diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 0b999b8a49..326ddbb31f 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ stages:
   - build
   - dependency
   - clean
+  - manage
   POSTGRES_DB: 'firefish_db'
@@ -362,3 +363,15 @@ clean:
     - pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
     - pnpm run clean-all
+  stage: manage
+  rules:
+    - if: $MANAGE && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule'
+  image: registry.firefish.dev/firefish/gitlab-issue-labels
+  variables:
+    GITLAB_HOST: "firefish.dev"
+  services: []
+  before_script: []
+  script:
+    - gitlab-issue-labels
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/default.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/default.md
index 8701c07e69..ca09035104 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/default.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/default.md
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
 <!-- If this happens on your device and has to do with the user interface, it's client-side. If this happens on either with the API or the backend, or you got a server-side error in the client, it's server-side. -->
 <!-- Uncomment (remove surrounding arrow signs) the following line(s) to specify the category of this issue. -->
-<!-- * Server -->
-<!-- * Client -->
-<!-- * Mobile -->
-<!-- * Third-party-client -->
-<!-- * Docs -->
-<!-- * Locale -->
-<!-- * Build from source -->
-<!-- * Container -->
-<!-- * Firefish API -->
-<!-- * Mastodon API -->
+<!-- * label: Server -->
+<!-- * label: Client -->
+<!-- * label: Mobile -->
+<!-- * label: Third-party-client -->
+<!-- * label: Docs -->
+<!-- * label: Locale -->
+<!-- * label: Build from source -->
+<!-- * label: Container -->
+<!-- * label: Firefish API -->
+<!-- * label: Mastodon API -->
+<!-- Please do not edit the next line -->
+* label: Bug?
 ## What happened?
 <!-- Please give us a brief description of what happened. -->
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/discussion.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/discussion.md
index 08c5201a27..bc930f302c 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/discussion.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/discussion.md
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
 <!-- If this happens on your device and has to do with the user interface, it's client-side. If this happens on either with the API or the backend, or you got a server-side error in the client, it's server-side. -->
 <!-- Uncomment (remove surrounding arrow signs) the following line(s) to specify the category of this issue. -->
-<!-- * Server -->
-<!-- * Client -->
-<!-- * Mobile -->
-<!-- * Third-party-client -->
-<!-- * Docs -->
-<!-- * Locale -->
-<!-- * Build from source -->
-<!-- * Container -->
-<!-- * Firefish API -->
-<!-- * Mastodon API -->
+<!-- * label: Server -->
+<!-- * label: Client -->
+<!-- * label: Mobile -->
+<!-- * label: Third-party-client -->
+<!-- * label: Docs -->
+<!-- * label: Locale -->
+<!-- * label: Build from source -->
+<!-- * label: Container -->
+<!-- * label: Firefish API -->
+<!-- * label: Mastodon API -->
+<!-- Please do not edit the next line -->
+* label: Discussion
 ## What do you think needs to be discussed?
 <!-- Please tell us your idea. -->
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/feature.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/feature.md
index 3c5792c155..1eb2a713a9 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/feature.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/feature.md
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
 <!-- If this happens on your device and has to do with the user interface, it's client-side. If this happens on either with the API or the backend, or you got a server-side error in the client, it's server-side. -->
 <!-- Uncomment (remove surrounding arrow signs) the following line(s) to specify the category of this issue. -->
-<!-- * Server -->
-<!-- * Client -->
-<!-- * Mobile -->
-<!-- * Third-party-client -->
-<!-- * Docs -->
-<!-- * Locale -->
-<!-- * Build from source -->
-<!-- * Container -->
-<!-- * Firefish API -->
-<!-- * Mastodon API -->
+<!-- * label: Server -->
+<!-- * label: Client -->
+<!-- * label: Mobile -->
+<!-- * label: Third-party-client -->
+<!-- * label: Docs -->
+<!-- * label: Locale -->
+<!-- * label: Build from source -->
+<!-- * label: Container -->
+<!-- * label: Firefish API -->
+<!-- * label: Mastodon API -->
+<!-- Please do not edit the next line -->
+* label: Feature
 ## What feature would you like implemented?
 <!-- Please give us a brief description of what you'd like to be refactored. -->
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/refactor.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/refactor.md
index cc58fa7c74..ab9a544513 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/refactor.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/refactor.md
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
 <!-- If this happens on your device and has to do with the user interface, it's client-side. If this happens on either with the API or the backend, or you got a server-side error in the client, it's server-side. -->
 <!-- Uncomment (remove surrounding arrow signs) the following line(s) to specify the category of this issue. -->
-<!-- * Server -->
-<!-- * Client -->
-<!-- * Mobile -->
-<!-- * Third-party-client -->
-<!-- * Docs -->
-<!-- * Locale -->
-<!-- * Build from source -->
-<!-- * Container -->
-<!-- * Firefish API -->
-<!-- * Mastodon API -->
+<!-- * label: Server -->
+<!-- * label: Client -->
+<!-- * label: Mobile -->
+<!-- * label: Third-party-client -->
+<!-- * label: Docs -->
+<!-- * label: Locale -->
+<!-- * label: Build from source -->
+<!-- * label: Container -->
+<!-- * label: Firefish API -->
+<!-- * label: Mastodon API -->
+<!-- Please do not edit the next line -->
+* label: Refactor
 ## What parts of the code do you think should be refactored?
 <!-- Please give us a brief description of what you'd like. -->