chore: 🎨 format
This commit is contained in:
42 changed files with 1504 additions and 1386 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"typings": "./lib/src/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc -p ./",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts src",
"lint": "pnpm rome check --apply src/**/*.ts",
"format": "pnpm rome format --write src/**/*.ts",
"doc": "typedoc --out ../docs ./src",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test jest -u --maxWorkers=3"
@ -2,26 +2,26 @@
/// <reference path="source.ts" />
/// <reference path="field.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Account = {
id: string
username: string
acct: string
display_name: string
locked: boolean
created_at: string
followers_count: number
following_count: number
statuses_count: number
note: string
url: string
avatar: string
avatar_static: string
header: string
header_static: string
emojis: Array<Emoji>
moved: Account | null
fields: Array<Field>
bot: boolean | null
source?: Source
export type Account = {
id: string;
username: string;
acct: string;
display_name: string;
locked: boolean;
created_at: string;
followers_count: number;
following_count: number;
statuses_count: number;
note: string;
url: string;
avatar: string;
avatar_static: string;
header: string;
header_static: string;
emojis: Array<Emoji>;
moved: Account | null;
fields: Array<Field>;
bot: boolean | null;
source?: Source;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Activity = {
week: string
statuses: string
logins: string
registrations: string
export type Activity = {
week: string;
statuses: string;
logins: string;
registrations: string;
@ -3,32 +3,32 @@
/// <reference path="reaction.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Announcement = {
id: string
content: string
starts_at: string | null
ends_at: string | null
published: boolean
all_day: boolean
published_at: string
updated_at: string
read?: boolean
mentions: Array<AnnouncementAccount>
statuses: Array<AnnouncementStatus>
tags: Array<Tag>
emojis: Array<Emoji>
reactions: Array<Reaction>
export type Announcement = {
id: string;
content: string;
starts_at: string | null;
ends_at: string | null;
published: boolean;
all_day: boolean;
published_at: string;
updated_at: string;
read?: boolean;
mentions: Array<AnnouncementAccount>;
statuses: Array<AnnouncementStatus>;
tags: Array<Tag>;
emojis: Array<Emoji>;
reactions: Array<Reaction>;
export type AnnouncementAccount = {
id: string
username: string
url: string
acct: string
export type AnnouncementAccount = {
id: string;
username: string;
url: string;
acct: string;
export type AnnouncementStatus = {
id: string
url: string
export type AnnouncementStatus = {
id: string;
url: string;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Application = {
name: string
website?: string | null
vapid_key?: string | null
export type Application = {
name: string;
website?: string | null;
vapid_key?: string | null;
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
/// <reference path="attachment.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type AsyncAttachment = {
id: string
type: 'unknown' | 'image' | 'gifv' | 'video' | 'audio'
url: string | null
remote_url: string | null
preview_url: string
text_url: string | null
meta: Meta | null
description: string | null
blurhash: string | null
export type AsyncAttachment = {
id: string;
type: "unknown" | "image" | "gifv" | "video" | "audio";
url: string | null;
remote_url: string | null;
preview_url: string;
text_url: string | null;
meta: Meta | null;
description: string | null;
blurhash: string | null;
@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Sub = {
// For Image, Gifv, and Video
width?: number
height?: number
size?: string
aspect?: number
export type Sub = {
// For Image, Gifv, and Video
width?: number;
height?: number;
size?: string;
aspect?: number;
// For Gifv and Video
frame_rate?: string
// For Gifv and Video
frame_rate?: string;
// For Audio, Gifv, and Video
duration?: number
bitrate?: number
// For Audio, Gifv, and Video
duration?: number;
bitrate?: number;
export type Focus = {
x: number
y: number
export type Focus = {
x: number;
y: number;
export type Meta = {
original?: Sub
small?: Sub
focus?: Focus
length?: string
duration?: number
fps?: number
size?: string
width?: number
height?: number
aspect?: number
audio_encode?: string
audio_bitrate?: string
audio_channel?: string
export type Meta = {
original?: Sub;
small?: Sub;
focus?: Focus;
length?: string;
duration?: number;
fps?: number;
size?: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
aspect?: number;
audio_encode?: string;
audio_bitrate?: string;
audio_channel?: string;
export type Attachment = {
id: string
type: 'unknown' | 'image' | 'gifv' | 'video' | 'audio'
url: string
remote_url: string | null
preview_url: string | null
text_url: string | null
meta: Meta | null
description: string | null
blurhash: string | null
export type Attachment = {
id: string;
type: "unknown" | "image" | "gifv" | "video" | "audio";
url: string;
remote_url: string | null;
preview_url: string | null;
text_url: string | null;
meta: Meta | null;
description: string | null;
blurhash: string | null;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Card = {
url: string
title: string
description: string
type: 'link' | 'photo' | 'video' | 'rich'
image?: string
author_name?: string
author_url?: string
provider_name?: string
provider_url?: string
html?: string
width?: number
height?: number
export type Card = {
url: string;
title: string;
description: string;
type: "link" | "photo" | "video" | "rich";
image?: string;
author_name?: string;
author_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
provider_url?: string;
html?: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
/// <reference path="status.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Context = {
ancestors: Array<Status>
descendants: Array<Status>
export type Context = {
ancestors: Array<Status>;
descendants: Array<Status>;
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
/// <reference path="status.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Conversation = {
id: string
accounts: Array<Account>
last_status: Status | null
unread: boolean
export type Conversation = {
id: string;
accounts: Array<Account>;
last_status: Status | null;
unread: boolean;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Emoji = {
shortcode: string
static_url: string
url: string
visible_in_picker: boolean
category: string
export type Emoji = {
shortcode: string;
static_url: string;
url: string;
visible_in_picker: boolean;
category: string;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
namespace Entity {
export type FeaturedTag = {
id: string
name: string
statuses_count: number
last_status_at: string
export type FeaturedTag = {
id: string;
name: string;
statuses_count: number;
last_status_at: string;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Field = {
name: string
value: string
verified_at: string | null
export type Field = {
name: string;
value: string;
verified_at: string | null;
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Filter = {
id: string
phrase: string
context: Array<FilterContext>
expires_at: string | null
irreversible: boolean
whole_word: boolean
export type Filter = {
id: string;
phrase: string;
context: Array<FilterContext>;
expires_at: string | null;
irreversible: boolean;
whole_word: boolean;
export type FilterContext = string
export type FilterContext = string;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace Entity {
export type History = {
day: string
uses: number
accounts: number
export type History = {
day: string;
uses: number;
accounts: number;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
namespace Entity {
export type IdentityProof = {
provider: string
provider_username: string
updated_at: string
proof_url: string
profile_url: string
export type IdentityProof = {
provider: string;
provider_username: string;
updated_at: string;
proof_url: string;
profile_url: string;
@ -3,39 +3,39 @@
/// <reference path="stats.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Instance = {
uri: string
title: string
description: string
email: string
version: string
thumbnail: string | null
urls: URLs
stats: Stats
languages: Array<string>
contact_account: Account | null
max_toot_chars?: number
registrations?: boolean
configuration?: {
statuses: {
max_characters: number
max_media_attachments: number
characters_reserved_per_url: number
media_attachments: {
supported_mime_types: Array<string>
image_size_limit: number
image_matrix_limit: number
video_size_limit: number
video_frame_limit: number
video_matrix_limit: number
polls: {
max_options: number
max_characters_per_option: number
min_expiration: number
max_expiration: number
export type Instance = {
uri: string;
title: string;
description: string;
email: string;
version: string;
thumbnail: string | null;
urls: URLs;
stats: Stats;
languages: Array<string>;
contact_account: Account | null;
max_toot_chars?: number;
registrations?: boolean;
configuration?: {
statuses: {
max_characters: number;
max_media_attachments: number;
characters_reserved_per_url: number;
media_attachments: {
supported_mime_types: Array<string>;
image_size_limit: number;
image_matrix_limit: number;
video_size_limit: number;
video_frame_limit: number;
video_matrix_limit: number;
polls: {
max_options: number;
max_characters_per_option: number;
min_expiration: number;
max_expiration: number;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace Entity {
export type List = {
id: string
title: string
export type List = {
id: string;
title: string;
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Marker = {
home?: {
last_read_id: string
version: number
updated_at: string
notifications?: {
last_read_id: string
version: number
updated_at: string
unread_count?: number
export type Marker = {
home?: {
last_read_id: string;
version: number;
updated_at: string;
notifications?: {
last_read_id: string;
version: number;
updated_at: string;
unread_count?: number;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Mention = {
id: string
username: string
url: string
acct: string
export type Mention = {
id: string;
username: string;
url: string;
acct: string;
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
/// <reference path="status.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Notification = {
account: Account
created_at: string
id: string
status?: Status
emoji?: string
type: NotificationType
export type Notification = {
account: Account;
created_at: string;
id: string;
status?: Status;
emoji?: string;
type: NotificationType;
export type NotificationType = string
export type NotificationType = string;
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
/// <reference path="poll_option.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Poll = {
id: string
expires_at: string | null
expired: boolean
multiple: boolean
votes_count: number
options: Array<PollOption>
voted: boolean
own_votes: Array<number>
export type Poll = {
id: string;
expires_at: string | null;
expired: boolean;
multiple: boolean;
votes_count: number;
options: Array<PollOption>;
voted: boolean;
own_votes: Array<number>;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace Entity {
export type PollOption = {
title: string
votes_count: number | null
export type PollOption = {
title: string;
votes_count: number | null;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Preferences = {
'posting:default:visibility': 'public' | 'unlisted' | 'private' | 'direct'
'posting:default:sensitive': boolean
'posting:default:language': string | null
'reading:expand:media': 'default' | 'show_all' | 'hide_all'
'reading:expand:spoilers': boolean
export type Preferences = {
"posting:default:visibility": "public" | "unlisted" | "private" | "direct";
"posting:default:sensitive": boolean;
"posting:default:language": string | null;
"reading:expand:media": "default" | "show_all" | "hide_all";
"reading:expand:spoilers": boolean;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Alerts = {
follow: boolean
favourite: boolean
mention: boolean
reblog: boolean
poll: boolean
export type Alerts = {
follow: boolean;
favourite: boolean;
mention: boolean;
reblog: boolean;
poll: boolean;
export type PushSubscription = {
id: string
endpoint: string
server_key: string
alerts: Alerts
export type PushSubscription = {
id: string;
endpoint: string;
server_key: string;
alerts: Alerts;
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
/// <reference path="account.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Reaction = {
count: number
me: boolean
name: string
url?: string
accounts?: Array<Account>
export type Reaction = {
count: number;
me: boolean;
name: string;
url?: string;
accounts?: Array<Account>;
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Relationship = {
id: string
following: boolean
followed_by: boolean
delivery_following?: boolean
blocking: boolean
blocked_by: boolean
muting: boolean
muting_notifications: boolean
requested: boolean
domain_blocking: boolean
showing_reblogs: boolean
endorsed: boolean
notifying: boolean
export type Relationship = {
id: string;
following: boolean;
followed_by: boolean;
delivery_following?: boolean;
blocking: boolean;
blocked_by: boolean;
muting: boolean;
muting_notifications: boolean;
requested: boolean;
domain_blocking: boolean;
showing_reblogs: boolean;
endorsed: boolean;
notifying: boolean;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Report = {
id: string
action_taken: string
comment: string
account_id: string
status_ids: Array<string>
export type Report = {
id: string;
action_taken: string;
comment: string;
account_id: string;
status_ids: Array<string>;
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
/// <reference path="tag.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Results = {
accounts: Array<Account>
statuses: Array<Status>
hashtags: Array<Tag>
export type Results = {
accounts: Array<Account>;
statuses: Array<Status>;
hashtags: Array<Tag>;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/// <reference path="attachment.ts" />
/// <reference path="status_params.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type ScheduledStatus = {
id: string
scheduled_at: string
params: StatusParams
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>
export type ScheduledStatus = {
id: string;
scheduled_at: string;
params: StatusParams;
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/// <reference path="field.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Source = {
privacy: string | null
sensitive: boolean | null
language: string | null
note: string
fields: Array<Field>
export type Source = {
privacy: string | null;
sensitive: boolean | null;
language: string | null;
note: string;
fields: Array<Field>;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Stats = {
user_count: number
status_count: number
domain_count: number
export type Stats = {
user_count: number;
status_count: number;
domain_count: number;
@ -9,37 +9,37 @@
/// <reference path="reaction.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Status = {
id: string
uri: string
url: string
account: Account
in_reply_to_id: string | null
in_reply_to_account_id: string | null
reblog: Status | null
content: string
plain_content: string | null
created_at: string
emojis: Emoji[]
replies_count: number
reblogs_count: number
favourites_count: number
reblogged: boolean | null
favourited: boolean | null
muted: boolean | null
sensitive: boolean
spoiler_text: string
visibility: 'public' | 'unlisted' | 'private' | 'direct'
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>
mentions: Array<Mention>
tags: Array<Tag>
card: Card | null
poll: Poll | null
application: Application | null
language: string | null
pinned: boolean | null
emoji_reactions: Array<Reaction>
quote: Status | null
bookmarked: boolean
export type Status = {
id: string;
uri: string;
url: string;
account: Account;
in_reply_to_id: string | null;
in_reply_to_account_id: string | null;
reblog: Status | null;
content: string;
plain_content: string | null;
created_at: string;
emojis: Emoji[];
replies_count: number;
reblogs_count: number;
favourites_count: number;
reblogged: boolean | null;
favourited: boolean | null;
muted: boolean | null;
sensitive: boolean;
spoiler_text: string;
visibility: "public" | "unlisted" | "private" | "direct";
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>;
mentions: Array<Mention>;
tags: Array<Tag>;
card: Card | null;
poll: Poll | null;
application: Application | null;
language: string | null;
pinned: boolean | null;
emoji_reactions: Array<Reaction>;
quote: Status | null;
bookmarked: boolean;
@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
/// <reference path="reaction.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type StatusEdit = {
account: Account
content: string
plain_content: string | null
created_at: string
emojis: Emoji[]
sensitive: boolean
spoiler_text: string
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>
poll: Poll | null
export type StatusEdit = {
account: Account;
content: string;
plain_content: string | null;
created_at: string;
emojis: Emoji[];
sensitive: boolean;
spoiler_text: string;
media_attachments: Array<Attachment>;
poll: Poll | null;
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
namespace Entity {
export type StatusParams = {
text: string
in_reply_to_id: string | null
media_ids: Array<string> | null
sensitive: boolean | null
spoiler_text: string | null
visibility: 'public' | 'unlisted' | 'private' | 'direct'
scheduled_at: string | null
application_id: string
export type StatusParams = {
text: string;
in_reply_to_id: string | null;
media_ids: Array<string> | null;
sensitive: boolean | null;
spoiler_text: string | null;
visibility: "public" | "unlisted" | "private" | "direct";
scheduled_at: string | null;
application_id: string;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/// <reference path="history.ts" />
namespace Entity {
export type Tag = {
name: string
url: string
history: Array<History> | null
following?: boolean
export type Tag = {
name: string;
url: string;
history: Array<History> | null;
following?: boolean;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
namespace Entity {
export type Token = {
access_token: string
token_type: string
scope: string
created_at: number
export type Token = {
access_token: string;
token_type: string;
scope: string;
created_at: number;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Entity {
export type URLs = {
streaming_api: string
export type URLs = {
streaming_api: string;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
/// <reference path="entities/session.ts" />
/// <reference path="entities/stats.ts" />
export default MisskeyEntity
export default MisskeyEntity;
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
import MisskeyEntity from './entity'
import MisskeyEntity from "./entity";
namespace MisskeyNotificationType {
export const Follow: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'follow'
export const Mention: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'mention'
export const Reply: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'reply'
export const Renote: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'renote'
export const Quote: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'quote'
export const Reaction: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'favourite'
export const PollEnded: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'pollEnded'
export const ReceiveFollowRequest: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'receiveFollowRequest'
export const FollowRequestAccepted: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'followRequestAccepted'
export const GroupInvited: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = 'groupInvited'
export const Follow: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "follow";
export const Mention: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "mention";
export const Reply: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "reply";
export const Renote: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "renote";
export const Quote: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "quote";
export const Reaction: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "favourite";
export const PollEnded: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "pollEnded";
export const ReceiveFollowRequest: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType =
export const FollowRequestAccepted: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType =
export const GroupInvited: MisskeyEntity.NotificationType = "groupInvited";
export default MisskeyNotificationType
export default MisskeyNotificationType;
@ -1,329 +1,365 @@
import WS from 'ws'
import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { WebSocketInterface } from '../megalodon'
import proxyAgent, { ProxyConfig } from '../proxy_config'
import MisskeyAPI from './api_client'
import WS from "ws";
import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "dayjs";
import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { WebSocketInterface } from "../megalodon";
import proxyAgent, { ProxyConfig } from "../proxy_config";
import MisskeyAPI from "./api_client";
* WebSocket
* Misskey is not support http streaming. It supports websocket instead of streaming.
* So this class connect to Misskey server with WebSocket.
export default class WebSocket extends EventEmitter implements WebSocketInterface {
public url: string
public channel: 'user' | 'localTimeline' | 'hybridTimeline' | 'globalTimeline' | 'conversation' | 'list'
public parser: any
public headers: { [key: string]: string }
public proxyConfig: ProxyConfig | false = false
public listId: string | null = null
private _converter: MisskeyAPI.Converter
private _accessToken: string
private _reconnectInterval: number
private _reconnectMaxAttempts: number
private _reconnectCurrentAttempts: number
private _connectionClosed: boolean
private _client: WS | null = null
private _channelID: string
private _pongReceivedTimestamp: Dayjs
private _heartbeatInterval: number = 60000
private _pongWaiting: boolean = false
export default class WebSocket
extends EventEmitter
implements WebSocketInterface
public url: string;
public channel:
| "user"
| "localTimeline"
| "hybridTimeline"
| "globalTimeline"
| "conversation"
| "list";
public parser: any;
public headers: { [key: string]: string };
public proxyConfig: ProxyConfig | false = false;
public listId: string | null = null;
private _converter: MisskeyAPI.Converter;
private _accessToken: string;
private _reconnectInterval: number;
private _reconnectMaxAttempts: number;
private _reconnectCurrentAttempts: number;
private _connectionClosed: boolean;
private _client: WS | null = null;
private _channelID: string;
private _pongReceivedTimestamp: Dayjs;
private _heartbeatInterval = 60000;
private _pongWaiting = false;
* @param url Full url of websocket: e.g. wss://
* @param channel Channel name is user, localTimeline, hybridTimeline, globalTimeline, conversation or list.
* @param accessToken The access token.
* @param listId This parameter is required when you specify list as channel.
url: string,
channel: 'user' | 'localTimeline' | 'hybridTimeline' | 'globalTimeline' | 'conversation' | 'list',
accessToken: string,
listId: string | undefined,
userAgent: string,
proxyConfig: ProxyConfig | false = false,
converter: MisskeyAPI.Converter
) {
this.url = url
this.parser = new Parser()
|||| = channel
this.headers = {
'User-Agent': userAgent
if (listId === undefined) {
this.listId = null
} else {
this.listId = listId
this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig
this._accessToken = accessToken
this._reconnectInterval = 10000
this._reconnectMaxAttempts = Infinity
this._reconnectCurrentAttempts = 0
this._connectionClosed = false
this._channelID = uuid()
this._pongReceivedTimestamp = dayjs()
this._converter = converter
* @param url Full url of websocket: e.g. wss://
* @param channel Channel name is user, localTimeline, hybridTimeline, globalTimeline, conversation or list.
* @param accessToken The access token.
* @param listId This parameter is required when you specify list as channel.
url: string,
| "user"
| "localTimeline"
| "hybridTimeline"
| "globalTimeline"
| "conversation"
| "list",
accessToken: string,
listId: string | undefined,
userAgent: string,
proxyConfig: ProxyConfig | false = false,
converter: MisskeyAPI.Converter,
) {
this.url = url;
this.parser = new Parser();
|||| = channel;
this.headers = {
"User-Agent": userAgent,
if (listId === undefined) {
this.listId = null;
} else {
this.listId = listId;
this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig;
this._accessToken = accessToken;
this._reconnectInterval = 10000;
this._reconnectMaxAttempts = Infinity;
this._reconnectCurrentAttempts = 0;
this._connectionClosed = false;
this._channelID = uuid();
this._pongReceivedTimestamp = dayjs();
this._converter = converter;
* Start websocket connection.
public start() {
this._connectionClosed = false
* Start websocket connection.
public start() {
this._connectionClosed = false;
private baseUrlToHost(baseUrl: string): string {
return baseUrl.replace('https://', '')
private baseUrlToHost(baseUrl: string): string {
return baseUrl.replace("https://", "");
* Reset connection and start new websocket connection.
private _startWebSocketConnection() {
this._client = this._connect()
* Reset connection and start new websocket connection.
private _startWebSocketConnection() {
this._client = this._connect();
* Stop current connection.
public stop() {
this._connectionClosed = true
* Stop current connection.
public stop() {
this._connectionClosed = true;
* Clean up current connection, and listeners.
private _resetConnection() {
if (this._client) {
this._client = null
* Clean up current connection, and listeners.
private _resetConnection() {
if (this._client) {
this._client = null;
if (this.parser) {
if (this.parser) {
* Resets the parameters used in reconnect.
private _resetRetryParams() {
this._reconnectCurrentAttempts = 0
* Resets the parameters used in reconnect.
private _resetRetryParams() {
this._reconnectCurrentAttempts = 0;
* Connect to the endpoint.
private _connect(): WS {
let options: WS.ClientOptions = {
headers: this.headers
if (this.proxyConfig) {
options = Object.assign(options, {
agent: proxyAgent(this.proxyConfig)
const cli: WS = new WS(`${this.url}?i=${this._accessToken}`, options)
return cli
* Connect to the endpoint.
private _connect(): WS {
let options: WS.ClientOptions = {
headers: this.headers,
if (this.proxyConfig) {
options = Object.assign(options, {
agent: proxyAgent(this.proxyConfig),
const cli: WS = new WS(`${this.url}?i=${this._accessToken}`, options);
return cli;
* Connect specified channels in websocket.
private _channel() {
if (!this._client) {
switch ( {
case 'conversation':
type: 'connect',
body: {
channel: 'main',
id: this._channelID
case 'user':
type: 'connect',
body: {
channel: 'main',
id: this._channelID
type: 'connect',
body: {
channel: 'homeTimeline',
id: this._channelID
case 'list':
type: 'connect',
body: {
channel: 'userList',
id: this._channelID,
params: {
listId: this.listId
type: 'connect',
body: {
id: this._channelID
* Connect specified channels in websocket.
private _channel() {
if (!this._client) {
switch ( {
case "conversation":
type: "connect",
body: {
channel: "main",
id: this._channelID,
case "user":
type: "connect",
body: {
channel: "main",
id: this._channelID,
type: "connect",
body: {
channel: "homeTimeline",
id: this._channelID,
case "list":
type: "connect",
body: {
channel: "userList",
id: this._channelID,
params: {
listId: this.listId,
type: "connect",
body: {
id: this._channelID,
* Reconnects to the same endpoint.
* Reconnects to the same endpoint.
private _reconnect() {
setTimeout(() => {
// Skip reconnect when client is connecting.
if (this._client && this._client.readyState === WS.CONNECTING) {
private _reconnect() {
setTimeout(() => {
// Skip reconnect when client is connecting.
if (this._client && this._client.readyState === WS.CONNECTING) {
if (this._reconnectCurrentAttempts < this._reconnectMaxAttempts) {
if (this._client) {
// In reconnect, we want to close the connection immediately,
// because recoonect is necessary when some problems occur.
// Call connect methods
this._client = this._connect()
}, this._reconnectInterval)
if (this._reconnectCurrentAttempts < this._reconnectMaxAttempts) {
if (this._client) {
// In reconnect, we want to close the connection immediately,
// because recoonect is necessary when some problems occur.
// Call connect methods
this._client = this._connect();
}, this._reconnectInterval);
* Clear binding event for websocket client.
private _clearBinding() {
if (this._client) {
* Clear binding event for websocket client.
private _clearBinding() {
if (this._client) {
* Bind event for web socket client.
* @param client A WebSocket instance.
private _bindSocket(client: WS) {
client.on('close', (code: number, _reason: Buffer) => {
if (code === 1000) {
this.emit('close', {})
} else {
console.log(`Closed connection with ${code}`)
if (!this._connectionClosed) {
client.on('pong', () => {
this._pongWaiting = false
this.emit('pong', {})
this._pongReceivedTimestamp = dayjs()
// It is required to anonymous function since get this scope in checkAlive.
setTimeout(() => this._checkAlive(this._pongReceivedTimestamp), this._heartbeatInterval)
client.on('open', () => {
this.emit('connect', {})
// Call first ping event.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
client.on('message', (data: WS.Data, isBinary: boolean) => {
this.parser.parse(data, isBinary, this._channelID)
client.on('error', (err: Error) => {
this.emit('error', err)
* Bind event for web socket client.
* @param client A WebSocket instance.
private _bindSocket(client: WS) {
client.on("close", (code: number, _reason: Buffer) => {
if (code === 1000) {
this.emit("close", {});
} else {
console.log(`Closed connection with ${code}`);
if (!this._connectionClosed) {
client.on("pong", () => {
this._pongWaiting = false;
this.emit("pong", {});
this._pongReceivedTimestamp = dayjs();
// It is required to anonymous function since get this scope in checkAlive.
() => this._checkAlive(this._pongReceivedTimestamp),
client.on("open", () => {
this.emit("connect", {});
// Call first ping event.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
client.on("message", (data: WS.Data, isBinary: boolean) => {
this.parser.parse(data, isBinary, this._channelID);
client.on("error", (err: Error) => {
this.emit("error", err);
* Set up parser when receive message.
private _setupParser() {
this.parser.on('update', (note: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note) => {
this.emit('update', this._converter.note(note, this.baseUrlToHost(this.url)))
this.parser.on('notification', (notification: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Notification) => {
this.emit('notification', this._converter.notification(notification, this.baseUrlToHost(this.url)))
this.parser.on('conversation', (note: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note) => {
this.emit('conversation', this._converter.noteToConversation(note, this.baseUrlToHost(this.url)))
this.parser.on('error', (err: Error) => {
this.emit('parser-error', err)
* Set up parser when receive message.
private _setupParser() {
this.parser.on("update", (note: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note) => {
this._converter.note(note, this.baseUrlToHost(this.url)),
(notification: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Notification) => {
this.parser.on("conversation", (note: MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note) => {
this._converter.noteToConversation(note, this.baseUrlToHost(this.url)),
this.parser.on("error", (err: Error) => {
this.emit("parser-error", err);
* Call ping and wait to pong.
private _checkAlive(timestamp: Dayjs) {
const now: Dayjs = dayjs()
// Block multiple calling, if multiple pong event occur.
// It the duration is less than interval, through ping.
if (now.diff(timestamp) > this._heartbeatInterval - 1000 && !this._connectionClosed) {
// Skip ping when client is connecting.
if (this._client && this._client.readyState !== WS.CONNECTING) {
this._pongWaiting = true
setTimeout(() => {
if (this._pongWaiting) {
this._pongWaiting = false
}, 10000)
* Call ping and wait to pong.
private _checkAlive(timestamp: Dayjs) {
const now: Dayjs = dayjs();
// Block multiple calling, if multiple pong event occur.
// It the duration is less than interval, through ping.
if (
now.diff(timestamp) > this._heartbeatInterval - 1000 &&
) {
// Skip ping when client is connecting.
if (this._client && this._client.readyState !== WS.CONNECTING) {
this._pongWaiting = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if (this._pongWaiting) {
this._pongWaiting = false;
}, 10000);
@ -331,84 +367,92 @@ export default class WebSocket extends EventEmitter implements WebSocketInterfac
* This class provides parser for websocket message.
export class Parser extends EventEmitter {
* @param message Message body of websocket.
* @param channelID Parse only messages which has same channelID.
public parse(data: WS.Data, isBinary: boolean, channelID: string) {
const message = isBinary ? data : data.toString()
if (typeof message !== 'string') {
this.emit('heartbeat', {})
* @param message Message body of websocket.
* @param channelID Parse only messages which has same channelID.
public parse(data: WS.Data, isBinary: boolean, channelID: string) {
const message = isBinary ? data : data.toString();
if (typeof message !== "string") {
this.emit("heartbeat", {});
if (message === '') {
this.emit('heartbeat', {})
if (message === "") {
this.emit("heartbeat", {});
let obj: {
type: string
body: {
id: string
type: string
body: any
let body: {
id: string
type: string
body: any
let obj: {
type: string;
body: {
id: string;
type: string;
body: any;
let body: {
id: string;
type: string;
body: any;
try {
obj = JSON.parse(message)
if (obj.type !== 'channel') {
if (!obj.body) {
body = obj.body
if ( !== channelID) {
} catch (err) {
this.emit('error', new Error(`Error parsing websocket reply: ${message}, error message: ${err}`))
try {
obj = JSON.parse(message);
if (obj.type !== "channel") {
if (!obj.body) {
body = obj.body;
if ( !== channelID) {
} catch (err) {
new Error(
`Error parsing websocket reply: ${message}, error message: ${err}`,
switch (body.type) {
case 'note':
this.emit('update', body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note)
case 'notification':
this.emit('notification', body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Notification)
case 'mention': {
const note = body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note
if (note.visibility === 'specified') {
this.emit('conversation', note)
// When renote and followed event, the same notification will be received.
case 'renote':
case 'followed':
case 'follow':
case 'unfollow':
case 'receiveFollowRequest':
case 'meUpdated':
case 'readAllNotifications':
case 'readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes':
case 'readAllAntennas':
case 'readAllUnreadMentions':
case 'unreadNotification':
// Ignore these events
this.emit('error', new Error(`Unknown event has received: ${JSON.stringify(body)}`))
switch (body.type) {
case "note":
this.emit("update", body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note);
case "notification":
this.emit("notification", body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Notification);
case "mention": {
const note = body.body as MisskeyAPI.Entity.Note;
if (note.visibility === "specified") {
this.emit("conversation", note);
// When renote and followed event, the same notification will be received.
case "renote":
case "followed":
case "follow":
case "unfollow":
case "receiveFollowRequest":
case "meUpdated":
case "readAllNotifications":
case "readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes":
case "readAllAntennas":
case "readAllUnreadMentions":
case "unreadNotification":
// Ignore these events
new Error(`Unknown event has received: ${JSON.stringify(body)}`),
Add table
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