diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index 88b44d2787..d736a7d881 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -1196,16 +1196,16 @@ releaseToReload: "Release to reload"
 reloading: "Reloading"
 enableTimelineStreaming: "Update timelines automatically"
 searchWords: "Words to search / ID or URL to lookup"
-searchWordsDescription: "Enter the search term here to search for posts. Separate words
-  with a space for an AND search, or 'OR' (without quotes) between words for an OR
-  search.\nFor example, 'morning night' will find posts that contain both 'morning'
+searchWordsDescription: "Enter the search term here to search for posts. Separate
+  words with a space for an AND search, or 'OR' (without quotes) between words for
+  an OR search.\nFor example, 'morning night' will find posts that contain both 'morning'
   and 'night', and 'morning OR night' will find posts that contain either 'morning'
   or 'night' (or both).\nYou can also combine AND/OR conditions like '(morning OR
-  night) sleepy'.\nIf you want to search for a sequence of words (e.g., a sentence), you
-  must put it in double quotes, not to make it an AND search: \"Today I learned\"\n\n
-  If you want to go to a specific user page or post page, enter
-  the ID or URL in this field and click the 'Lookup' button. Clicking 'Search' will
-  search for posts that literally contain the ID/URL."
+  night) sleepy'.\nIf you want to search for a sequence of words (e.g., a sentence),
+  you must put it in double quotes, not to make it an AND search: \"Today I learned\"\
+  \n\n If you want to go to a specific user page or post page, enter the ID or URL
+  in this field and click the 'Lookup' button. Clicking 'Search' will search for posts
+  that literally contain the ID/URL."
 searchUsers: "Posted by (optional)"
 searchUsersDescription: "To search for posts by a specific user/server, enter the
   ID (@user@example.com, or @user for a local user) or domain name (example.com).\n
@@ -2230,5 +2230,7 @@ moreUrlsDescription: "Enter the pages you want to pin to the help menu in the lo
   left corner using this notation:\n\"Display name\": https://example.com/"
 messagingUnencryptedInfo: "Chats on Firefish are not end-to-end encrypted. Don't share
   any sensitive infomation over Firefish."
-autocorrectNoteLanguage: "Show a warning if the post language does not match the auto-detected result"
-incorrectLanguageWarning: "It looks like your post is in {detected}, but you selected {current}.\nWould you like to set the language to {detected} instead?"
+autocorrectNoteLanguage: "Show a warning if the post language does not match the auto-detected
+  result"
+incorrectLanguageWarning: "It looks like your post is in {detected}, but you selected
+  {current}.\nWould you like to set the language to {detected} instead?"
diff --git a/locales/id-ID.yml b/locales/id-ID.yml
index d5f65bfb49..8aeca86c2e 100644
--- a/locales/id-ID.yml
+++ b/locales/id-ID.yml
@@ -2269,3 +2269,6 @@ incorrectLanguageWarning: "Sepertinya kirimanmu dalam bahasa {detected}, tetapi
   memilih {current}.\nApakah kamu ingin ubah bahasanya ke bahasa {detected} saja?"
 autocorrectNoteLanguage: Tampilkan peringatan jika bahasa kiriman tidak cocok dengan
   hasil yang dideteksi secara otomatis
+markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault: Tandai semua berkas lokal baru sensitif secara bawaan
+markLocalFilesNsfwByDefaultDescription: Terlepas dari pengaturan ini, pengguna dapat
+  menghapus sendiri tanda NSFW. Berkas yang ada tidak berpengaruh.
diff --git a/locales/ja-JP.yml b/locales/ja-JP.yml
index 9b77925096..4a0923182a 100644
--- a/locales/ja-JP.yml
+++ b/locales/ja-JP.yml
@@ -2058,3 +2058,5 @@ ipFirstAcknowledged: IPアドレスが最初に取得された日
 driveCapacityOverride: ドライブ容量の変更
 autocorrectNoteLanguage: 設定した投稿言語が自動検出されたものと異なる場合に警告する
 incorrectLanguageWarning: "この投稿は{detected}で書かれていると判定されました。\n投稿言語を{current}ではなく{detected}にしますか?"
+markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault: このサーバーの全てのファイルをデフォルトでNSFWに設定する
+markLocalFilesNsfwByDefaultDescription: この設定が有効でも、ユーザーは自分でNSFWのフラグを外すことができます。また、この設定は既存のファイルには影響しません。