diff --git a/packages/backend/src/mfm/from-html.ts b/packages/backend/src/mfm/from-html.ts
index fbcf310252..b0b8957c6d 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/mfm/from-html.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/mfm/from-html.ts
@@ -7,20 +7,23 @@ const treeAdapter = TreeAdapter.defaultTreeAdapter;
 const urlRegex = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+/;
 const urlRegexFull = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+$/;
+const MAX_FLAT = 100;
 export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 	// some AP servers like Pixelfed use br tags as well as newlines
-	html = html.replace(/<br\s?\/?>\r?\n/gi, "\n");
+	const dom = parse5.parseFragment(html.replace(/<br\s?\/?>\r?\n/gi, "\n"));
-	const dom = parse5.parseFragment(html);
+	return toMFM(dom.childNodes);
-	let text = "";
-	for (const n of dom.childNodes) {
-		analyze(n);
+	function toMFM(childNodes: TreeAdapter.ChildNode[], background = ""): string {
+		return appendChildren(childNodes, background).join("").trim();
-	return text.trim();
+	/**
+	 * Get only the text, ignoring all formatting inside
+	 * @param node
+	 * @returns
+	 */
 	function getText(node: TreeAdapter.Node): string {
 		if (treeAdapter.isTextNode(node)) return node.value;
 		if (!treeAdapter.isElementNode(node)) return "";
@@ -33,27 +36,41 @@ export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 		return "";
-	function appendChildren(childNodes: TreeAdapter.ChildNode[]): void {
+	function appendChildren(
+		childNodes: TreeAdapter.ChildNode[],
+		background = "",
+	): string[] {
 		if (childNodes) {
-			for (const n of childNodes) {
-				analyze(n);
-			}
+			return childNodes
+				.map((n, index) => analyze(n, index + 1, background))
+				.flat(MAX_FLAT);
+		} else {
+			return [""];
-	function analyze(node: TreeAdapter.Node) {
+	/**
+	 *
+	 * @param node
+	 * @param index
+	 * @param background Determine whether the context is `<ul>` or `<ol>`
+	 * @returns
+	 */
+	function analyze(
+		node: TreeAdapter.Node,
+		index = 1,
+		background = "",
+	): (string | string[])[] {
 		if (treeAdapter.isTextNode(node)) {
-			text += node.value;
-			return;
+			return [node.value];
 		// Skip comment or document type node
-		if (!treeAdapter.isElementNode(node)) return;
+		if (!treeAdapter.isElementNode(node)) return [];
 		switch (node.nodeName) {
 			case "br": {
-				text += "\n";
-				break;
+				return ["\n"];
 			case "a": {
@@ -61,89 +78,75 @@ export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 				const rel = node.attrs.find((x) => x.name === "rel");
 				const href = node.attrs.find((x) => x.name === "href");
-				// ハッシュタグ
+				// hashtag
 				if (
 					hashtagNames &&
 					href &&
 					hashtagNames.map((x) => x.toLowerCase()).includes(txt.toLowerCase())
 				) {
-					text += txt;
-					// メンション
+					return [txt];
+					// mention
 				} else if (txt.startsWith("@") && !rel?.value.match(/^me /)) {
 					const part = txt.split("@");
 					if (part.length === 2 && href) {
-						//#region ホスト名部分が省略されているので復元する
-						const acct = `${txt}@${new URL(href.value).hostname}`;
-						text += acct;
+						//#region The host name part is omitted, so restore it.
+						return [`${txt}@${new URL(href.value).hostname}`];
 					} else if (part.length === 3) {
-						text += txt;
+						return [txt];
 					// その他
 				} else {
-					const generateLink = () => {
-						if (!(href || txt)) {
-							return "";
-						}
-						if (!href) {
-							return txt;
-						}
-						if (!txt || txt === href.value) {
-							// #6383: Missing text node
-							if (href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) {
-								return href.value;
-							} else {
-								return `<${href.value}>`;
-							}
-						}
-						if (href.value.match(urlRegex) && !href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) {
-							return `[${txt}](<${href.value}>)`; // #6846
+					if (!(href || txt)) {
+						return [""];
+					}
+					if (!href) {
+						return [txt];
+					}
+					if (!txt || txt === href.value) {
+						// #6383: Missing text node
+						if (href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) {
+							return [href.value];
 						} else {
-							return `[${txt}](${href.value})`;
+							return [`<${href.value}>`];
-					};
-					text += generateLink();
+					}
+					if (href.value.match(urlRegex) && !href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) {
+						return [`[${txt}](<${href.value}>)`]; // #6846
+					} else {
+						return [`[${txt}](${href.value})`];
+					}
 			case "h1": {
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "\n";
-				break;
+				return ["\n\n", "**$[x2 ", appendChildren(node.childNodes), " ]**"];
+			}
+			case "h2":
+			case "h3": {
+				return ["\n\n", "**", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "**"];
 			case "b":
 			case "strong": {
-				text += "**";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "**";
-				break;
+				return ["**", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "**"];
 			case "small": {
-				text += "<small>";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "</small>";
-				break;
+				return ["<small>", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "</small>"];
 			case "s":
 			case "del": {
-				text += "~~";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "~~";
-				break;
+				return ["~~", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "~~"];
 			case "i":
 			case "em": {
-				text += "<i>";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "</i>";
-				break;
+				return ["<i>", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "</i>"];
 			// block code (<pre><code>)
@@ -152,41 +155,61 @@ export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 					node.childNodes.length === 1 &&
 					node.childNodes[0].nodeName === "code"
 				) {
-					text += "\n```\n";
-					text += getText(node.childNodes[0]);
-					text += "\n```\n";
+					return [
+						"\n```\n",
+						getText(node.childNodes[0]), // obviously get raw text
+						"\n```\n",
+					];
 				} else {
-					appendChildren(node.childNodes);
+					return appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				break;
 			// inline code (<code>)
 			case "code": {
-				text += "`";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				text += "`";
-				break;
+				return ["`", appendChildren(node.childNodes), "`"];
 			case "blockquote": {
-				const t = getText(node);
-				if (t) {
-					text += "\n> ";
-					text += t.split("\n").join("\n> ");
-				}
-				break;
+				return ["\n> ", toMFM(node.childNodes).split("\n").join("\n> ").trim()];
 			case "p":
-			case "h2":
-			case "h3":
 			case "h4":
 			case "h5":
 			case "h6": {
-				text += "\n\n";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				break;
+				return ["\n\n", appendChildren(node.childNodes)];
+			}
+			// MFM does not currently support lists,
+			// but this parser will parse html into a markdown style list with correct indentation.
+			case "ul": {
+				return [
+					"\n  ",
+					toMFM(node.childNodes, "ul").split("\n").join("\n  ").trim(),
+				];
+			}
+			case "ol": {
+				return [
+					"\n  ",
+					toMFM(node.childNodes, "ol").split("\n").join("\n  ").trim(),
+				];
+			}
+			case "li": {
+				if (background === "ol") {
+					return [
+						"\n",
+						`${index}. `,
+						toMFM(node.childNodes).split("\n").join("\n   ").trim(),
+					];
+				} else {
+					return [
+						"\n",
+						"- ",
+						toMFM(node.childNodes).split("\n").join("\n  ").trim(),
+					];
+				}
 			// other block elements
@@ -194,19 +217,32 @@ export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 			case "header":
 			case "footer":
 			case "article":
-			case "li":
 			case "dt":
 			case "dd": {
-				text += "\n";
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				break;
+				return ["\n", appendChildren(node.childNodes)];
+			}
+			// temporary solution
+			case "ruby": {
+				const rtText = node.childNodes
+					.filter((n) => n.nodeName === "rt")
+					.map((n) => getText(n));
+				const rubyText = node.childNodes
+					.filter((n) => treeAdapter.isTextNode(n))
+					.map((n) => getText(n));
+				if (rubyText && rtText) {
+					return [rubyText, "(", rtText, ")"];
+				} else {
+					return appendChildren(node.childNodes);
+				}
 			default: {
 				// includes inline elements
-				appendChildren(node.childNodes);
-				break;
+				return appendChildren(node.childNodes);
+		return [];