merge: latest changes

This commit is contained in:
Marie 2024-02-09 19:22:06 +01:00
commit 85355813ad
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 56569BBE47D2C828
91 changed files with 1103 additions and 494 deletions

View file

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
- Fix: リモートユーザーのリアクション一覧がすべて見えてしまうのを修正 - Fix: リモートユーザーのリアクション一覧がすべて見えてしまうのを修正
* すべてのリモートユーザーのリアクション一覧を見えないようにします * すべてのリモートユーザーのリアクション一覧を見えないようにします
- Enhance: モデレーターはすべてのユーザーのリアクション一覧を見られるように - Enhance: モデレーターはすべてのユーザーのリアクション一覧を見られるように
- Fix: 特定のキーワードを含むノートが投稿された際、エラーに出来るような設定項目を追加 #13207
* デフォルトは空欄なので適用前と同等の動作になります
### Client ### Client
- Feat: 新しいゲームを追加 - Feat: 新しいゲームを追加
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@
- Fix: プロフィールを編集してもリロードするまで反映されない問題を修正 - Fix: プロフィールを編集してもリロードするまで反映されない問題を修正
- Fix: エラー画像URLを設定した後解除するとデフォルトの画像が表示されない問題の修正 - Fix: エラー画像URLを設定した後解除するとデフォルトの画像が表示されない問題の修正
- Fix: MkCodeEditorで行がずれていってしまう問題の修正 - Fix: MkCodeEditorで行がずれていってしまう問題の修正
- Fix: Summaly proxy利用時にプレイヤーが動作しないことがあるのを修正 #13196
### Server ### Server
- Enhance: 連合先のレートリミットに引っかかった際にリトライするようになりました - Enhance: 連合先のレートリミットに引っかかった際にリトライするようになりました

View file

@ -286,18 +286,17 @@ export const argTypes = {
min: 1, min: 1,
max: 4, max: 4,
}, },
}; };
``` ```
Also, you can use msw to mock API requests in the storybook. Creating a `MyComponent.stories.msw.ts` file to define the mock handlers. Also, you can use msw to mock API requests in the storybook. Creating a `MyComponent.stories.msw.ts` file to define the mock handlers.
```ts ```ts
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
export const handlers = [ export const handlers = ['/api/notes/timeline', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/notes/timeline', ({ request }) => {
return res( return HttpResponse.json([]);
}), }),
]; ];
``` ```

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,9 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Vols canviar la teva contrasenya?"
sensitiveWords: "Paraules sensibles" sensitiveWords: "Paraules sensibles"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "La visibilitat de totes les notes que continguin qualsevol de les paraules configurades seran, automàticament, afegides a \"Inici\". Pots llistar diferents paraules separant les per línies noves." sensitiveWordsDescription: "La visibilitat de totes les notes que continguin qualsevol de les paraules configurades seran, automàticament, afegides a \"Inici\". Pots llistar diferents paraules separant les per línies noves."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Fent servir espais crearà expressions AND si l'expressió s'envolta amb barres inclinades es converteix en una expressió regular." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Fent servir espais crearà expressions AND si l'expressió s'envolta amb barres inclinades es converteix en una expressió regular."
prohibitedWords: "Paraules prohibides"
prohibitedWordsDescription: "Quan intenteu publicar una Nota que conté una paraula prohibida, feu que es converteixi en un error. Es poden dividir i establir múltiples línies."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Fent servir espais crearà expressions AND si l'expressió s'envolta amb barres inclinades es converteix en una expressió regular."
hiddenTags: "Etiquetes ocultes" hiddenTags: "Etiquetes ocultes"
hiddenTagsDescription: "La visibilitat de totes les notes que continguin qualsevol de les paraules configurades seran, automàticament, afegides a \"Inici\". Pots llistar diferents paraules separant les per línies noves." hiddenTagsDescription: "La visibilitat de totes les notes que continguin qualsevol de les paraules configurades seran, automàticament, afegides a \"Inici\". Pots llistar diferents paraules separant les per línies noves."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "La cerca de notes no es troba disponible." notesSearchNotAvailable: "La cerca de notes no es troba disponible."
@ -1518,12 +1521,82 @@ _achievements:
title: "Nocturn" title: "Nocturn"
description: "Publica una nota a altes hores de la nit " description: "Publica una nota a altes hores de la nit "
flavor: "És hora d'anar a dormir." flavor: "És hora d'anar a dormir."
title: "Rellotge xerraire"
description: "Publica una nota a les 0:00"
flavor: "Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac, DING!"
title: "Autoreferència "
description: "Cita una nota teva"
title: "Línia de temps fluida"
description: "La teva línia de temps va a més de 20npm (notes per minut)"
title: "Analista "
description: "Mira els gràfics de la teva instància "
title: "Hola, món!"
description: "Escriu \"hola, món\" al bloc de notes"
_open3windows: _open3windows:
title: "Multi finestres" title: "Multi finestres"
description: "I va obrir més de tres finestres" description: "I va obrir més de tres finestres"
_driveFolderCircularReference: _driveFolderCircularReference:
title: "Consulteu la secció de bucle" title: "Consulteu la secció de bucle"
description: "Intenta crear carpetes recursives al Disc"
title: "De veritat has llegit això?"
description: "Reaccions a una nota de més de 100 caràcters publicada fa menys de 3 segons "
title: "Fer clic"
description: "Has fet clic aquí "
title: "Ha sigut sort"
description: "Oportunitat de guanyar-lo amb una probabilitat d'un 0.005% cada 10 segons"
title: "soc millor"
description: "Posat \"siuylo\" com a nom"
title: "Primer aniversari"
description: "Ja ha passat un any d'ençà que vas crear el teu compte"
title: "Segon aniversari"
description: "Ja han passat dos anys d'ençà que vas crear el teu compte"
title: "Tres anys"
description: "Ja han passat tres anys d'ençà que vas crear el teu compte"
title: "Felicitats!"
description: "T'has identificat el dia del teu aniversari"
title: "Bon any nou!"
description: "T'has identificat el primer dia de l'any "
flavor: "A per un altre any memorable a la teva instància "
title: "Un joc en què fas clic a les galetes"
description: "Pica galetes"
flavor: "Espera, ets al lloc web correcte?"
title: "Busseja Ments"
description: "Publica un enllaç al Busseja Ments"
flavor: "Misskey-Misskey La-Tu-Ma"
title: "Sobrecàrrega de proves"
description: "Envia moltes notificacions de prova en un període de temps molt curt"
title: "Diploma del Curs Elemental de Misskey"
description: "Has completat el tutorial"
title: "🤯"
description: "L'objecte més gran del joc de la bombolla "
title: "Doble 🤯"
description: "Dos dels objectes més grans del joc de la bombolla al mateix temps"
flavor: "Pots emplenar una carmanyola com aquesta 🤯🤯 una mica"
_role: _role:
new: "Nou rol"
edit: "Editar el rol"
name: "Nom del rol"
description: "Descripció del rol"
permission: "Permisos de rol" permission: "Permisos de rol"
descriptionOfPermission: "Els <b>Moderadors</b> poden fer operacions bàsiques de moderació.\nEls <b>Administradors</b> poden canviar tots els ajustos del servidor." descriptionOfPermission: "Els <b>Moderadors</b> poden fer operacions bàsiques de moderació.\nEls <b>Administradors</b> poden canviar tots els ajustos del servidor."
assignTarget: "Assignar " assignTarget: "Assignar "
@ -1545,35 +1618,259 @@ _role:
asBadge: "Mostrar com a insígnia " asBadge: "Mostrar com a insígnia "
descriptionOfAsBadge: "La icona d'aquest rol es mostrarà al costat dels noms d'usuaris que tinguin assignats aquest rol." descriptionOfAsBadge: "La icona d'aquest rol es mostrarà al costat dels noms d'usuaris que tinguin assignats aquest rol."
isExplorable: "Fer el rol explorable" isExplorable: "Fer el rol explorable"
descriptionOfIsExplorable: "La línia de temps d'aquest rol i la llista d'usuaris seran públics si s'activa."
displayOrder: "Posició "
descriptionOfDisplayOrder: "Com més gran és el número, més dalt la seva posició a la interfície."
canEditMembersByModerator: "Permetre que els moderadors editin la llista d'usuaris en aquest rol"
descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "Quan s'activa, els moderadors, així com els administradors, podran afegir i treure usuaris d'aquest rol. Si es troba desactivat, només els administradors poden assignar usuaris."
priority: "Prioritat" priority: "Prioritat"
_priority: _priority:
low: "Baixa" low: "Baixa"
middle: "Mitjà" middle: "Mitjà"
high: "Alta" high: "Alta"
_options: _options:
gtlAvailable: "Pot veure la línia de temps global"
ltlAvailable: "Pot veure la línia de temps local"
canPublicNote: "Pot enviar notes públiques"
canInvite: "Pot crear invitacions a la instància "
inviteLimit: "Límit d'invitacions "
inviteLimitCycle: "Temps de refresc de les invitacions"
inviteExpirationTime: "Interval de caducitat de les invitacions"
canManageCustomEmojis: "Gestiona els emojis personalitzats" canManageCustomEmojis: "Gestiona els emojis personalitzats"
canManageAvatarDecorations: "Gestiona les decoracions dels avatars " canManageAvatarDecorations: "Gestiona les decoracions dels avatars "
driveCapacity: "Capacitat del disc"
alwaysMarkNsfw: "Marca sempre els fitxers com a sensibles"
pinMax: "Nombre màxim de notes fixades"
antennaMax: "Nombre màxim d'antenes" antennaMax: "Nombre màxim d'antenes"
wordMuteMax: "Nombre màxim de caràcters permesos a les paraules silenciades"
webhookMax: "Nombre màxim de Webhooks"
clipMax: "Nombre màxim de clips"
noteEachClipsMax: "Nombre màxim de notes dintre d'un clip"
userListMax: "Nombre màxim de llistes d'usuaris "
userEachUserListsMax: "Nombre màxim d'usuaris dintre d'una llista d'usuaris "
rateLimitFactor: "Limitador"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Límits baixos són menys restrictius, límits alts són més restrictius."
canHideAds: "Pot amagar els anuncis"
canSearchNotes: "Pot cercar notes"
canUseTranslator: "Pot fer servir el traductor"
avatarDecorationLimit: "Nombre màxim de decoracions que es poden aplicar els avatars"
isLocal: "Usuari local"
isRemote: "Usuari remot"
createdLessThan: "Han passat menys de X a passat des de la creació del compte"
createdMoreThan: "Han passat més de X des de la creació del compte"
followersLessThanOrEq: "Té menys de X seguidors"
followersMoreThanOrEq: "Té X o més seguidors"
followingLessThanOrEq: "Segueix X o menys comptes"
followingMoreThanOrEq: "Segueix a X o més comptes"
notesLessThanOrEq: "Les publicacions són menys o igual a "
notesMoreThanOrEq: "Les publicacions són més o igual a "
and: "AND condicional "
or: "OR condicional"
not: "NOT condicional"
description: "Redueix els esforços de moderació gràcies al reconeixement automàtic dels fitxers amb contingut sensible mitjançant Machine Learing. Això augmentarà la càrrega del servidor."
sensitivity: "Sensibilitat de la detecció "
sensitivityDescription: "Reduint la sensibilitat provocarà menys falsos positius. D'altra banda incrementant-ho generarà més falsos negatius."
setSensitiveFlagAutomatically: "Marcar com a sensible"
setSensitiveFlagAutomaticallyDescription: "Els resultats de la detecció interna seran desats, inclòs si aquesta opció es troba desactivada."
analyzeVideos: "Activar anàlisis de vídeos "
analyzeVideosDescription: "Analitzar els vídeos a més de les imatges. Això incrementarà lleugerament la càrrega del servidor."
used: "Aquest correu electrònic ja s'està fent servir"
format: "El format del correu electrònic és invàlid "
disposable: "No es poden fer servir adreces de correu electrònic d'un sol ús "
mx: "Aquest servidor de correu electrònic no és vàlid "
smtp: "Aquest servidor de correu electrònic no respon"
banned: "No pots registrar-te amb aquesta adreça de correu electrònic "
_ffVisibility: _ffVisibility:
public: "Publicar" public: "Publicar"
followers: "Visible només per a seguidors "
private: "Privat"
almostThere: "Ja quasi estem"
emailAddressInfo: "Si us plau, escriu la teva adreça de correu electrònic. No es farà pública."
emailSent: "S'ha enviat un correu de confirmació a ({email}). Si us plau, fes clic a l'enllaç per completar el registre."
accountDelete: "Eliminar el compte"
mayTakeTime: "Com l'eliminació d'un compte consumeix bastants recursos, pot trigar un temps perquè es completi l'esborrat, depenent si tens molt contingut i la quantitat de fitxer que hagis pujat."
sendEmail: "Una vegada hagi finalitzat l'esborrat del compte rebràs un correu electrònic a l'adreça que tinguis registrada en aquest compte."
requestAccountDelete: "Demanar l'eliminació del compte"
started: "Ha començat l'esborrat del compte."
inProgress: "L'esborrat es troba en procés "
_ad: _ad:
back: "Tornar" back: "Tornar"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Mostrar menys aquest anunci"
hide: "No mostrar mai"
timezoneinfo: "El dia de la setmana ve determinat del fus horari del servidor."
adsSettings: "Configuració d'anuncis "
notesPerOneAd: "Interval d'emplaçament d'anuncis en temps real (Notes per anuncis)"
setZeroToDisable: "Ajusta aquest valor a 0 per deshabilitar l'actualització d'anuncis en temps real"
adsTooClose: "L'interval actual pot fer que l'experiència de l'usuari sigui dolenta perquè l'interval és molt baix."
enterEmail: "Escriu l'adreça de correu electrònic amb la que et vas registrar. S'enviarà un correu electrònic amb un enllaç perquè puguis canviar-la."
ifNoEmail: "Si no vas fer servir una adreça de correu electrònic per registrar-te, si us plau posa't en contacte amb l'administrador."
contactAdmin: "Aquesta instància no suporta registrar-se amb correu electrònic. Si us plau, contacta amb l'administrador del servidor."
my: "La meva Galeria "
liked: "Publicacions que t'han agradat"
like: "M'agrada "
unlike: "Ja no m'agrada"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "t'ha seguit" title: "t'ha seguit"
title: "Has rebut una sol·licitud de seguiment"
install: "Instal·lar un afegit "
installWarn: "Si us plau, no instal·lis afegits que no siguin de confiança."
manage: "Gestionar els afegits"
viewSource: "Veure l'origen "
list: "Llista de còpies de seguretat"
saveNew: "Fer una còpia de seguretat nova"
loadFile: "Carregar des d'un fitxer"
apply: "Aplicar en aquest dispositiu"
save: "Desar els canvis"
inputName: "Escriu un nom per aquesta còpia de seguretat"
cannotSave: "No s'ha pogut desar"
nameAlreadyExists: "Ja existeix una còpia de seguretat anomenada \"{name}\". Escriu un nom diferent."
applyConfirm: "Vols aplicar la còpia de seguretat \"{name}\" a aquest dispositiu? La configuració actual del dispositiu serà esborrada."
saveConfirm: "Desar còpia de seguretat com {name}?"
deleteConfirm: "Esborrar la còpia de seguretat {name}?"
renameConfirm: "Vols canvia el nom de la còpia de seguretat de \"{old}\" a \"{new}\"?"
noBackups: "No hi ha còpies de seguretat. Pots fer una còpia de seguretat de la configuració d'aquest dispositiu al servidor fent servir \"Crear nova còpia de seguretat\""
createdAt: "Creat el: {date} {time}"
updatedAt: "Actualitzat el: {date} {time}"
cannotLoad: "Hi ha hagut un error al carregar"
invalidFile: "Format del fitxer no vàlid "
scope: "Àmbit "
key: "Clau"
keys: "Claus"
domain: "Domini"
createKey: "Crear una clau"
about: "Misskey és un programa de codi obert desenvolupar per syuilo des de 2014"
contributors: "Col·laboradors principals"
allContributors: "Tots els col·laboradors "
source: "Codi font"
translation: "Tradueix Misskey"
donate: "Fes un donatiu a Misskey"
morePatrons: "També agraïm el suport d'altres col·laboradors que no surten en aquesta llista. Gràcies! 🥰"
patrons: "Patrocinadors"
projectMembers: "Membres del projecte"
respect: "Ocultar imatges o vídeos marcats com a sensibles"
ignore: "Mostrar imatges o vídeos marcats com a sensibles"
force: "Ocultar totes les imatges o vídeos "
none: "No mostrar mai"
remote: "Mostrar per usuaris remots"
always: "Mostrar sempre"
reload: "Recarregar automàticament "
dialog: "Mostrar finestres de confirmació "
quiet: "Mostrar un avís que no molesti"
create: "Crear un canal"
edit: "Editar canal"
setBanner: "Estableix el bàner "
removeBanner: "Eliminar el.bàner"
featured: "Popular"
owned: "Propietat"
following: "Seguin"
usersCount: "{n} Participants"
notesCount: "{n} Notes"
nameAndDescription: "Nom i descripció "
nameOnly: "Nom només "
allowRenoteToExternal: "Permet la citació i l'impuls fora del canal"
_instanceMute: _instanceMute:
instanceMuteDescription: "Silencia tots els impulsos dels servidors seleccionats, també els usuaris que responen a altres d'un servidor silenciat." instanceMuteDescription: "Silencia tots els impulsos dels servidors seleccionats, també els usuaris que responen a altres d'un servidor silenciat."
_theme: _theme:
description: "Descripció" description: "Descripció"
keys: keys:
navHoverFg: "Text barra lateral (en passar per sobre)"
navActive: "Text barra lateral (actiu)"
navIndicator: "Indicador barra lateral"
link: "Enllaç"
hashtag: "Etiqueta"
mention: "Menció" mention: "Menció"
mentionMe: "Mencions (jo)"
renote: "Renotar" renote: "Renotar"
modalBg: "Fons del modal"
divider: "Divisor" divider: "Divisor"
scrollbarHandle: "Maneta de la barra de desplaçament"
scrollbarHandleHover: "Maneta de la barra de desplaçament (en passar-hi per sobre)"
dateLabelFg: "Text de l'etiqueta de la data"
infoBg: "Fons d'informació "
infoFg: "Text d'informació "
infoWarnBg: "Fons avís "
infoWarnFg: "Text avís "
toastBg: "Fons notificació "
toastFg: "Text notificació "
buttonBg: "Fons botó "
buttonHoverBg: "Fons botó (en passar-hi per sobre)"
inputBorder: "Contorn del cap d'introducció "
listItemHoverBg: "Fons dels elements d'una llista"
driveFolderBg: "Fons de la carpeta Disc"
wallpaperOverlay: "Superposició del fons de pantalla "
badge: "Insígnia "
messageBg: "Fons del xat"
accentDarken: "Accent (fosc)"
accentLighten: "Accent (clar)"
fgHighlighted: "Text ressaltat"
_sfx: _sfx:
note: "Notes" note: "Notes"
noteMy: "Nota (per mi)"
notification: "Notificacions" notification: "Notificacions"
antenna: "Antenes" antenna: "Antenes"
channel: "Notificacions dels canals"
reaction: "Quan se selecciona una reacció "
driveFile: "Fer servir un fitxer d'àudio del disc"
driveFileWarn: "Seleccionar un fitxer d'àudio del disc"
driveFileTypeWarn: "Fitxer no suportat "
driveFileTypeWarnDescription: "Seleccionar un fitxer d'àudio "
driveFileDurationWarn: "L'àudio és massa llarg"
driveFileDurationWarnDescription: "Els àudios molt llargs pot interrompre l'ús de Misskey. Vols continuar?"
future: "Futur "
justNow: "Ara mateix"
secondsAgo: "Fa {n} segons"
minutesAgo: "Fa {n} minuts"
hoursAgo: "Fa {n} hores"
daysAgo: "Fa {n} dies"
weeksAgo: "Fa {n} setmanes"
monthsAgo: "Fa {n} mesos"
yearsAgo: "Fa {n} anys"
invalid: "Res"
seconds: "En {n} segons"
minutes: "En {n} minuts"
hours: "En {n} hores"
days: "En {n} dies"
weeks: "En {n} setmanes"
months: "En {n} mesos"
years: "En {n} anys"
second: "Segon(s)"
minute: "Minut(s)"
hour: "Hor(a)(es)"
day: "Di(a)(es)"
_2fa: _2fa:
alreadyRegistered: "J has registrat un dispositiu d'autenticació de doble factor."
registerTOTP: "Registrar una aplicació autenticadora"
step1: "Primer instal·la una aplicació autenticadora (com {a} o {b}) al teu dispositiu."
step2: "Després escaneja el codi QR que es mostra en aquesta pantalla."
step2Click: "Fent clic en aquest codi QR et permetrà registrar l'autenticació de doble factor a la teva clau de seguretat o en l'aplicació d'autenticació del teu dispositiu."
step2Uri: "Escriu la següent URI si estàs fent servir una aplicació d'escriptori "
step3Title: "Escriu un codi d'autenticació"
step3: "Escriu el codi d'autenticació (token) que es mostra a la teva aplicació per finalitzar la configuració."
setupCompleted: "Configuració terminada"
step4: "D'ara endavant quan accedeixis se't demanarà el token que has introduït."
securityKeyNotSupported: "El teu navegador no suporta claus de seguretat"
removeKeyConfirm: "Esborrar la còpia de seguretat {name}?"
renewTOTPCancel: "No, gràcies" renewTOTPCancel: "No, gràcies"
_antennaSources: _antennaSources:
all: "Totes les publicacions" all: "Totes les publicacions"
@ -1592,6 +1889,8 @@ _widgets:
chooseList: "Tria una llista" chooseList: "Tria una llista"
_cw: _cw:
show: "Carregar més" show: "Carregar més"
deadlineTime: "Hor(a)(es)"
_visibility: _visibility:
home: "Inici" home: "Inici"
followers: "Seguidors" followers: "Seguidors"

View file

@ -1005,6 +1005,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Opravdu chcete resetovat heslo?"
sensitiveWords: "Citlivá slova" sensitiveWords: "Citlivá slova"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "Viditelnost všech poznámek obsahujících některé z nakonfigurovaných slov bude automaticky nastavena na \"Domů\". Můžete jich uvést více tak, že je oddělíte pomocí řádků." sensitiveWordsDescription: "Viditelnost všech poznámek obsahujících některé z nakonfigurovaných slov bude automaticky nastavena na \"Domů\". Můžete jich uvést více tak, že je oddělíte pomocí řádků."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Použití mezer vytvoří výrazy AND a obklopení klíčových slov lomítky je změní na regulární výraz." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Použití mezer vytvoří výrazy AND a obklopení klíčových slov lomítky je změní na regulární výraz."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Použití mezer vytvoří výrazy AND a obklopení klíčových slov lomítky je změní na regulární výraz."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Vyhledávání poznámek je nedostupné." notesSearchNotAvailable: "Vyhledávání poznámek je nedostupné."
license: "Licence" license: "Licence"
unfavoriteConfirm: "Opravdu chcete odstranit z oblíbených?" unfavoriteConfirm: "Opravdu chcete odstranit z oblíbených?"

View file

@ -1037,6 +1037,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Wirklich Passwort zurücksetzen?"
sensitiveWords: "Sensible Wörter" sensitiveWords: "Sensible Wörter"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "Die Notizsichtbarkeit aller Notizen, die diese Wörter enthalten, wird automatisch auf \"Startseite\" gesetzt. Durch Zeilenumbrüche können mehrere konfiguriert werden." sensitiveWordsDescription: "Die Notizsichtbarkeit aller Notizen, die diese Wörter enthalten, wird automatisch auf \"Startseite\" gesetzt. Durch Zeilenumbrüche können mehrere konfiguriert werden."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Durch die Verwendung von Leerzeichen können AND-Verknüpfungen angegeben werden und durch das Umgeben von Schrägstrichen können reguläre Ausdrücke verwendet werden." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Durch die Verwendung von Leerzeichen können AND-Verknüpfungen angegeben werden und durch das Umgeben von Schrägstrichen können reguläre Ausdrücke verwendet werden."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Durch die Verwendung von Leerzeichen können AND-Verknüpfungen angegeben werden und durch das Umgeben von Schrägstrichen können reguläre Ausdrücke verwendet werden."
hiddenTags: "Ausgeblendete Hashtags" hiddenTags: "Ausgeblendete Hashtags"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Die hier eingestellten Tags werden nicht mehr in den Trends angezeigt. Mit der Umschalttaste können mehrere ausgewählt werden." hiddenTagsDescription: "Die hier eingestellten Tags werden nicht mehr in den Trends angezeigt. Mit der Umschalttaste können mehrere ausgewählt werden."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Die Notizsuche ist nicht verfügbar." notesSearchNotAvailable: "Die Notizsuche ist nicht verfügbar."

View file

@ -1078,6 +1078,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Really reset your password?"
sensitiveWords: "Sensitive words" sensitiveWords: "Sensitive words"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "The visibility of all notes containing any of the configured words will be set to \"Home\" automatically. You can list multiple by separating them via line breaks." sensitiveWordsDescription: "The visibility of all notes containing any of the configured words will be set to \"Home\" automatically. You can list multiple by separating them via line breaks."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Using spaces will create AND expressions and surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Using spaces will create AND expressions and surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Using spaces will create AND expressions and surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression."
hiddenTags: "Hidden hashtags" hiddenTags: "Hidden hashtags"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Select tags which will not shown on trend list.\nMultiple tags could be registered by lines." hiddenTagsDescription: "Select tags which will not shown on trend list.\nMultiple tags could be registered by lines."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Note search is unavailable." notesSearchNotAvailable: "Note search is unavailable."
@ -2023,54 +2024,30 @@ _permissions:
"read:flash-likes": "View list of liked Plays" "read:flash-likes": "View list of liked Plays"
"write:flash-likes": "Edit list of liked Plays" "write:flash-likes": "Edit list of liked Plays"
"read:admin:abuse-user-reports": "View user reports" "read:admin:abuse-user-reports": "View user reports"
"write:admin:delete-account": "Delete account" "write:admin:delete-account": "Delete user account"
"write:admin:delete-all-files-of-a-user": "Delete all files of a user" "write:admin:delete-all-files-of-a-user": "Delete all files of a user"
"read:admin:index-stats": "View information about database indexes"
"read:admin:table-stats": "View information about database tables"
"read:admin:user-ips": "View user IP address"
"read:admin:meta": "View instance metadata" "read:admin:meta": "View instance metadata"
"write:admin:reset-password": "Reset user passwords" "write:admin:reset-password": "Reset user password"
"write:admin:resolve-abuse-user-report": "Resolve user reports" "write:admin:send-email": "Send email"
"write:admin:send-email": "Send Email"
"read:admin:server-info": "View server info" "read:admin:server-info": "View server info"
"read:admin:show-moderation-log": "View moderation log" "read:admin:show-moderation-log": "View moderation log"
"read:admin:show-user": "View user information" "read:admin:show-user": "View private user info"
"read:admin:show-users": "View users" "read:admin:show-users": "View private user info"
"write:admin:suspend-user": "Suspend user" "write:admin:suspend-user": "Suspend user"
"write:admin:unset-user-avatar": "Remove avatar from user" "write:admin:unset-user-avatar": "Remove user avatar"
"write:admin:unset-user-banner": "Remove banner from user" "write:admin:unset-user-banner": "Remove user banner"
"write:admin:unsuspend-user": "Unsuspend user" "write:admin:unsuspend-user": "Unsuspend user"
"write:admin:meta": "Edit instance metadata" "write:admin:meta": "Manage instance metadata"
"write:admin:user-note": "Edit user note" "write:admin:user-note": "Manage moderation note"
"write:admin:roles": "Edit roles" "write:admin:roles": "Manage roles"
"read:admin:roles": "View roles" "read:admin:roles": "View roles"
"write:admin:relays": "Edit relays" "write:admin:relays": "Manage relays"
"read:admin:relays": "View relays" "read:admin:relays": "View relays"
"write:admin:invite-codes": "Edit invite codes" "write:admin:invite-codes": "Manage invite codes"
"read:admin:invite-codes": "View invite codes" "read:admin:invite-codes": "View invite codes"
"write:admin:announcements": "Edit announcements" "write:admin:announcements": "Manage announcements"
"read:admin:announcements": "View announcements" "read:admin:announcements": "View announcements"
"write:admin:avatar-decorations": "Edit avatar decorations" "write:admin:avatar-decorations": "Manage avatar decorations"
"read:admin:avatar-decorations": "View avatar decorations"
"write:admin:federation": "Edit remote instance information"
"write:admin:account": "Edit users"
"read:admin:account": "View information about user"
"write:admin:emoji": "Edit emojis"
"read:admin:emoji": "View emojis"
"write:admin:queue": "Edit queue"
"read:admin:queue": "View queue"
"write:admin:promo": "Edit promo"
"write:admin:drive": "Edit user drive"
"read:admin:drive": "View user drive"
"read:admin:stream": "Using the Websocket API for Admin"
"write:admin:ad": "Edit ads"
"read:admin:ad": "View ads"
"write:invite-codes": "Create Invitation Code"
"read:invite-codes": "View Invitation Code"
"write:clip-favorite": "Edit clips and likes"
"read:clip-favorite": "View clips and likes"
"read:federation": "View information about remote instance"
"write:report-abuse": "Report abuse"
_auth: _auth:
shareAccessTitle: "Granting application permissions" shareAccessTitle: "Granting application permissions"
shareAccess: "Would you like to authorize \"{name}\" to access this account?" shareAccess: "Would you like to authorize \"{name}\" to access this account?"

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "¿Realmente quieres cambiar la contraseña?"
sensitiveWords: "Palabras sensibles" sensitiveWords: "Palabras sensibles"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "La visibilidad de todas las notas que contienen cualquiera de las palabras configuradas serán puestas en \"Inicio\" automáticamente. Puedes enumerás varias separándolas con saltos de línea" sensitiveWordsDescription: "La visibilidad de todas las notas que contienen cualquiera de las palabras configuradas serán puestas en \"Inicio\" automáticamente. Puedes enumerás varias separándolas con saltos de línea"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Si se usan espacios se crearán expresiones AND y las palabras subsecuentes con barras inclinadas se convertirán en expresiones regulares." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Si se usan espacios se crearán expresiones AND y las palabras subsecuentes con barras inclinadas se convertirán en expresiones regulares."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Si se usan espacios se crearán expresiones AND y las palabras subsecuentes con barras inclinadas se convertirán en expresiones regulares."
hiddenTags: "Hashtags ocultos" hiddenTags: "Hashtags ocultos"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Selecciona las etiquetas que no se mostrarán en tendencias. Una etiqueta por línea." hiddenTagsDescription: "Selecciona las etiquetas que no se mostrarán en tendencias. Una etiqueta por línea."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "No se puede buscar una nota" notesSearchNotAvailable: "No se puede buscar una nota"

View file

@ -1038,6 +1038,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Yakin untuk mereset kata sandimu?"
sensitiveWords: "Kata sensitif" sensitiveWords: "Kata sensitif"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "Visibilitas dari semua catatan mengandung kata yang telah diatur akan dijadikan \"Beranda\" secara otomatis. Kamu dapat mendaftarkan kata tersebut lebih dari satu dengan menuliskannya di baris baru." sensitiveWordsDescription: "Visibilitas dari semua catatan mengandung kata yang telah diatur akan dijadikan \"Beranda\" secara otomatis. Kamu dapat mendaftarkan kata tersebut lebih dari satu dengan menuliskannya di baris baru."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Menggunakan spasi akan membuat ekspresi AND dan kata kunci disekitarnya dengan garis miring akan mengubahnya menjadi ekspresi reguler." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Menggunakan spasi akan membuat ekspresi AND dan kata kunci disekitarnya dengan garis miring akan mengubahnya menjadi ekspresi reguler."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Menggunakan spasi akan membuat ekspresi AND dan kata kunci disekitarnya dengan garis miring akan mengubahnya menjadi ekspresi reguler."
hiddenTags: "Tagar tersembunyi" hiddenTags: "Tagar tersembunyi"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Pilih tanda yang mana akan tidak diperlihatkan dalam daftar tren.\nTanda lebih dari satu dapat didaftarkan dengan tiap baris." hiddenTagsDescription: "Pilih tanda yang mana akan tidak diperlihatkan dalam daftar tren.\nTanda lebih dari satu dapat didaftarkan dengan tiap baris."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Pencarian catatan tidak tersedia." notesSearchNotAvailable: "Pencarian catatan tidak tersedia."

locales/index.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -4329,6 +4329,18 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* AND指定になり * AND指定になり
*/ */
"sensitiveWordsDescription2": string; "sensitiveWordsDescription2": string;
"prohibitedWords": string;
* 稿
"prohibitedWordsDescription": string;
* AND指定になり
"prohibitedWordsDescription2": string;
/** /**
* *
*/ */

View file

@ -1045,6 +1045,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Vuoi davvero ripristinare la password?"
sensitiveWords: "Parole esplicite" sensitiveWords: "Parole esplicite"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "Imposta automaticamente \"Home\" alla visibilità delle Note che contengono una qualsiasi parola tra queste configurate. Puoi separarle per riga." sensitiveWordsDescription: "Imposta automaticamente \"Home\" alla visibilità delle Note che contengono una qualsiasi parola tra queste configurate. Puoi separarle per riga."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Gli spazi creano la relazione \"E\" tra parole (questo E quello). Racchiudere una parola nelle slash \"/\" la trasforma in Espressione Regolare." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Gli spazi creano la relazione \"E\" tra parole (questo E quello). Racchiudere una parola nelle slash \"/\" la trasforma in Espressione Regolare."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Gli spazi creano la relazione \"E\" tra parole (questo E quello). Racchiudere una parola nelle slash \"/\" la trasforma in Espressione Regolare."
hiddenTags: "Hashtag nascosti" hiddenTags: "Hashtag nascosti"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Impedire la visualizzazione del tag impostato nei trend. Puoi impostare più valori, uno per riga." hiddenTagsDescription: "Impedire la visualizzazione del tag impostato nei trend. Puoi impostare più valori, uno per riga."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Non è possibile cercare tra le Note." notesSearchNotAvailable: "Non è possibile cercare tra le Note."

View file

@ -1078,6 +1078,9 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "パスワードリセットしますか?"
sensitiveWords: "センシティブワード" sensitiveWords: "センシティブワード"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "設定したワードが含まれるノートの公開範囲をホームにします。改行で区切って複数設定できます。" sensitiveWordsDescription: "設定したワードが含まれるノートの公開範囲をホームにします。改行で区切って複数設定できます。"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、キーワードをスラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。" sensitiveWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、キーワードをスラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。"
prohibitedWords: "禁止ワード"
prohibitedWordsDescription: "設定したワードが含まれるノートを投稿しようとした際、エラーとなるようにします。改行で区切って複数設定できます。"
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、キーワードをスラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。"
hiddenTags: "非表示ハッシュタグ" hiddenTags: "非表示ハッシュタグ"
hiddenTagsDescription: "設定したタグをトレンドに表示させないようにします。改行で区切って複数設定できます。" hiddenTagsDescription: "設定したタグをトレンドに表示させないようにします。改行で区切って複数設定できます。"
notesSearchNotAvailable: "ノート検索は利用できません。" notesSearchNotAvailable: "ノート検索は利用できません。"

View file

@ -1043,6 +1043,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "パスワード作り直すんでええな?"
sensitiveWords: "けったいな単語" sensitiveWords: "けったいな単語"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "設定した単語が入っとるノートの公開範囲をホームにしたるわ。改行で区切ったら複数設定できるで。" sensitiveWordsDescription: "設定した単語が入っとるノートの公開範囲をホームにしたるわ。改行で区切ったら複数設定できるで。"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定、キーワードをスラッシュで囲んだら正規表現や。" sensitiveWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定、キーワードをスラッシュで囲んだら正規表現や。"
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "スペースで区切るとAND指定、キーワードをスラッシュで囲んだら正規表現や。"
hiddenTags: "見えてへんハッシュタグ" hiddenTags: "見えてへんハッシュタグ"
hiddenTagsDescription: "設定したタグを最近流行りのとこに見えんようにすんで。複数設定するときは改行で区切ってな。" hiddenTagsDescription: "設定したタグを最近流行りのとこに見えんようにすんで。複数設定するときは改行で区切ってな。"
notesSearchNotAvailable: "なんかノート探せへん。" notesSearchNotAvailable: "なんかノート探せへん。"

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "비밀번호를 재설정하시겠습니까?"
sensitiveWords: "민감한 단어" sensitiveWords: "민감한 단어"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "설정한 단어가 포함된 노트의 공개 범위를 '홈'으로 강제합니다. 개행으로 구분하여 여러 개를 지정할 수 있습니다." sensitiveWordsDescription: "설정한 단어가 포함된 노트의 공개 범위를 '홈'으로 강제합니다. 개행으로 구분하여 여러 개를 지정할 수 있습니다."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "공백으로 구분하면 AND 지정이 되며, 키워드를 슬래시로 둘러싸면 정규 표현식이 됩니다." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "공백으로 구분하면 AND 지정이 되며, 키워드를 슬래시로 둘러싸면 정규 표현식이 됩니다."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "공백으로 구분하면 AND 지정이 되며, 키워드를 슬래시로 둘러싸면 정규 표현식이 됩니다."
hiddenTags: "숨긴 해시태그" hiddenTags: "숨긴 해시태그"
hiddenTagsDescription: "설정한 태그를 트렌드에 표시하지 않도록 합니다. 줄 바꿈으로 하나씩 나눠서 설정할 수 있습니다." hiddenTagsDescription: "설정한 태그를 트렌드에 표시하지 않도록 합니다. 줄 바꿈으로 하나씩 나눠서 설정할 수 있습니다."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "노트 검색을 이용하실 수 없습니다." notesSearchNotAvailable: "노트 검색을 이용하실 수 없습니다."

View file

@ -1015,6 +1015,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "Сбросить пароль?"
sensitiveWords: "Чувствительные слова" sensitiveWords: "Чувствительные слова"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "Установите общедоступный диапазон заметки, содержащей заданное слово, на домашний. Можно сделать несколько настроек, разделив их переносами строк." sensitiveWordsDescription: "Установите общедоступный диапазон заметки, содержащей заданное слово, на домашний. Можно сделать несколько настроек, разделив их переносами строк."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Разделение пробелом создаёт спецификацию AND, а разделение косой чертой создаёт регулярное выражение." sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Разделение пробелом создаёт спецификацию AND, а разделение косой чертой создаёт регулярное выражение."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Разделение пробелом создаёт спецификацию AND, а разделение косой чертой создаёт регулярное выражение."
notesSearchNotAvailable: "Поиск заметок недоступен" notesSearchNotAvailable: "Поиск заметок недоступен"
license: "Лицензия" license: "Лицензия"
unfavoriteConfirm: "Удалить избранное?" unfavoriteConfirm: "Удалить избранное?"

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่านของคุ
sensitiveWords: "คำที่มีเนื้อหาละเอียดอ่อน" sensitiveWords: "คำที่มีเนื้อหาละเอียดอ่อน"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "การเปิดเผยโน้ตทั้งหมดที่มีคำที่กำหนดค่าไว้จะถูกตั้งค่าเป็น \"หน้าแรก\" โดยอัตโนมัติ คุณยังสามารถแสดงหลายรายการได้โดยแยกรายการโดยใช้ตัวแบ่งบรรทัดได้นะ" sensitiveWordsDescription: "การเปิดเผยโน้ตทั้งหมดที่มีคำที่กำหนดค่าไว้จะถูกตั้งค่าเป็น \"หน้าแรก\" โดยอัตโนมัติ คุณยังสามารถแสดงหลายรายการได้โดยแยกรายการโดยใช้ตัวแบ่งบรรทัดได้นะ"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "การใช้ช่องว่างนั้นอาจจะสร้างนิพจน์ AND และคำหลักที่มีเครื่องหมายทับล้อมรอบจะเปลี่ยนเป็นนิพจน์ทั่วไปนะ" sensitiveWordsDescription2: "การใช้ช่องว่างนั้นอาจจะสร้างนิพจน์ AND และคำหลักที่มีเครื่องหมายทับล้อมรอบจะเปลี่ยนเป็นนิพจน์ทั่วไปนะ"
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "การใช้ช่องว่างนั้นอาจจะสร้างนิพจน์ AND และคำหลักที่มีเครื่องหมายทับล้อมรอบจะเปลี่ยนเป็นนิพจน์ทั่วไปนะ"
hiddenTags: "แฮชแท็กที่ซ่อนอยู่" hiddenTags: "แฮชแท็กที่ซ่อนอยู่"
hiddenTagsDescription: "เลือกแท็กที่จะไม่แสดงในรายการเทรนด์ สามารถลงทะเบียนหลายแท็กได้โดยขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่" hiddenTagsDescription: "เลือกแท็กที่จะไม่แสดงในรายการเทรนด์ สามารถลงทะเบียนหลายแท็กได้โดยขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่"
notesSearchNotAvailable: "การค้นหาโน้ตไม่พร้อมใช้งาน" notesSearchNotAvailable: "การค้นหาโน้ตไม่พร้อมใช้งาน"

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "确定重置密码?"
sensitiveWords: "敏感词" sensitiveWords: "敏感词"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "将包含设置词的帖子的可见范围设置为首页。可以通过用换行符分隔来设置多个。" sensitiveWordsDescription: "将包含设置词的帖子的可见范围设置为首页。可以通过用换行符分隔来设置多个。"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "AND 条件用空格分隔,正则表达式用斜线包裹。" sensitiveWordsDescription2: "AND 条件用空格分隔,正则表达式用斜线包裹。"
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "AND 条件用空格分隔,正则表达式用斜线包裹。"
hiddenTags: "隐藏标签" hiddenTags: "隐藏标签"
hiddenTagsDescription: "设定的标签将不会在时间线上显示。可使用换行来设置多个标签。" hiddenTagsDescription: "设定的标签将不会在时间线上显示。可使用换行来设置多个标签。"
notesSearchNotAvailable: "帖子检索不可用" notesSearchNotAvailable: "帖子检索不可用"

View file

@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirm: "重設密碼?"
sensitiveWords: "敏感詞" sensitiveWords: "敏感詞"
sensitiveWordsDescription: "將含有設定詞彙的貼文可見性設為發送至首頁。可以用換行來進行複數的設定。" sensitiveWordsDescription: "將含有設定詞彙的貼文可見性設為發送至首頁。可以用換行來進行複數的設定。"
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "空格代表「以及」AND斜線包圍關鍵字代表使用正規表達式。" sensitiveWordsDescription2: "空格代表「以及」AND斜線包圍關鍵字代表使用正規表達式。"
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "空格代表「以及」AND斜線包圍關鍵字代表使用正規表達式。"
hiddenTags: "隱藏標籤" hiddenTags: "隱藏標籤"
hiddenTagsDescription: "設定的標籤不會在趨勢中顯示,換行可以設定多個標籤。" hiddenTagsDescription: "設定的標籤不會在趨勢中顯示,換行可以設定多個標籤。"
notesSearchNotAvailable: "無法使用搜尋貼文功能。" notesSearchNotAvailable: "無法使用搜尋貼文功能。"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{ {
"name": "sharkey", "name": "sharkey",
"version": "2024.2.0-beta.10", "version": "2024.2.0-beta.11",
"codename": "shonk", "codename": "shonk",
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
"url": "" "url": ""
}, },
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.12.1", "packageManager": "pnpm@8.15.1",
"workspaces": [ "workspaces": [
"packages/frontend", "packages/frontend",
"packages/backend", "packages/backend",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export class prohibitedWords1707429690000 {
name = 'prohibitedWords1707429690000'
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "prohibitedWords" character varying(1024) array NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'`);
async down(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "prohibitedWords"`);

View file

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"@nestjs/testing": "10.2.10", "@nestjs/testing": "10.2.10",
"@peertube/http-signature": "1.7.0", "@peertube/http-signature": "1.7.0",
"@transfem-org/sfm-js": "0.24.4", "@transfem-org/sfm-js": "0.24.4",
"@simplewebauthn/server": "9.0.1", "@simplewebauthn/server": "9.0.2",
"@sinonjs/fake-timers": "11.2.2", "@sinonjs/fake-timers": "11.2.2",
"@smithy/node-http-handler": "2.1.10", "@smithy/node-http-handler": "2.1.10",
"@swc/cli": "0.1.63", "@swc/cli": "0.1.63",
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
"bcryptjs": "2.4.3", "bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
"blurhash": "2.0.5", "blurhash": "2.0.5",
"body-parser": "1.20.2", "body-parser": "1.20.2",
"bullmq": "5.1.5", "bullmq": "5.1.9",
"cacheable-lookup": "7.0.0", "cacheable-lookup": "7.0.0",
"cbor": "9.0.1", "cbor": "9.0.2",
"chalk": "5.3.0", "chalk": "5.3.0",
"chalk-template": "1.1.0", "chalk-template": "1.1.0",
"chokidar": "3.5.3", "chokidar": "3.6.0",
"cli-highlight": "2.1.11", "cli-highlight": "2.1.11",
"color-convert": "2.0.1", "color-convert": "2.0.1",
"content-disposition": "0.5.4", "content-disposition": "0.5.4",
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
"@types/jsrsasign": "10.5.12", "@types/jsrsasign": "10.5.12",
"@types/mime-types": "2.1.4", "@types/mime-types": "2.1.4",
"@types/ms": "0.7.34", "@types/ms": "0.7.34",
"@types/node": "20.11.10", "@types/node": "20.11.17",
"@types/node-fetch": "3.0.3", "@types/node-fetch": "3.0.3",
"@types/nodemailer": "6.4.14", "@types/nodemailer": "6.4.14",
"@types/oauth": "0.9.4", "@types/oauth": "0.9.4",

View file

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ export class CustomEmojiService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
*/ */
@bindThis @bindThis
public checkDuplicate(name: string): Promise<boolean> { public checkDuplicate(name: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.emojisRepository.exist({ where: { name, host: IsNull() } }); return this.emojisRepository.exists({ where: { name, host: IsNull() } });
} }
@bindThis @bindThis

View file

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export class HashtagService {
const instance = await this.metaService.fetch(); const instance = await this.metaService.fetch();
const hiddenTags = => normalizeForSearch(t)); const hiddenTags = => normalizeForSearch(t));
if (hiddenTags.includes(hashtag)) return; if (hiddenTags.includes(hashtag)) return;
if (this.utilityService.isSensitiveWordIncluded(hashtag, instance.sensitiveWords)) return; if (this.utilityService.isKeyWordIncluded(hashtag, instance.sensitiveWords)) return;
// YYYYMMDDHHmm (10分間隔) // YYYYMMDDHHmm (10分間隔)
const now = new Date(); const now = new Date();

View file

@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ type Option = {
export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown { export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
#shutdownController = new AbortController(); #shutdownController = new AbortController();
public static ContainsProhibitedWordsError = class extends Error {};
constructor( constructor(
@Inject(DI.config) @Inject(DI.config)
private config: Config, private config: Config,
@ -429,13 +431,19 @@ export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (data.visibility === 'public' && == null) { if (data.visibility === 'public' && == null) {
const sensitiveWords = meta.sensitiveWords; const sensitiveWords = meta.sensitiveWords;
if (this.utilityService.isSensitiveWordIncluded( ?? data.text ?? '', sensitiveWords)) { if (this.utilityService.isKeyWordIncluded( ?? data.text ?? '', sensitiveWords)) {
data.visibility = 'home'; data.visibility = 'home';
} else if ((await this.roleService.getUserPolicies( === false) { } else if ((await this.roleService.getUserPolicies( === false) {
data.visibility = 'home'; data.visibility = 'home';
} }
} }
if (! {
if (this.utilityService.isKeyWordIncluded( ?? data.text ?? '', meta.prohibitedWords)) {
throw new NoteCreateService.ContainsProhibitedWordsError();
const inSilencedInstance = this.utilityService.isSilencedHost(meta.silencedHosts,; const inSilencedInstance = this.utilityService.isSilencedHost(meta.silencedHosts,;
if (data.visibility === 'public' && inSilencedInstance && !== null) { if (data.visibility === 'public' && inSilencedInstance && !== null) {
@ -795,7 +803,7 @@ export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
}); });
// 通知 // 通知
if (data.reply.userHost === null) { if (data.reply.userHost === null) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: data.reply.userId, userId: data.reply.userId,
threadId: data.reply.threadId ??, threadId: data.reply.threadId ??,
@ -830,7 +838,7 @@ export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
// Notify // Notify
if (data.renote.userHost === null) { if (data.renote.userHost === null) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: data.renote.userId, userId: data.renote.userId,
threadId: data.renote.threadId ??, threadId: data.renote.threadId ??,
@ -1057,7 +1065,7 @@ export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
@bindThis @bindThis
private async createMentionedEvents(mentionedUsers: MinimumUser[], note: MiNote, nm: NotificationManager) { private async createMentionedEvents(mentionedUsers: MinimumUser[], note: MiNote, nm: NotificationManager) {
for (const u of mentionedUsers.filter(u => this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(u))) { for (const u of mentionedUsers.filter(u => this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(u))) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId:, userId:,
threadId: note.threadId ??, threadId: note.threadId ??,

View file

@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ export class NoteEditService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (data.reply) { if (data.reply) {
// 通知 // 通知
if (data.reply.userHost === null) { if (data.reply.userHost === null) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: data.reply.userId, userId: data.reply.userId,
threadId: data.reply.threadId ??, threadId: data.reply.threadId ??,
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ export class NoteEditService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
// Notify // Notify
if (data.renote.userHost === null) { if (data.renote.userHost === null) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: data.renote.userId, userId: data.renote.userId,
threadId: data.renote.threadId ??, threadId: data.renote.threadId ??,
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ export class NoteEditService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
@bindThis @bindThis
private async createMentionedEvents(mentionedUsers: MinimumUser[], note: MiNote, nm: NotificationManager) { private async createMentionedEvents(mentionedUsers: MinimumUser[], note: MiNote, nm: NotificationManager) {
for (const u of mentionedUsers.filter(u => this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(u))) { for (const u of mentionedUsers.filter(u => this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(u))) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId:, userId:,
threadId: note.threadId ??, threadId: note.threadId ??,

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export class NoteReadService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
//#endregion //#endregion
// スレッドミュート // スレッドミュート
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: userId, userId: userId,
threadId: note.threadId ??, threadId: note.threadId ??,
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export class NoteReadService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
// 2秒経っても既読にならなかったら「未読の投稿がありますよ」イベントを発行する // 2秒経っても既読にならなかったら「未読の投稿がありますよ」イベントを発行する
setTimeout(2000, 'unread note', { signal: this.#shutdownController.signal }).then(async () => { setTimeout(2000, 'unread note', { signal: this.#shutdownController.signal }).then(async () => {
const exist = await this.noteUnreadsRepository.exist({ where: { id: } }); const exist = await this.noteUnreadsRepository.exists({ where: { id: } });
if (!exist) return; if (!exist) return;

View file

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ export class ReactionService {
// リアクションされたユーザーがローカルユーザーなら通知を作成 // リアクションされたユーザーがローカルユーザーなら通知を作成
if (note.userHost === null) { if (note.userHost === null) {
const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exist({ const isThreadMuted = await this.noteThreadMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: note.userId, userId: note.userId,
threadId: note.threadId ??, threadId: note.threadId ??,

View file

@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ export class SignupService {
const secret = generateUserToken(); const secret = generateUserToken();
// Check username duplication // Check username duplication
if (await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull() } })) { if (await this.usersRepository.exists({ where: { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull() } })) {
throw new Error('DUPLICATED_USERNAME'); throw new Error('DUPLICATED_USERNAME');
} }
// Check deleted username duplication // Check deleted username duplication
if (await this.usedUsernamesRepository.exist({ where: { username: username.toLowerCase() } })) { if (await this.usedUsernamesRepository.exists({ where: { username: username.toLowerCase() } })) {
throw new Error('USED_USERNAME'); throw new Error('USED_USERNAME');
} }

View file

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ export class UserFollowingService implements OnModuleInit {
let autoAccept = false; let autoAccept = false;
// 鍵アカウントであっても、既にフォローされていた場合はスルー // 鍵アカウントであっても、既にフォローされていた場合はスルー
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ export class UserFollowingService implements OnModuleInit {
// フォローしているユーザーは自動承認オプション // フォローしているユーザーは自動承認オプション
if (!autoAccept && (this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(followee) && followeeProfile.autoAcceptFollowed)) { if (!autoAccept && (this.userEntityService.isLocalUser(followee) && followeeProfile.autoAcceptFollowed)) {
const isFollowed = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowed = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ export class UserFollowingService implements OnModuleInit {
if (followee.isLocked && !autoAccept) { if (followee.isLocked && !autoAccept) {
autoAccept = !!(await this.accountMoveService.validateAlsoKnownAs( autoAccept = !!(await this.accountMoveService.validateAlsoKnownAs(
follower, follower,
(oldSrc, newSrc) => this.followingsRepository.exist({ (oldSrc, newSrc) => this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId:, followeeId:,
followerId:, followerId:,
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ export class UserFollowingService implements OnModuleInit {
this.cacheService.userFollowingsCache.refresh(; this.cacheService.userFollowingsCache.refresh(;
const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exist({ const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId:, followeeId:,
followerId:, followerId:,
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ export class UserFollowingService implements OnModuleInit {
} }
} }
const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exist({ const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId:, followeeId:,
followerId:, followerId:,

View file

@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ export class UtilityService {
} }
@bindThis @bindThis
public isSensitiveWordIncluded(text: string, sensitiveWords: string[]): boolean { public isKeyWordIncluded(text: string, keyWords: string[]): boolean {
if (sensitiveWords.length === 0) return false; if (keyWords.length === 0) return false;
if (text === '') return false; if (text === '') return false;
const regexpregexp = /^\/(.+)\/(.*)$/; const regexpregexp = /^\/(.+)\/(.*)$/;
const matched = sensitiveWords.some(filter => { const matched = keyWords.some(filter => {
// represents RegExp // represents RegExp
const regexp = filter.match(regexpregexp); const regexp = filter.match(regexpregexp);
// This should never happen due to input sanitisation. // This should never happen due to input sanitisation.

View file

@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ export class ApInboxService {
return 'skip: follower not found'; return 'skip: follower not found';
} }
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,
@ -686,14 +686,14 @@ export class ApInboxService {
return 'skip: フォロー解除しようとしているユーザーはローカルユーザーではありません'; return 'skip: フォロー解除しようとしているユーザーはローカルユーザーではありません';
} }
const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exist({ const requestExist = await this.followRequestsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,
}, },
}); });
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,

View file

@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ export class ApRendererService {
inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId }); inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId });
if (inReplyToNote != null) { if (inReplyToNote != null) {
const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } }); const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exists({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } });
if (inReplyToUserExist) { if (inReplyToUserExist) {
if (inReplyToNote.uri) { if (inReplyToNote.uri) {
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ export class ApRendererService {
inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId }); inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId });
if (inReplyToNote != null) { if (inReplyToNote != null) {
const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } }); const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exists({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } });
if (inReplyToUserExist) { if (inReplyToUserExist) {
if (inReplyToNote.uri) { if (inReplyToNote.uri) {

View file

@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ export class ChannelEntityService {
const banner = channel.bannerId ? await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: channel.bannerId }) : null; const banner = channel.bannerId ? await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: channel.bannerId }) : null;
const isFollowing = meId ? await this.channelFollowingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = meId ? await this.channelFollowingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId: meId, followerId: meId,
followeeId:, followeeId:,
}, },
}) : false; }) : false;
const isFavorited = meId ? await this.channelFavoritesRepository.exist({ const isFavorited = meId ? await this.channelFavoritesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId: meId, userId: meId,
channelId:, channelId:,

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export class ClipEntityService {
description: clip.description, description: clip.description,
isPublic: clip.isPublic, isPublic: clip.isPublic,
favoritedCount: await this.clipFavoritesRepository.countBy({ clipId: }), favoritedCount: await this.clipFavoritesRepository.countBy({ clipId: }),
isFavorited: meId ? await this.clipFavoritesRepository.exist({ where: { clipId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined, isFavorited: meId ? await this.clipFavoritesRepository.exists({ where: { clipId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined,
}); });
} }

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export class FlashEntityService {
summary: flash.summary, summary: flash.summary,
script: flash.script, script: flash.script,
likedCount: flash.likedCount, likedCount: flash.likedCount,
isLiked: meId ? await this.flashLikesRepository.exist({ where: { flashId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined, isLiked: meId ? await this.flashLikesRepository.exists({ where: { flashId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined,
}); });
} }

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class GalleryPostEntityService {
tags: post.tags.length > 0 ? post.tags : undefined, tags: post.tags.length > 0 ? post.tags : undefined,
isSensitive: post.isSensitive, isSensitive: post.isSensitive,
likedCount: post.likedCount, likedCount: post.likedCount,
isLiked: meId ? await this.galleryLikesRepository.exist({ where: { postId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined, isLiked: meId ? await this.galleryLikesRepository.exists({ where: { postId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined,
}); });
} }

View file

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ export class NoteEntityService implements OnModuleInit {
hide = false; hide = false;
} else { } else {
if (packedNote.renote) { if (packedNote.renote) {
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId: packedNote.renote.userId, followeeId: packedNote.renote.userId,
followerId: meId, followerId: meId,
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ export class NoteEntityService implements OnModuleInit {
hide = !isFollowing; hide = !isFollowing;
} else { } else {
// フォロワーかどうか // フォロワーかどうか
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId: packedNote.userId, followeeId: packedNote.userId,
followerId: meId, followerId: meId,

View file

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export class PageEntityService {
eyeCatchingImage: page.eyeCatchingImageId ? await this.driveFileEntityService.pack(page.eyeCatchingImageId) : null, eyeCatchingImage: page.eyeCatchingImageId ? await this.driveFileEntityService.pack(page.eyeCatchingImageId) : null,
attachedFiles: this.driveFileEntityService.packMany((await Promise.all(attachedFiles)).filter((x): x is MiDriveFile => x != null)), attachedFiles: this.driveFileEntityService.packMany((await Promise.all(attachedFiles)).filter((x): x is MiDriveFile => x != null)),
likedCount: page.likedCount, likedCount: page.likedCount,
isLiked: meId ? await this.pageLikesRepository.exist({ where: { pageId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined, isLiked: meId ? await this.pageLikesRepository.exists({ where: { pageId:, userId: meId } }) : undefined,
}); });
} }

View file

@ -153,43 +153,43 @@ export class UserEntityService implements OnModuleInit {
followerId: me, followerId: me,
followeeId: target, followeeId: target,
}), }),
this.followingsRepository.exist({ this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId: target, followerId: target,
followeeId: me, followeeId: me,
}, },
}), }),
this.followRequestsRepository.exist({ this.followRequestsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId: me, followerId: me,
followeeId: target, followeeId: target,
}, },
}), }),
this.followRequestsRepository.exist({ this.followRequestsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId: target, followerId: target,
followeeId: me, followeeId: me,
}, },
}), }),
this.blockingsRepository.exist({ this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: me, blockerId: me,
blockeeId: target, blockeeId: target,
}, },
}), }),
this.blockingsRepository.exist({ this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: target, blockerId: target,
blockeeId: me, blockeeId: me,
}, },
}), }),
this.mutingsRepository.exist({ this.mutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
muterId: me, muterId: me,
muteeId: target, muteeId: target,
}, },
}), }),
this.renoteMutingsRepository.exist({ this.renoteMutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
muterId: me, muterId: me,
muteeId: target, muteeId: target,
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ export class UserEntityService implements OnModuleInit {
/* /*
const myAntennas = (await this.antennaService.getAntennas()).filter(a => a.userId === userId); const myAntennas = (await this.antennaService.getAntennas()).filter(a => a.userId === userId);
const isUnread = (myAntennas.length > 0 ? await this.antennaNotesRepository.exist({ const isUnread = (myAntennas.length > 0 ? await this.antennaNotesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
antennaId: In( =>, antennaId: In( =>,
read: false, read: false,

View file

@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ export class MiMeta {
}) })
public sensitiveWords: string[]; public sensitiveWords: string[];
@Column('varchar', {
length: 1024, array: true, default: '{}',
public prohibitedWords: string[];
@Column('varchar', { @Column('varchar', {
length: 1024, array: true, default: '{}', length: 1024, array: true, default: '{}',
}) })

View file

@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ export class SignupApiService {
} }
if (instance.emailRequiredForSignup) { if (instance.emailRequiredForSignup) {
if (await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull() } })) { if (await this.usersRepository.exists({ where: { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull() } })) {
throw new FastifyReplyError(400, 'DUPLICATED_USERNAME'); throw new FastifyReplyError(400, 'DUPLICATED_USERNAME');
} }
// Check deleted username duplication // Check deleted username duplication
if (await this.usedUsernamesRepository.exist({ where: { username: username.toLowerCase() } })) { if (await this.usedUsernamesRepository.exists({ where: { username: username.toLowerCase() } })) {
throw new FastifyReplyError(400, 'USED_USERNAME'); throw new FastifyReplyError(400, 'USED_USERNAME');
} }

View file

@ -160,6 +160,13 @@ export const meta = {
type: 'string', type: 'string',
}, },
}, },
prohibitedWords: {
type: 'array',
optional: false, nullable: false,
items: {
type: 'string',
bannedEmailDomains: { bannedEmailDomains: {
type: 'array', type: 'array',
optional: true, nullable: false, optional: true, nullable: false,
@ -549,6 +556,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
blockedHosts: instance.blockedHosts, blockedHosts: instance.blockedHosts,
silencedHosts: instance.silencedHosts, silencedHosts: instance.silencedHosts,
sensitiveWords: instance.sensitiveWords, sensitiveWords: instance.sensitiveWords,
prohibitedWords: instance.prohibitedWords,
preservedUsernames: instance.preservedUsernames, preservedUsernames: instance.preservedUsernames,
bubbleInstances: instance.bubbleInstances, bubbleInstances: instance.bubbleInstances,
hcaptchaSecretKey: instance.hcaptchaSecretKey, hcaptchaSecretKey: instance.hcaptchaSecretKey,

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
throw e; throw e;
}); });
const exist = await this.promoNotesRepository.exist({ where: { noteId: } }); const exist = await this.promoNotesRepository.exists({ where: { noteId: } });
if (exist) { if (exist) {
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.alreadyPromoted); throw new ApiError(meta.errors.alreadyPromoted);

View file

@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ export const paramDef = {
type: 'string', type: 'string',
}, },
}, },
prohibitedWords: {
type: 'array', nullable: true, items: {
type: 'string',
themeColor: { type: 'string', nullable: true, pattern: '^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$' }, themeColor: { type: 'string', nullable: true, pattern: '^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$' },
mascotImageUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true }, mascotImageUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
bannerUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true }, bannerUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
@ -185,6 +190,9 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
if (Array.isArray(ps.sensitiveWords)) { if (Array.isArray(ps.sensitiveWords)) {
set.sensitiveWords = ps.sensitiveWords.filter(Boolean); set.sensitiveWords = ps.sensitiveWords.filter(Boolean);
} }
if (Array.isArray(ps.prohibitedWords)) {
set.prohibitedWords = ps.prohibitedWords.filter(Boolean);
if (Array.isArray(ps.silencedHosts)) { if (Array.isArray(ps.silencedHosts)) {
let lastValue = ''; let lastValue = '';
set.silencedHosts = ps.silencedHosts.sort().filter((h) => { set.silencedHosts = ps.silencedHosts.sort().filter((h) => {

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
const accessToken = secureRndstr(32); const accessToken = secureRndstr(32);
// Fetch exist access token // Fetch exist access token
const exist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
appId: session.appId, appId: session.appId,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// Check if already blocking // Check if already blocking
const exist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId:, blockerId:,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// Check not blocking // Check not blocking
const exist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId:, blockerId:,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchClip); throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchClip);
} }
const exist = await this.clipFavoritesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.clipFavoritesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
clipId:, clipId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
private driveFilesRepository: DriveFilesRepository, private driveFilesRepository: DriveFilesRepository,
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
const exist = await this.driveFilesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.driveFilesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
md5: ps.md5, md5: ps.md5,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
// if already liked // if already liked
const exist = await this.flashLikesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.flashLikesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
flashId:, flashId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// Check if already following // Check if already following
const exist = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,

View file

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// Check not following // Check not following
const exist = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followerId:, followerId:,
followeeId:, followeeId:,

View file

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
// if already liked // if already liked
const exist = await this.galleryLikesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.galleryLikesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
postId:, postId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> {
private downloadService: DownloadService, private downloadService: DownloadService,
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
const userExist = await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { id: } }); const userExist = await this.usersRepository.exists({ where: { id: } });
if (!userExist) throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchUser); if (!userExist) throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchUser);
const file = await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: ps.fileId }); const file = await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: ps.fileId });
if (file === null) throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchFile); if (file === null) throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchFile);

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
if (ps.tokenId) { if (ps.tokenId) {
const tokenExist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exist({ where: { id: ps.tokenId } }); const tokenExist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exists({ where: { id: ps.tokenId } });
if (tokenExist) { if (tokenExist) {
await this.accessTokensRepository.delete({ await this.accessTokensRepository.delete({
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
} }
} else if (ps.token) { } else if (ps.token) {
const tokenExist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exist({ where: { token: ps.token } }); const tokenExist = await this.accessTokensRepository.exists({ where: { token: ps.token } });
if (tokenExist) { if (tokenExist) {
await this.accessTokensRepository.delete({ await this.accessTokensRepository.delete({

View file

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// Check if already muting // Check if already muting
const exist = await this.mutingsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.mutingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
muterId:, muterId:,
muteeId:, muteeId:,

View file

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import { NoteEntityService } from '@/core/entities/NoteEntityService.js';
import { NoteCreateService } from '@/core/NoteCreateService.js'; import { NoteCreateService } from '@/core/NoteCreateService.js';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import { isPureRenote } from '@/misc/is-pure-renote.js'; import { isPureRenote } from '@/misc/is-pure-renote.js';
import { MetaService } from '@/core/MetaService.js';
import { UtilityService } from '@/core/UtilityService.js';
import { ApiError } from '../../error.js'; import { ApiError } from '../../error.js';
export const meta = { export const meta = {
@ -117,6 +119,12 @@ export const meta = {
id: '33510210-8452-094c-6227-4a6c05d99f00', id: '33510210-8452-094c-6227-4a6c05d99f00',
}, },
containsProhibitedWords: {
message: 'Cannot post because it contains prohibited words.',
id: 'aa6e01d3-a85c-669d-758a-76aab43af334',
}, },
} as const; } as const;
@ -271,7 +279,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
// Check blocking // Check blocking
if (renote.userId !== { if (renote.userId !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: renote.userId, blockerId: renote.userId,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,
@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
// Check blocking // Check blocking
if (reply.userId !== { if (reply.userId !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: reply.userId, blockerId: reply.userId,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,
@ -351,31 +359,40 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
// 投稿を作成 // 投稿を作成
const note = await this.noteCreateService.create(me, { try {
createdAt: new Date(), const note = await this.noteCreateService.create(me, {
files: files, createdAt: new Date(),
poll: ps.poll ? { files: files,
choices: ps.poll.choices, poll: ps.poll ? {
multiple: ps.poll.multiple ?? false, choices: ps.poll.choices,
expiresAt: ps.poll.expiresAt ? new Date(ps.poll.expiresAt) : null, multiple: ps.poll.multiple ?? false,
} : undefined, expiresAt: ps.poll.expiresAt ? new Date(ps.poll.expiresAt) : null,
text: ps.text ?? undefined, } : undefined,
reply, text: ps.text ?? undefined,
renote, reply,
cw:, renote,
localOnly: ps.localOnly, cw:,
reactionAcceptance: ps.reactionAcceptance, localOnly: ps.localOnly,
visibility: ps.visibility, reactionAcceptance: ps.reactionAcceptance,
visibleUsers, visibility: ps.visibility,
channel, visibleUsers,
apMentions: ps.noExtractMentions ? [] : undefined, channel,
apHashtags: ps.noExtractHashtags ? [] : undefined, apMentions: ps.noExtractMentions ? [] : undefined,
apEmojis: ps.noExtractEmojis ? [] : undefined, apHashtags: ps.noExtractHashtags ? [] : undefined,
}); apEmojis: ps.noExtractEmojis ? [] : undefined,
return { return {
createdNote: await this.noteEntityService.pack(note, me), createdNote: await this.noteEntityService.pack(note, me),
}; };
} catch (e) {
// TODO: 他のErrorもここでキャッチしてエラーメッセージを当てるようにしたい
if (e instanceof NoteCreateService.ContainsProhibitedWordsError) {
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.containsProhibitedWords);
throw e;
}); });
} }
} }

View file

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
// Check blocking // Check blocking
if (renote.userId !== { if (renote.userId !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: renote.userId, blockerId: renote.userId,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
// Check blocking // Check blocking
if (reply.userId !== { if (reply.userId !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId: reply.userId, blockerId: reply.userId,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,

View file

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
// if already favorited // if already favorited
const exist = await this.noteFavoritesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.noteFavoritesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
noteId:, noteId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
// if already liked // if already liked
const exist = await this.pageLikesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.pageLikesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
pageId:, pageId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
throw err; throw err;
}); });
const exist = await this.promoReadsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.promoReadsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
noteId:, noteId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
if (me == null) { if (me == null) {
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.forbidden); throw new ApiError(meta.errors.forbidden);
} else if ( !== { } else if ( !== {
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId:, followeeId:,
followerId:, followerId:,

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
if (me == null) { if (me == null) {
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.forbidden); throw new ApiError(meta.errors.forbidden);
} else if ( !== { } else if ( !== {
const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exist({ const isFollowing = await this.followingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
followeeId:, followeeId:,
followerId:, followerId:,

View file

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
private roleService: RoleService, private roleService: RoleService,
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
const listExist = await this.userListsRepository.exist({ const listExist = await this.userListsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
id: ps.listId, id: ps.listId,
isPublic: true, isPublic: true,
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
}); });
if ( !== { if ( !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId:, blockerId:,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
} }
const exist = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userListId:, userListId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> {
private idService: IdService, private idService: IdService,
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
const userListExist = await this.userListsRepository.exist({ const userListExist = await this.userListsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
id: ps.listId, id: ps.listId,
isPublic: true, isPublic: true,
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> {
throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchList); throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchList);
} }
const exist = await this.userListFavoritesRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.userListFavoritesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId:, userId:,
userListId: ps.listId, userListId: ps.listId,

View file

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
// Check blocking // Check blocking
if ( !== { if ( !== {
const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exist({ const blockExist = await this.blockingsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
blockerId:, blockerId:,
blockeeId:, blockeeId:,
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
} }
} }
const exist = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.exist({ const exist = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userListId:, userListId:,
userId:, userId:,

View file

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> {
userListId: ps.listId, userListId: ps.listId,
}); });
if (me !== null) { if (me !== null) {
additionalProperties.isLiked = await this.userListFavoritesRepository.exist({ additionalProperties.isLiked = await this.userListFavoritesRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
userId:, userId:,
userListId: ps.listId, userListId: ps.listId,

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> {
private userListFavoritesRepository: UserListFavoritesRepository, private userListFavoritesRepository: UserListFavoritesRepository,
) { ) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => { super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
const userListExist = await this.userListsRepository.exist({ const userListExist = await this.userListsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
id: ps.listId, id: ps.listId,
isPublic: true, isPublic: true,

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class UserListChannel extends Channel {
this.withRenotes = params.withRenotes ?? true; this.withRenotes = params.withRenotes ?? true;
// Check existence and owner // Check existence and owner
const listExist = await this.userListsRepository.exist({ const listExist = await this.userListsRepository.exists({
where: { where: {
id: this.listId, id: this.listId,
userId: this.user!.id, userId: this.user!.id,

View file

@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ describe('Note', () => {
let alice: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; let alice: misskey.entities.SignupResponse;
let bob: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; let bob: misskey.entities.SignupResponse;
let tom: misskey.entities.SignupResponse;
beforeAll(async () => { beforeAll(async () => {
const connection = await initTestDb(true); const connection = await initTestDb(true);
Notes = connection.getRepository(MiNote); Notes = connection.getRepository(MiNote);
alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' });
bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' });
tom = await signup({ username: 'tom', host: '' });
}, 1000 * 60 * 2); }, 1000 * 60 * 2);
test('投稿できる', async () => { test('投稿できる', async () => {
@ -607,6 +609,77 @@ describe('Note', () => {
assert.strictEqual(note2.status, 200); assert.strictEqual(note2.status, 200);
assert.strictEqual(note2.body.createdNote.visibility, 'home'); assert.strictEqual(note2.body.createdNote.visibility, 'home');
}); });
test('禁止ワードを含む投稿はエラーになる (単語指定)', async () => {
const prohibited = await api('admin/update-meta', {
prohibitedWords: [
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(prohibited.status, 204);
await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 2));
const note1 = await api('/notes/create', {
text: 'hogetesthuge',
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(note1.status, 400);
assert.strictEqual(note1.body.error.code, 'CONTAINS_PROHIBITED_WORDS');
test('禁止ワードを含む投稿はエラーになる (正規表現)', async () => {
const prohibited = await api('admin/update-meta', {
prohibitedWords: [
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(prohibited.status, 204);
const note2 = await api('/notes/create', {
text: 'hogetesthuge',
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(note2.status, 400);
assert.strictEqual(note2.body.error.code, 'CONTAINS_PROHIBITED_WORDS');
test('禁止ワードを含む投稿はエラーになる (スペースアンド)', async () => {
const prohibited = await api('admin/update-meta', {
prohibitedWords: [
'Test hoge',
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(prohibited.status, 204);
const note2 = await api('/notes/create', {
text: 'hogeTesthuge',
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(note2.status, 400);
assert.strictEqual(note2.body.error.code, 'CONTAINS_PROHIBITED_WORDS');
test('禁止ワードを含んでいてもリモートノートはエラーにならない', async () => {
const prohibited = await api('admin/update-meta', {
prohibitedWords: [
}, alice);
assert.strictEqual(prohibited.status, 204);
await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 2));
const note1 = await api('/notes/create', {
text: 'hogetesthuge',
}, tom);
assert.strictEqual(note1.status, 200);
}); });
describe('notes/delete', () => { describe('notes/delete', () => {

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
*/ */
import { type SharedOptions, rest } from 'msw'; import { type SharedOptions, http, HttpResponse } from 'msw';
export const onUnhandledRequest = ((req, print) => { export const onUnhandledRequest = ((req, print) => {
if (req.url.hostname !== 'localhost' || /^\/(?:client-assets\/|fluent-emojis?\/|iframe.html$|node_modules\/|src\/|sb-|static-assets\/|vite\/)/.test(req.url.pathname)) { if (req.url.hostname !== 'localhost' || /^\/(?:client-assets\/|fluent-emojis?\/|iframe.html$|node_modules\/|src\/|sb-|static-assets\/|vite\/)/.test(req.url.pathname)) {
@ -13,19 +13,31 @@ export const onUnhandledRequest = ((req, print) => {
}) satisfies SharedOptions['onUnhandledRequest']; }) satisfies SharedOptions['onUnhandledRequest'];
export const commonHandlers = [ export const commonHandlers = [
rest.get('/fluent-emoji/:codepoints.png', async (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/fluent-emoji/:codepoints.png', async ({ params }) => {
const { codepoints } = req.params; const { codepoints } = params;
const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.png`).then((response) => response.blob()); const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.png`).then((response) => response.blob());
return res(ctx.set('Content-Type', 'image/png'), ctx.body(value)); return new HttpResponse(value, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/png',
}), }),
rest.get('/fluent-emojis/:codepoints.png', async (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/fluent-emojis/:codepoints.png', async ({ params }) => {
const { codepoints } = req.params; const { codepoints } = params;
const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.png`).then((response) => response.blob()); const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.png`).then((response) => response.blob());
return res(ctx.set('Content-Type', 'image/png'), ctx.body(value)); return new HttpResponse(value, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/png',
}), }),
rest.get('/twemoji/:codepoints.svg', async (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/twemoji/:codepoints.svg', async ({ params }) => {
const { codepoints } = req.params; const { codepoints } = params;
const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.svg`).then((response) => response.blob()); const value = await fetch(`${codepoints}.svg`).then((response) => response.blob());
return res(ctx.set('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml'), ctx.body(value)); return new HttpResponse(value, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml',
}), }),
]; ];

View file

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
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View file

@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ export async function common(createVue: () => App<Element>) {
}); });
} }
const splash = document.getElementById('splash');
// 念のためnullチェック(HTMLが古い場合があるため(そのうち消す))
if (splash) splash.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
let isClientUpdated = false; let isClientUpdated = false;
//#region クライアントが更新されたかチェック //#region クライアントが更新されたかチェック
@ -293,5 +287,10 @@ function removeSplash() {
if (splash) { if (splash) { = '0'; = '0'; = 'none'; = 'none';
// transitionendイベントが発火しない場合があるため
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
} }
} }

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { abuseUserReport } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { abuseUserReport } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkAbuseReport from './MkAbuseReport.vue'; import MkAbuseReport from './MkAbuseReport.vue';
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/admin/resolve-abuse-user-report', async (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/admin/resolve-abuse-user-report', async ({ request }) => {
action('POST /api/admin/resolve-abuse-user-report')(await req.json()); action('POST /api/admin/resolve-abuse-user-report')(await request.json());
return res(ctx.json({})); return HttpResponse.json({});
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkAbuseReportWindow from './MkAbuseReportWindow.vue'; import MkAbuseReportWindow from './MkAbuseReportWindow.vue';
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/report-abuse', async (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/report-abuse', async ({ request }) => {
action('POST /api/users/report-abuse')(await req.json()); action('POST /api/users/report-abuse')(await request.json());
return res(ctx.json({})); return HttpResponse.json({});
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkAchievements from './MkAchievements.vue'; import MkAchievements from './MkAchievements.vue';
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ export const Empty = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/achievements', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/achievements', () => {
return res(ctx.json([])); return HttpResponse.json([]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ export const All = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/achievements', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/achievements', () => {
return res(ctx.json( => ({ name, unlockedAt: 0 })))); return HttpResponse.json( => ({ name, unlockedAt: 0 })));
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { expect } from '@storybook/jest'; import { expect } from '@storybook/jest';
import { userEvent, waitFor, within } from '@storybook/testing-library'; import { userEvent, waitFor, within } from '@storybook/testing-library';
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkAutocomplete from './MkAutocomplete.vue'; import MkAutocomplete from './MkAutocomplete.vue';
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ export const User = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/search-by-username-and-host', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/search-by-username-and-host', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('44', 'mizuki', '', 'Mizuki'), userDetailed('44', 'mizuki', '', 'Mizuki'),
userDetailed('49', 'momoko', '', 'Momoko'), userDetailed('49', 'momoko', '', 'Momoko'),
])); ]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },
@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ export const Hashtag = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/hashtags/search', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/hashtags/search', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
'気象警報注意報', '気象警報注意報',
'気象警報', '気象警報',
'気象情報', '気象情報',
])); ]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkAvatars from './MkAvatars.vue'; import MkAvatars from './MkAvatars.vue';
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/show', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/show', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('17'), userDetailed('17'),
userDetailed('20'), userDetailed('20'),
userDetailed('18'), userDetailed('18'),
])); ]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed, inviteCode } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed, inviteCode } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkInviteCode from './MkInviteCode.vue'; import MkInviteCode from './MkInviteCode.vue';
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/show', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/show', ({ params }) => {
return res(ctx.json(userDetailed(req.params.userId as string))); return HttpResponse.json(userDetailed(params.userId as string));
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, watch, onUnmounted, provide, ref, shallowRef } from 'vue'; import { computed, watch, onUnmounted, provide, ref, shallowRef } from 'vue';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import { ChannelConnection as Connection } from 'misskey-js';
import MkNotes from '@/components/MkNotes.vue'; import MkNotes from '@/components/MkNotes.vue';
import MkPullToRefresh from '@/components/MkPullToRefresh.vue'; import MkPullToRefresh from '@/components/MkPullToRefresh.vue';
import { useStream } from '@/stream.js'; import { useStream } from '@/stream.js';
@ -90,8 +89,8 @@ function prepend(note) {
} }
} }
let connection: Connection; let connection: Misskey.ChannelConnection | null = null;
let connection2: Connection; let connection2: Misskey.ChannelConnection | null = null;
let paginationQuery: Paging | null = null; let paginationQuery: Paging | null = null;
const stream = useStream(); const stream = useStream();
@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ function connectChannel() {
roleId: props.role, roleId: props.role,
}); });
} }
if (props.src !== 'directs' && props.src !== 'mentions') connection.on('note', prepend); if (props.src !== 'directs' && props.src !== 'mentions') connection?.on('note', prepend);
} }
function disconnectChannel() { function disconnectChannel() {

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
v-if="player.url.startsWith('http://') || player.url.startsWith('https://')" v-if="player.url.startsWith('http://') || player.url.startsWith('https://')"
sandbox="allow-popups allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-same-origin" sandbox="allow-popups allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-same-origin"
scrolling="no" scrolling="no"
:allow="player.allow.join(';')" :allow="player.allow == null ? 'autoplay;encrypted-media;fullscreen' : player.allow.filter(x => ['autoplay', 'clipboard-write', 'fullscreen', 'encrypted-media', 'picture-in-picture', 'web-share'].includes(x)).join(';')"
:class="$style.playerIframe" :class="$style.playerIframe"
:src="player.url + (player.url.match(/\?/) ? '&autoplay=1&auto_play=1' : '?autoplay=1&auto_play=1')" :src="player.url + (player.url.match(/\?/) ? '&autoplay=1&auto_play=1' : '?autoplay=1&auto_play=1')"
:style="{ border: 0 }" :style="{ border: 0 }"

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import MkUserSetupDialog_Follow from './MkUserSetupDialog.Follow.vue'; import MkUserSetupDialog_Follow from './MkUserSetupDialog.Follow.vue';
@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('44'), userDetailed('44'),
userDetailed('49'), userDetailed('49'),
])); ]);
}), }),'/api/pinned-users', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/pinned-users', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('44'), userDetailed('44'),
userDetailed('49'), userDetailed('49'),
])); ]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
import Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js'; import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import MkFolder from '@/components/MkFolder.vue'; import MkFolder from '@/components/MkFolder.vue';
import XUser from '@/components/MkUserSetupDialog.User.vue'; import XUser from '@/components/MkUserSetupDialog.User.vue';

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import MkUserSetupDialog from './MkUserSetupDialog.vue'; import MkUserSetupDialog from './MkUserSetupDialog.vue';
@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('44'), userDetailed('44'),
userDetailed('49'), userDetailed('49'),
])); ]);
}), }),'/api/pinned-users', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/pinned-users', () => {
return res(ctx.json([ return HttpResponse.json([
userDetailed('44'), userDetailed('44'),
userDetailed('49'), userDetailed('49'),
])); ]);
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import { expect } from '@storybook/jest'; import { expect } from '@storybook/jest';
import { userEvent, waitFor, within } from '@storybook/testing-library'; import { userEvent, waitFor, within } from '@storybook/testing-library';
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import MkUrl from './MkUrl.vue'; import MkUrl from './MkUrl.vue';
export const Default = { export const Default = {
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,
rest.get('/url', (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/url', () => {
return res(ctx.json({ return HttpResponse.json({
title: 'Misskey Hub', title: 'Misskey Hub',
icon: '', icon: '',
description: 'Misskeyはオープンソースの分散型ソーシャルネットワーキングプラットフォームです。', description: 'Misskeyはオープンソースの分散型ソーシャルネットワーキングプラットフォームです。',
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export const Default = {
sitename: '', sitename: '',
sensitive: false, sensitive: false,
url: '', url: '',
})); });
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription }}<br>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription2 }}</template> <template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription }}<br>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription2 }}</template>
</MkTextarea> </MkTextarea>
<MkTextarea v-model="prohibitedWords">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.prohibitedWords }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.prohibitedWordsDescription }}<br>{{ i18n.ts.prohibitedWordsDescription2 }}</template>
<MkTextarea v-model="hiddenTags"> <MkTextarea v-model="hiddenTags">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.hiddenTags }}</template> <template #label>{{ i18n.ts.hiddenTags }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.hiddenTagsDescription }}</template> <template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.hiddenTagsDescription }}</template>
@ -87,6 +92,7 @@ const emailRequiredForSignup = ref<boolean>(false);
const approvalRequiredForSignup = ref<boolean>(false); const approvalRequiredForSignup = ref<boolean>(false);
const bubbleTimelineEnabled = ref<boolean>(false); const bubbleTimelineEnabled = ref<boolean>(false);
const sensitiveWords = ref<string>(''); const sensitiveWords = ref<string>('');
const prohibitedWords = ref<string>('');
const hiddenTags = ref<string>(''); const hiddenTags = ref<string>('');
const preservedUsernames = ref<string>(''); const preservedUsernames = ref<string>('');
const bubbleTimeline = ref<string>(''); const bubbleTimeline = ref<string>('');
@ -99,6 +105,7 @@ async function init() {
emailRequiredForSignup.value = meta.emailRequiredForSignup; emailRequiredForSignup.value = meta.emailRequiredForSignup;
approvalRequiredForSignup.value = meta.approvalRequiredForSignup; approvalRequiredForSignup.value = meta.approvalRequiredForSignup;
sensitiveWords.value = meta.sensitiveWords.join('\n'); sensitiveWords.value = meta.sensitiveWords.join('\n');
prohibitedWords.value = meta.prohibitedWords.join('\n');
hiddenTags.value = meta.hiddenTags.join('\n'); hiddenTags.value = meta.hiddenTags.join('\n');
preservedUsernames.value = meta.preservedUsernames.join('\n'); preservedUsernames.value = meta.preservedUsernames.join('\n');
tosUrl.value = meta.tosUrl; tosUrl.value = meta.tosUrl;
@ -115,6 +122,7 @@ function save() {
tosUrl: tosUrl.value, tosUrl: tosUrl.value,
privacyPolicyUrl: privacyPolicyUrl.value, privacyPolicyUrl: privacyPolicyUrl.value,
sensitiveWords: sensitiveWords.value.split('\n'), sensitiveWords: sensitiveWords.value.split('\n'),
prohibitedWords: prohibitedWords.value.split('\n'),
hiddenTags: hiddenTags.value.split('\n'), hiddenTags: hiddenTags.value.split('\n'),
preservedUsernames: preservedUsernames.value.split('\n'), preservedUsernames: preservedUsernames.value.split('\n'),
bubbleInstances: bubbleTimeline.value.split('\n'), bubbleInstances: bubbleTimeline.value.split('\n'),

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */
import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { rest } from 'msw'; import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
import { userDetailed } from '../../../.storybook/fakes.js'; import { userDetailed } from '../../../.storybook/fakes.js';
import { commonHandlers } from '../../../.storybook/mocks.js'; import { commonHandlers } from '../../../.storybook/mocks.js';
import home_ from './home.vue'; import home_ from './home.vue';
@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ export const Default = {
msw: { msw: {
handlers: [ handlers: [
...commonHandlers, ...commonHandlers,'/api/users/notes', (req, res, ctx) => {'/api/users/notes', () => {
return res(ctx.json([])); return HttpResponse.json([]);
}), }),
rest.get('/api/charts/user/notes', (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/api/charts/user/notes', ({ request }) => {
const length = Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(req.url.searchParams.get('limit') ?? '30', 10), 1), 300); const url = new URL(request.url);
return res(ctx.json({ const length = Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(url.searchParams.get('limit') ?? '30', 10), 1), 300);
return HttpResponse.json({
total: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), total: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
inc: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), inc: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
dec: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), dec: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
@ -54,11 +55,12 @@ export const Default = {
renote: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), renote: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
withFile: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), withFile: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
}, },
})); });
}), }),
rest.get('/api/charts/user/pv', (req, res, ctx) => { http.get('/api/charts/user/pv', ({ request }) => {
const length = Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(req.url.searchParams.get('limit') ?? '30', 10), 1), 300); const url = new URL(request.url);
return res(ctx.json({ const length = Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(url.searchParams.get('limit') ?? '30', 10), 1), 300);
return HttpResponse.json({
upv: { upv: {
user: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), user: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
visitor: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), visitor: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ export const Default = {
user: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), user: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
visitor: Array.from({ length }, () => 0), visitor: Array.from({ length }, () => 0),
}, },
})); });
}), }),
], ],
}, },

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export async function getTheme(mode: 'light' | 'dark', getName = false): Promise
const base = [lightTheme, darkTheme].find(x => === theme.base); const base = [lightTheme, darkTheme].find(x => === theme.base);
if (base && base.codeHighlighter) theme.codeHighlighter = Object.assign({}, base.codeHighlighter, theme.codeHighlighter); if (base && base.codeHighlighter) theme.codeHighlighter = Object.assign({}, base.codeHighlighter, theme.codeHighlighter);
} }
if (theme.codeHighlighter) { if (theme.codeHighlighter) {
let _res: ThemeRegistration = {}; let _res: ThemeRegistration = {};
if (theme.codeHighlighter.base === '_none_') { if (theme.codeHighlighter.base === '_none_') {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export async function getHighlighter(): Promise<Highlighter> {
export async function initHighlighter() { export async function initHighlighter() {
const aiScriptGrammar = await import('aiscript-vscode/aiscript/syntaxes/aiscript.tmLanguage.json'); const aiScriptGrammar = await import('aiscript-vscode/aiscript/syntaxes/aiscript.tmLanguage.json');
await loadWasm(import('shiki/onig.wasm?init')); await loadWasm(import('shiki/onig.wasm?init'));
// テーマの重複を消す // テーマの重複を消す
@ -68,10 +68,7 @@ export async function initHighlighter() {
themes, themes,
langs: [ langs: [
import('shiki/langs/javascript.mjs'), import('shiki/langs/javascript.mjs'),
{ aiScriptGrammar.default as unknown as LanguageRegistration,
aliases: ['is', 'ais'],
} as unknown as LanguageRegistration,
], ],
}); });

View file

@ -116,6 +116,34 @@ describe('MkUrlPreview', () => {
assert.strictEqual(iframe?.allow, 'fullscreen;web-share'); assert.strictEqual(iframe?.allow, 'fullscreen;web-share');
}); });
test('A Summaly proxy response without allow falls back to the default', async () => {
const iframe = await renderAndOpenPreview({
url: 'https://example.local',
player: {
url: 'https://example.local/player',
width: null,
height: null,
allow: undefined as any,
assert.exists(iframe, 'iframe should exist');
assert.strictEqual(iframe?.allow, 'autoplay;encrypted-media;fullscreen');
test('Filtering the allow list from the Summaly proxy', async () => {
const iframe = await renderAndOpenPreview({
url: 'https://example.local',
player: {
url: 'https://example.local/player',
width: null,
height: null,
allow: ['autoplay', 'camera', 'fullscreen'],
assert.exists(iframe, 'iframe should exist');
assert.strictEqual(iframe?.allow, 'autoplay;fullscreen');
test('Having a player width should keep the fixed aspect ratio', async () => { test('Having a player width should keep the fixed aspect ratio', async () => {
const iframe = await renderAndOpenPreview({ const iframe = await renderAndOpenPreview({
url: 'https://example.local', url: 'https://example.local',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ {
"type": "module", "type": "module",
"name": "misskey-js", "name": "misskey-js",
"version": "2024.2.0-beta.10", "version": "2024.2.0-beta.11",
"description": "Misskey SDK for JavaScript", "description": "Misskey SDK for JavaScript",
"types": "./built/dts/index.d.ts", "types": "./built/dts/index.d.ts",
"exports": { "exports": {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"@misskey-dev/eslint-plugin": "1.0.0", "@misskey-dev/eslint-plugin": "1.0.0",
"@swc/jest": "0.2.31", "@swc/jest": "0.2.31",
"@types/jest": "29.5.11", "@types/jest": "29.5.11",
"@types/node": "20.11.10", "@types/node": "20.11.17",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "6.18.1", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "6.18.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.18.1", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.18.1",
"eslint": "8.56.0", "eslint": "8.56.0",

View file

@ -4793,6 +4793,7 @@ export type operations = {
hiddenTags: string[]; hiddenTags: string[];
blockedHosts: string[]; blockedHosts: string[];
sensitiveWords: string[]; sensitiveWords: string[];
prohibitedWords: string[];
bannedEmailDomains?: string[]; bannedEmailDomains?: string[];
preservedUsernames: string[]; preservedUsernames: string[];
bubbleInstances: string[]; bubbleInstances: string[];
@ -8814,6 +8815,7 @@ export type operations = {
hiddenTags?: string[] | null; hiddenTags?: string[] | null;
blockedHosts?: string[] | null; blockedHosts?: string[] | null;
sensitiveWords?: string[] | null; sensitiveWords?: string[] | null;
prohibitedWords?: string[] | null;
themeColor?: string | null; themeColor?: string | null;
mascotImageUrl?: string | null; mascotImageUrl?: string | null;
bannerUrl?: string | null; bannerUrl?: string | null;

pnpm-lock.yaml generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff