的伺服器主機名稱,以換行分隔。隸屬於禁言伺服器的所有帳戶都將被視為「禁言帳戶」,只能發出「追隨請求」,而且無法提及未追隨的本地帳戶。這不會影響已封鎖的實例。"
+mediaSilencedInstances: "媒體被禁言的伺服器"
+mediaSilencedInstancesDescription: "設定您想要對媒體設定禁言的伺服器,以換行符號區隔。來自被媒體禁言的伺服器所屬帳戶的所有檔案都會被視為敏感檔案,且自訂表情符號不能使用。被封鎖的伺服器不受影響。"
+intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請建立管理員帳戶。"
+fileNotSelected: "尚未選擇檔案"
+antennaUsersDescription: "填寫使用者名稱,以換行分隔"
+aboutMisskey: "關於 Misskey"
+attachAsFileQuestion: "剪貼簿的文字較長。請問是否要將其以文字檔的方式附加呢?"
+signinOrContinueOnRemote: "若要繼續,需前往您所在的伺服器,或者註冊並登入此伺服器"
+disableDrawer: "不顯示下拉式選單"
+showReactionsCount: "顯示貼文的反應數目"
+useSoundOnlyWhenActive: "瀏覽器在前景運作時,Misskey 才會發出音效"
+scratchpadDescription: "AiScript 控制臺為 AiScript 的實驗環境。您可以在此編寫、執行和確認程式碼與 Misskey 互動的結果。"
+reportAbuseRenote: "檢舉轉發貼文"
+forwardReport: "將報告轉送給遠端伺服器"
+forwardReportIsAnonymous: "在遠端實例上看不到您的資訊,顯示的報告者是匿名的系统帳戶。"
+abuseMarkAsResolved: "處理完畢"
+i18nInfo: "Misskey 已被志願者們翻譯成各種語言版本。您可以瀏覽 {link} 幫助翻譯。"
+renotesCount: "轉發數量"
+renotedCount: "轉發次數"
+sendErrorReportsDescription: "傳送問題報告至開發者以提升軟體品質。問題報告可能包括作業系統版本,瀏覽器類型,行為歷史記錄等。"
+noInquiryUrlWarning: "尚未設定聯絡表單網址。"
+misskeyUpdated: "Misskey 更新完成!"
+usernameInfo: "在伺服器上您的帳戶是唯一的識別名稱。您可以使用字母 (a ~ z, A ~ Z)、數字 (0 ~ 9) 和下底線 (_)。之後帳戶名是不能更改的。"
+didYouLikeMisskey: "您喜歡 Misskey 嗎?"
+pleaseDonate: "Misskey 是由 {host} 使用的免費軟體。請贊助我們,讓開發得以持續!"
+collapseRenotes: "省略顯示已看過的轉發貼文"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "將已做過反應和轉發的貼文折疊顯示。"
+limitWidthOfReaction: "限制反應的最大寬度,並縮小顯示尺寸。"
+renotesList: "轉發貼文列表"
+lookupConfirm: "要查詢嗎?"
+openTagPageConfirm: "要開啟標籤的頁面嗎?"
+specifyHost: "指定主機"
+goToMisskey: "往 Misskey"
+replies: "回覆"
+renotes: "轉發"
+showRenotes: "顯示其他人的轉發貼文"
+sourceCodeIsNotYetProvided: "尚未提供原始碼,請洽詢管理員解決這個問題。"
+repositoryUrlDescription: "如果存在可公開取得原始碼的儲存庫,請輸入其 URL。 如果您按原樣使用 Misskey(不對原始碼進行任何更改),請輸入 https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey。"
+seasonalScreenEffect: "隨季節變換畫面的呈現"
+noDescription: "沒有說明文字"
+sensitiveMediaRevealConfirm: "這是敏感媒體。確定要顯示嗎?"
+ stop: "停止發送"
+ resume: "恢復發送"
+ youCanContinueTutorial: "您可以繼續學習如何使用{name}(Misskey),也可以就此打住,立即開始使用。"
+ _landing:
+ description: "在這裡您可以查看 Misskey 的基本使用方法和功能。"
+ _note:
+ description: "在Misskey上發布的內容稱為「貼文」。貼文在時間軸上按時間順序排列,並即時更新。"
+ _reaction:
+ letsTryReacting: "可以透過點擊貼文上的「{reaction}」按鈕來添加反應。請嘗試在此範例貼文添加反應!"
+ reactDone: "按下「{undo}」按鈕可以取消反應。"
+ _timeline:
+ description1: "Misskey根據使用方式提供了多個時間軸(伺服器可能會將部份時間軸停用)。"
+ _postNote:
+ description1: "在Misskey上發布貼文時,可以設定各種選項。發布表單如下所示。"
+ _visibility:
+ home: "僅在首頁時間軸上發布。其他使用者只在下列情況可看見該貼文:追隨者、觀看使用者的個人資料頁面,以及貼文被轉發時。"
+ followers: "僅追隨者可見。只有發文者本人可轉發,未追隨發文者的使用者無法看見。"
+ _done:
+ title: "教學課程已結束"
+ description: "這裡介紹的功能只是其中的一小部分。要了解更多有關如何使用Misskey的資訊,請瀏覽{link}。"
+ inquiryUrl: "聯絡表單網址"
+ inquiryUrlDescription: "指定伺服器運營者的聯絡表單網址,或包含運營者聯絡資訊網頁的網址。"
+ moveAccountDescription: "遷移至新帳戶。\n ・此帳戶的追隨者將自動追隨新帳戶;\n ・此帳戶的所有追隨者將被取消追隨;\n ・此帳戶不能再發文。\n\n雖然會自動遷移您的追隨者,但必須手動遷移您追隨的帳戶。請在遷移前匯出此帳戶的「追隨中」名單,並在遷移後自行匯入。\n列表名單、靜音名單及封鎖名單也必須如此處理。\n\n(此說明適用於本伺服器,以及運行 Misskey v13.12.0 或更新版本的其他伺服器;如 Mastodon 等使用 ActivityPub 協定的其他軟體或有不同的處理方式。)"
+ _types:
+ _notes1:
+ title: "歡迎!"
+ flavor: "祝您的 Misskey 生活愉快!"
+ _login1000:
+ flavor: "感謝您使用 Misskey!"
+ _iLoveMisskey:
+ title: "I Love Misskey"
+ description: "發佈「I ❤ #Misskey」"
+ flavor: "感謝您使用 Misskey!by 開發團隊"
+ _client30min:
+ description: "客戶端啟動已超過30分鐘"
+ _client60min:
+ title: "Misskey 看太多"
+ description: "客戶端啟動已超過60分鐘"
+ _brainDiver:
+ flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
+ _tutorialCompleted:
+ title: "Misskey新手講座 結業證書"
+ _options:
+ canUpdateBioMedia: "允許更新大頭貼和橫幅"
+ _condition:
+ isLocked: "上鎖的使用者"
+ isExplorable: "開啟了「使您的帳戶更容易被找到」功能的使用者"
+ banned: "無法使用此電子郵件地址註冊"
+ about: "Misskey 是由 syuilo 自 2014 年起開發的開放原始碼軟體。"
+ original: "原始"
+ thisIsModifiedVersion: "{name} 使用原始 Misskey 的修改版本。"
+ translation: "翻譯 Misskey"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "允許在頻道外轉發和引用"
+ instanceMuteDescription: "包括對被靜音伺服器上的使用者的回覆,被設定的伺服器上所有貼文及轉發都會被靜音。"
+ keys:
+ renote: "轉發貼文"
+ driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "使用長音效檔可能會影響 Misskey 的使用體驗。仍要使用此檔案嗎?"
+ driveFileError: "無法載入語音。請變更設定"
+ moreDetailedGuideHere: "請點擊此處查看詳細說明。"
+ blocks:
+ dynamicDescription: "這個方塊已經廢止,現在開始請使用 {play}。"
+ youRenoted: "{name} 轉發了你的貼文"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "{n}人做了轉發"
+ _types:
+ renote: "轉發貼文"
+ _actions:
+ renote: "轉發"
+ _events:
+ renote: "當被轉發時"
+ _systemEvents:
+ abuseReportResolved: "當處理了使用者的檢舉時"
+ _notificationRecipient:
+ _recipientType:
+ _captions:
+ mail: "寄送到擁有監察員權限的使用者電子郵件地址(僅在收到檢舉時)"
+ webhook: "向指定的 SystemWebhook 發送通知(在收到檢舉和解決檢舉時發送)"
+ url: "URL"
+ title: "從外部網站安裝"
+ _avatar:
+ description: "停止顯示大頭貼的動畫。由於動畫圖片的檔案大小可能比普通圖片大,這可以進一步減少資料流量。"
+ timeoutDescription: "若取得預覽所需的時間超過這個值,則不會產生預覽。"
+ requireContentLength: "僅在能夠取得 Content-Length 時,才產生預覽。"
+ summaryProxy: "產生預覽的代理端點"
+ summaryProxyDescription: "使用摘要代理程式而不是 Misskey 本身產生預覽。"
+ summaryProxyDescription2: "以下參數會作為查詢字串連結到代理。如果代理端不支援,這些設定將被忽略。"
+ title: "內容功能表"