upd: attempt at updating remote notes
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 203 additions and 0 deletions
@ -742,6 +742,9 @@ export class ApInboxService {
} else if (getApType(object) === 'Question') {
await this.apQuestionService.updateQuestion(object, resolver).catch(err => console.error(err));
return 'ok: Question updated';
} else if (getApType(object) === 'Note') {
await this.apNoteService.updateNote(object, resolver).catch(err => console.error(err));
return 'ok: Note updated';
} else {
return `skip: Unknown type: ${getApType(object)}`;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { MetaService } from '@/core/MetaService.js';
import { AppLockService } from '@/core/AppLockService.js';
import type { MiDriveFile } from '@/models/DriveFile.js';
import { NoteCreateService } from '@/core/NoteCreateService.js';
import { NoteEditService } from '@/core/NoteEditService.js';
import type Logger from '@/logger.js';
import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js';
import { PollService } from '@/core/PollService.js';
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ export class ApNoteService {
private appLockService: AppLockService,
private pollService: PollService,
private noteCreateService: NoteCreateService,
private noteEditService: NoteEditService,
private apDbResolverService: ApDbResolverService,
private apLoggerService: ApLoggerService,
) {
@ -303,6 +305,204 @@ export class ApNoteService {
* Noteを作成します。
public async updateNote(value: string | IObject, resolver?: Resolver, silent = false): Promise<MiNote | null> {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
if (resolver == null) resolver = this.apResolverService.createResolver();
const object = await resolver.resolve(value);
const entryUri = getApId(value);
const err = this.validateNote(object, entryUri);
if (err) {
this.logger.error(err.message, {
resolver: { history: resolver.getHistory() },
throw new Error('invalid note');
const note = object as IPost;
this.logger.debug(`Note fetched: ${JSON.stringify(note, null, 2)}`);
if (note.id && !checkHttps(note.id)) {
throw new Error('unexpected schema of note.id: ' + note.id);
const url = getOneApHrefNullable(note.url);
if (url && !checkHttps(url)) {
throw new Error('unexpected schema of note url: ' + url);
this.logger.info(`Creating the Note: ${note.id}`);
// 投稿者をフェッチ
if (note.attributedTo == null) {
throw new Error('invalid note.attributedTo: ' + note.attributedTo);
const actor = await this.apPersonService.resolvePerson(getOneApId(note.attributedTo), resolver) as MiRemoteUser;
// 投稿者が凍結されていたらスキップ
if (actor.isSuspended) {
throw new Error('actor has been suspended');
const noteAudience = await this.apAudienceService.parseAudience(actor, note.to, note.cc, resolver);
let visibility = noteAudience.visibility;
const visibleUsers = noteAudience.visibleUsers;
// Audience (to, cc) が指定されてなかった場合
if (visibility === 'specified' && visibleUsers.length === 0) {
if (typeof value === 'string') { // 入力がstringならばresolverでGETが発生している
// こちらから匿名GET出来たものならばpublic
visibility = 'public';
const apMentions = await this.apMentionService.extractApMentions(note.tag, resolver);
const apHashtags = extractApHashtags(note.tag);
// 添付ファイル
// TODO: attachmentは必ずしもImageではない
// TODO: attachmentは必ずしも配列ではない
const limit = promiseLimit<MiDriveFile>(2);
const files = (await Promise.all(toArray(note.attachment).map(attach => (
limit(() => this.apImageService.resolveImage(actor, {
sensitive: note.sensitive, // Noteがsensitiveなら添付もsensitiveにする
// リプライ
const reply: MiNote | null = note.inReplyTo
? await this.resolveNote(note.inReplyTo, { resolver })
.then(x => {
if (x == null) {
this.logger.warn('Specified inReplyTo, but not found');
throw new Error('inReplyTo not found');
return x;
.catch(async err => {
this.logger.warn(`Error in inReplyTo ${note.inReplyTo} - ${err.statusCode ?? err}`);
throw err;
: null;
// 引用
let quote: MiNote | undefined | null = null;
if (note._misskey_quote ?? note.quoteUrl) {
const tryResolveNote = async (uri: string): Promise<
| { status: 'ok'; res: MiNote }
| { status: 'permerror' | 'temperror' }
> => {
if (!/^https?:/.test(uri)) return { status: 'permerror' };
try {
const res = await this.resolveNote(uri);
if (res == null) return { status: 'permerror' };
return { status: 'ok', res };
} catch (e) {
return {
status: (e instanceof StatusError && e.isClientError) ? 'permerror' : 'temperror',
const uris = unique([note._misskey_quote, note.quoteUrl].filter((x): x is string => typeof x === 'string'));
const results = await Promise.all(uris.map(tryResolveNote));
quote = results.filter((x): x is { status: 'ok', res: MiNote } => x.status === 'ok').map(x => x.res).at(0);
if (!quote) {
if (results.some(x => x.status === 'temperror')) {
throw new Error('quote resolve failed');
const cw = note.summary === '' ? null : note.summary;
// テキストのパース
let text: string | null = null;
if (note.source?.mediaType === 'text/x.misskeymarkdown' && typeof note.source.content === 'string') {
text = note.source.content;
} else if (typeof note._misskey_content !== 'undefined') {
text = note._misskey_content;
} else if (typeof note.content === 'string') {
text = this.apMfmService.htmlToMfm(note.content, note.tag);
// vote
if (reply && reply.hasPoll) {
const poll = await this.pollsRepository.findOneByOrFail({ noteId: reply.id });
const tryCreateVote = async (name: string, index: number): Promise<null> => {
if (poll.expiresAt && Date.now() > new Date(poll.expiresAt).getTime()) {
this.logger.warn(`vote to expired poll from AP: actor=${actor.username}@${actor.host}, note=${note.id}, choice=${name}`);
} else if (index >= 0) {
this.logger.info(`vote from AP: actor=${actor.username}@${actor.host}, note=${note.id}, choice=${name}`);
await this.pollService.vote(actor, reply, index);
// リモートフォロワーにUpdate配信
return null;
if (note.name) {
return await tryCreateVote(note.name, poll.choices.findIndex(x => x === note.name));
const emojis = await this.extractEmojis(note.tag ?? [], actor.host).catch(e => {
this.logger.info(`extractEmojis: ${e}`);
return [];
const apEmojis = emojis.map(emoji => emoji.name);
const poll = await this.apQuestionService.extractPollFromQuestion(note, resolver).catch(() => undefined);
try {
return await this.noteEditService.edit(actor, note.id!, {
createdAt: note.published ? new Date(note.published) : null,
renote: quote,
name: note.name,
localOnly: false,
uri: note.id,
url: url,
}, silent);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.name !== 'duplicated') {
throw err;
this.logger.info('The note is already inserted while creating itself, reading again');
const duplicate = await this.fetchNote(value);
if (!duplicate) {
throw new Error('The note creation failed with duplication error even when there is no duplication');
return duplicate;
* Noteを解決します。
Add table
Reference in a new issue